Greetings of vistor from afar. It is I, your not so humble Webmistress, Caroline. Because I am the first one to actually do something with this site, I can write anything. WOOHOO. (Actually our friend Meredith made this site and has worked on it more then any of us. Many thnx to you Mere) Anywho basically this site is maintained by 3 friends (Actually now it's 4 since Mere decided to join) who wish to share their insanity with the world. Actually my other site I delated and I might put some of the pages here. WEll that's my spewl and it will probably get delated later. Here's my site which is basically nothing. Whoopee.
To the squirrel (Sarah)
Move over, you pesky human! Tis I, Katharine the Great!
actually, i'm not great at all. i'm just kinda..... well..... me. isn't that fascinating? i could put a lot of stuff here, but i've already got a page set up from my last site (which got shut down because it was crap) and isn't that nifty? Go HERE ^_^