Animals Timmy has been...
Timmy has been a frog, goat, and more when Hecuba was in the little red bottle. He has also dressed up as a dog for Halloween, so he could scare Fluffy. Well he thought wrong! Now, Timmy is a real boy, after the wooden "Pinhocchio" made a 'wish upon a star.'
Animals Tabitha has been...
Tabitha's "friends" turned her into a dog, the night Faith was killed. When she melted, the witch doctor turned her into a fish, where she was then transformed into a mermaid, and turned back to normal! Tabitha has also been a mouse, and she has had her head cut offˇXby Timmy! Et tu Timtim!
Tabitha has also been in some crazy get-ups! From her pilgrim days to her 'farmer Tabby' days! Did you know that Tabitha dressed as a nun so that she could get to Charity's room at the hospital? Or that she used the same disguise to escape from Norma?