Yes! The reverse-beyond! All those photographs from Junior High, as well as some photos from much earlier!

Me, Meg, and Teri in 1994!

Bracey loves his milk!

Erin picking up bits of a broken claculator after we'd tried throwing them into the toilet bowl.

The original Freak Point Population 17. minus a few...

Ian doing his best Elton John impression.

Julie Reck. Some of you know her.

Kelly posing on the last day of school before xmas in Grade 9.

Matt Skinner at Sean's house - "eek!" (taken in grade 8!! as were the next two)

Some weird... thing. From Sean's house. That explains it.

Another Sean's house photo.

Curtis trying on my t-shirt.

Haley in grade 9

the grade 9 (school) trip (read: huge waterfight) to Graves Island

Graves again :)

and yet -more- fun at Graves Island!!!!

Skipping off school before exams to... hang out at the drugstore

me in the t-shirt i stole from one of the core-french classes; i know you can't read it in the photo, but it reads 'vol et stupide'. i think that should be 'voler est stupide' (stealing is stupid. but as is, it says "stealing and stupid". Stupid core-french.

and here it is again!

dave martin on the St Annes trip in grade 7!

back in the goth days. god, those were fun :)

more photos from junior high? yes