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Image Property of ''ePassions.'' Beth Wallace

Fun Fact: Beth went after her mother...with an axe!

 Character Profile: 

The Whole Story: Beth Wallace is the "sweet," "innocent," and psychotic ex-girlfriend / fiancée of Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. However, nobody except for her mother knows what she's really like! She is currently plotting to destroy Sheridan and Luis's love–and she just might even resort to murder!

While on the outside, she is sweet and caring, on the inside she is manipulative. Even though she does have a heart, she is very calculating and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

Beth also suffers some strange psychological problems, due to the way her life and mother have been to her.

Family: Beth doesn't know who her father is. All she knows is that she has a mother...Mrs. Wallace, whom she dislikes with a passion!

Occupation: Beth, who used to own it, now only manages the Book Café.

Love History: Was in love with Luis for as long as she can remember. Only, when his father disappeared, they were seperated. After Sheridan disappeared, Beth and Luis got engaged. Now that Sheridan is back and Beth is single, Beth is resorting to evil to get who she wants.

Best Friends: Luis and Hank.

Worst times of her life: When she was a young girl, she was molested frequently by her mother's "men." Also, when she was constantly let down by Luis.

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