Jessica's Journal
August 30th, 2001
I am absolutely sick and tired of all this...this weirdnessover the past two years! Happy things happen but then they don't, you know? Like Mom finding out that she has a twin sister named Faith, only to have Faith die in an aweful fire! Then there was the Martin Imposter, and the prom boat disaster. Oh, and not to mention the fish guts (I still think it was Kay but she never admitted it). Then straight afterwards, Theresa got into a car accident, and Sheridan was buried alive. Dad found out he had another son, and our house was destroyed! And now it's the island. Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever be a family once again in our own house. At first I thought that was possible since our house is being built. However, Charity is almost 18, and will probably marry out of the house before it is even built!