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Image Property of ''ePassions.'' Kay Bennett

Fun Fact: Kay once sold her soul!

 Character Profile: 

The Whole Story: For as long as she can remember, Kay Bennett has loved her best guy friend, Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald. Miguel and Kay seemed destined to be with one another, that is until Charity arrived into town.

Right before Miguel was going to confess his feelings for Kay, he met Charity, and his entire world changed. The love that the two people shared was unbelievable, especially when it came to Kay.

Kay manipulated and schemed to keep the two apart, even at the expense of her own mother's happiness. However, when she discovered that her and Simone's suspicions were right, that Charity is her cousin, all hell broke lose.

Charity seemed to be taking over everything. Grace gave Charity Kay's car money, her room, and more!

After several manipulations, Kay was about to call it quits, when she met Hecuba, a 300-year-old witch. Hecuba had a magic mirror, which gave Kay hope for a future with Miguel.

With that, Kay sold her soul to Hecuba to get herself out of a sticky situation with Chad, Whitney, and Simone. Afterwards, Hecuba and Kay made a deal that if Kay helped Hecuba, she would have her soul returned to her, and have Miguel as well!

Things didn't turn out that way, however. Kay ended up sending Charity, Miguel, and herself to hell! After several strange adventures in and out of hell, the Bennett house sunk to the ground, and from then on out, Kay decided to be good. After the Bennett house was rebuilt, however, Kay resorted back to her evil ways.

She got her hands on "The Book of Spells: Spells of Pain," and used it to freeze Charity in a block of ice! Not only that, but a Zombie version of Charity was released from the icy case. Not only did the Zombie follow Kay's orders, but Miguel was getting further and futher from "Charity," since Zombie Charity kept fooling around with other guys.

Over time, Zombie Charity's motives changed. She ended up trying to seduce Miguel, so that they could make love. Kay knew that if the two made love, Miguel would die, since he would be making love to a demon.

However, finally Miguel realized on some level of subconsciousness that Zombie Charity wasn't the real Charity. Zombie Charity then bottled the essence of the real Charity. Kay found it and used it to make love to Miguel, before the Zombie was able to. Timmy saved the real Charity and "killed" the "recurring" Zombie shortly after Kay made love to Miguel, and shortly before he died himself.

Kay is now pregnant with Miguel's baby, and living at Tabitha's Tabitha's new helper!

Family: Kay has a brother Noah, as well as a sister Jessica. Her parents Sam and Grace (whom she hates) are currently having problems. Kay's half-brother is Ethan, but she knows her other "half-brother" John isn't really her brother. Kay's cousin is Charity.

Love History: Kay has always been in love with only Miguel. She has also had to pretend to be in love with Reese.

Best Friends: Miguel and Simone Russell.

Worst Enemies: Hecuba, Grace, Charity, and Zombie Charity.

Best Day of her Life: When she made love to Miguel.

Worst Day of her Life: When she found out Charity was her cousin, when Charity came into town, when Charity almost died, when she was in hell. Personal Motto: All's fair in love and war.

Surprising Fact: Kay doesn't really want to hurt Charity. She just wants to be loved by Miguel.

Fun Fact: Kay does exercises every morning to enlarge her breasts!

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