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Image Property of ''ePassions.'' Mrs. Wallace

Fun Fact: Mrs. Wallace had an "accident" on one of the Crane mansion checes!!

 Character Profile: 

The Whole Story: Mrs. Wallace and her daughter Beth do not get along at all! As a matter of fact, Beth is the reason that Mrs. Wallace has the walker she does! Mrs. Wallace is most certainly not a good person, but she does know how to act it! She is terrified of her daughter, and wants Luis and Sheridan to be together.

Family: Mrs. Wallace's only known family is Beth, her daughter. Neither of them know who Beth's real father is.

Occupation: A full time patient at the "Wallace Hospital for Horrible Parents!"

Fun Fact: Mrs. Wallace knew Tabitha when she was just a little girl–and Tabitha was old back then too! Also: Mrs. Wallace was sneaking all over the Crane mansion to steal decorations, when she walked in on Julian taking a bath!

Occupation: A full time patient at the "Wallace Hospital for Horrible Parents!"

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