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Image Property of ''ePassions.'' Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald

Fun Fact: Theresa is an excellent singer!

 Character Profile: 

The Whole Story: Theresa has loved Ethan ever since childhood. She dreamt of marrying him and become "Mrs. Ethan Crane," and even planned their wedding! However, there was only one problem–they'd never even met!

Theresa was under a lot of pressure because her older brother Luis hated the Cranes. When Ethan and Theresa first met, Theresa spilled a can of blue paint all over him. After several accidents, Ethan became convinced that Theresa was stalking him.

However, Theresa secretly took a job at the Crane mansion. Ethan didn't know that his "stalker" was Pilar's daughter...he didn't even know her name! So when Theresa showed up for work, she had to wear a phony disguise.

After Theresa was exposed as Ethan's stalker, Theresa and Ethan grew closer, much to Gwen's chagrin. Ethan and Gwen have been together for several years, and have been pushed together by the Crane and Hotchkiss families. Ethan later discovered he had feelings for Theresa, after she confessed her love for him.

Ethan then cancelled his wedding to Gwen, and left a brokenhearted Gwen full of anger. However, Theresa had stumbled across some information...she learned that Ethan wasn't really a Crane! When this happened, she scanned the information into her computer after Rebecca and Gwen tricked her into thinking that Ethan didn't want her.

After Rebecca and Gwen framed her for sending the information to the tabloid, Theresa went to Bermuda to talk to Julian. Julian "raped" her and married her, destroying Ethan and Theresa's relationship forever.

Despite her pleas, Ethan refuses to be with Theresa because he cannot trust her after she lied to him about his paternity, about marrying Julian, and about being pregnant with Julian's baby.

Theresa is married to Julian, and is mother to their child, Little Ethan Martin Crane, a namesake of Ethan Winthrop (Ethan took his mother's maiden name after he discovered his true paternity) and Martin Fitzgerald.

Theresa was delighted when Ethan forgave her and decided to propose to her. She was devastated again, however, when Ethan changed his mind and chose Gwen again upon learning of Gwen's pregnancy. Now that Ethan and Gwen are married, Theresa has tried almost everything to convince Ethan that he still loves her. There is just one problem: Ethan hates her. He believes that Theresa tried to kill his "saintly" mother! The thing is, Ivy framed Theresa...

Family: Theresa's mother is Pilar, the housekeeper at the Crane state. Her siblings include Antonio, Paloma, Luis, and Miguel. Theresa also has a son, Ethan Martin Crane.

Occupation: Theresa is a "vice president" of Crane Industries. She doesn't know of which department yet, however.

Love History: Theresa has always loved only one man: Ethan.

Best Friends: Theresa's best friend is Whitney Russell.

Worst Enemies: Ivy Winthrop, Rebecca Osburn, Gwen Hotchkiss, and Julian Crane.

Best day of her life: When Ethan chose her over Gwen.

Worst day of her life: When she woke up and realised that she was married to Julian!

Personal Motto: All's fair in love and war.

Best Qualities: Romantic, optimistic, caring, loving, fun, smart, and beautiful.

Worst Qualities: Impulsive, irresponsible, and manipulative.

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