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Image Property of ''ePassions.'' Coach TC Russell

Fun Fact: When TC first met Eve, they argued like they hated each other, much like Sheridan and Luis!

 Character Profile: 

The Whole Story: TC is the high school coach at 'Harmony High.' He has always loved sports with a passion. TC is married to beautiful Eve, and has two daughters, Simone and Whitney.

TC was such a wonderful tennis player—that is, until the accident that left him in the cold. The day before the big tennis tournament, he was involved in a deadly accident, and was unable to play the next day. TC suspects that the accident was caused by Julian Crane, because Julian wanted to beat TC at the match.

TC hates Julian with a passion, especially since Julian won the trophy. Little does he know, that his wife once had a steamy affair with Julian in the past. Although TC hates Julian for ruining his life, he keeps his dreams flowing, by insisting that his daughter Whitney, follows in his footsteps. He even has made Whitney think that it is her idea.

As a matter of fact, Whitney had onced scratched her knee due to an avalanche caused by Tabitha. When TC found out, he was ready to kill Chad, whom he thought was responsible! If Whitney ever gave up tennis, TC's heart would break, and he would almost lose the will to live. TC also has strong feelings about racism.

Family: Eve Russell (wife), Simone & Whitney (daughters).

Love History: Eve Russell (current wife).

Best Friend: Sam Bennett.

Worst Enemy: Julian Crane.

Occupation: Athletic coach.

Worst Day of His Life: When he lost his tennis career in the accident that Julian and Alistair caused.

Best Day of His Life: When he first saw Whitney!

Best Qualities: Loving, caring, and loyal.

Worst Qualities: Overbearing, overprotective, controlling, hot-tempered, somewhat-selfish, and conclusive.

Personal Goal: To get revenge on Julian Crane; for Whitney to win at Wimbledon!

Citizens of Harmony:
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