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Image Property of ''ePassions.'' Hank Bennett

Fun Fact: Hank is a pool shark!

 Character Profile: 

The Whole Story: Hank has always been a world traveller. Part of the reason is because he has had some very bad dealings in the past, and he tries to avoid it as much as possible.

One of the dealings caused him to be put into the position of "killing" Sheridan, his old love interest. This was actually, in fact, faked and the people who wanted Sheridan dead were caught. Sheridan was also rescued from her cemented tomb after being buried alive.

Afterwards, Hank had sworn to be good from there on out, and decided to join the force of law.

Family: Hank has a very large family. His brother is Chief Sam Bennett, and his sister in law is Grace. His nieces and nephews include Jessica, Charity, Kay, Noah, and Ethan. He also believes that John is his nephew as well, and his brother's "wife's" supposed husband David's son. Hank's father is Ben Bennett.

Occupation: Hank is currently practicing law enforcement.

Love History: The only thing known right now is that Hank once had a crush on Sheridan.

Best Friends: Hank's best friend is Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald.

Worst Enemies: Roger and Pierre from the drug cartel.

Worst day of her life: When he realized that Sheridan may die because of his plan.

Personal Motto: Go with the flow.

Best Qualities: Handsome, charming, considerate, smart and thoughtful.

Worst Qualities: Irresponsible and impulsive.

Citizens of Harmony:
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