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Harmony 101: Citizens of Harmony

Image Property of 'ePassions.' This month: Antonio Lopez-Fitzgerald!
Welcome to 'Citizens of Harmony.' Every month, we will add a new character from "Passions" to this archive! Last week, our "Citizen of Harmony" was Hank Bennett, the handsome and charming younger brother of Chief of Police Samuel Bennett. This month, it is the terminally ill Antonio "Brian" Lopez-Fitzgerald, Pilar's son.

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Citizens of Harmony:

More Citizens of Harmony:
The Bennett House
Jessica Anne Bennett

The Russell House
Coach TC Russell
Dr. Eve Russell
Liz Sanbourne

The Lenox House
Kay Bennett

Grace's Bed & Breakfast
Hank Bennett

The Lopez-Fitzgerald House
Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald
Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald

The Crane Mansion
Alistair Crane
Julian Crane
Theresa Crane
Ethan Winthrop
Rebecca Osburn Hotchkiss
Gwen Hotchkiss Winthrop

The Wallace House
Mrs. Wallace
Beth Wallace

St. Margaret Mary's Church
Father Lonigan

Sheridan's Cottage
Antonio Lopez-Fitzgerald

Please note: Gwen Hotchkiss is listed in the Crane mansion because she is currently sleeping in Ethan's room there.

Also: Ethan Winthrop is listed under "Crane Mansion" because that is where he currently lives, in the bedroom next to Theresa's, ever since the Lopez-Fitzgerald household fire.

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