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Image Property of ''ePassions.'' Ethan Winthrop

Fun Fact: Ethan can sing like Elvis!

 Character Profile: 

The Whole Story: Ethan "Crane" and Gwen were lovers ever since shorty after childhood. Ethan tried to propose to her on several occasions, but Gwen turned him down because she was worried that she had put too much pressure on him. Eventually, the two got engaged. However, when Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald, the housekeeper's daughter, caught Ethan's heart, Ethan called off the wedding the night before.

Gwen was so angry, that she went to Theresa's house with a baseball bat! She trashed the house and locked Pilar in the closet. She tried to kill Theresa by strangling her.

When Ethan made the big decision to marry Theresa, Gwen and Rebecca were furious. They discovered that Ethan was not really a Crane...that he was a Bennett! Rebecca had found the evidence that Theresa had scanned into her computer. The two then sent the evidence to a sleazy tabloid, ruining his life. They had set Theresa up to take the blame for the incriminating e-mail.

Theresa, confused, went down to Bermuda to talk Julian into reinstating Ethan as a Crane. Instead of helping Ethan, Julian got Theresa drunk, and the two accidentally got married!

After lying about getting married to Julian, and about sleeping with him, Ethan told Theresa that they were through. Even after Theresa sacrificed her life for him, he still stayed in Gwen's arms after she returned from the dead.

Now, Theresa has saved his life once again, Ethan still wanted Gwen. Just before he was about to propose, Ethan did some thinking, and realized that his heart belong with Theresa. Soon, however, Gwen discovered she was pregnant with Ethan's baby, and Ethan changed his mind and proposed to Gwen instead.

Ethan and Gwen are now married, while Theresa is still intent on getting him back. Ethan despises Theresa because he believes that she is out to destroy his mother, whom he mistakenly believes to be a moral woman.

Family: Ethan is Ivy Winthrop's son, as well as Sam Bennett's.

Occupation: Ethan is a lawyer at Crane Industries.

Best Friends: Chad Harris, and his ex-aunt, Sheridan Crane.

Favorite Television Shows: NBC's Law & Order, Crime & Punishment, Law & Order: SVU, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

Best Day of his Life: When Theresa said "yes" to his proposal at Christmas time, when Gwen said "yes" at the skating rink, when Gwen said "yes" to his second proposal, and his wedding day.

Worst Day of his Life: Finding out that he wasn't a Crane; finding out Theresa had become a Crane; finding out Theresa was pregnant by Julian; fighting demons from hell; Theresa's "execution," and many others!

Personal Motto: "Honesty is the best policy."

Favorite Gift: A briefcase given to him by his new half-sisters/cousin Kay, Jessica, and Charity (Actually, it was the Zombie Charity, but he doesn't know that!). He also recieved a laptop from Baby Ethan.

Best Qualities: Kind and loving.

Worst Qualities: Naive, stubborn, and he can be extremely harsh.

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