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Italian Job

The Italian Job

Total Grade: 76


Plot: 11

Originality: 6

Acting: 8

Genre: 8

Entertaining: 12

Directing: 12

Script/Dialogue: 12

Misc: 8


Plot: The plot is a little different than the original.  In this one, the "crew" performs a heist only to find out on the crew is going to double cross them. The movie revolves around them getting revenge with an even bigger heist.   The plot is interesting enough, but it is really the interaction of the characters that bring this movie home.


Originality:  The Italian Job is a remake, yet it gives us a new updated feel with a different plot.  This is a very interesting way to do a remake, so we don't feel like we are just watching the same movie with worse actors. 


Acting: Mark Wahlberg is not someone I consider as a great actor, but he always gives the same steady performance.  He is a big step down from Michael Caine (but not many people are not).  Mark has the look of a stand up guy, so he is very good in this role.  The "secondary" cast is where this movie shines.  Donald Sutherland is believable, although I always expect him to be a dirt bag by the end of the movie. Charlize Theron is good as the daughter who wants return and Jason Strathm and Seth Green are perfect.  I found myself wanting a second movie based on their two characters.  Edward Norton seems to be just cashing his checks, he really needs a new role that will push him.


Genre: If you like action movies that do not slow down when the characters have to talk, then this is your ticket.  The car chases are good and the movie leaves you wanting to see what is coming next.


Entertaining:  I did not find this movie as good as many others did.  It was still a fun movie that gave the audience a lot of action.



Directing: The directing won't knock you over, but it never got in the way of the movie.  At least the camera was always in the perfect spot to show the action.  The casting was left in very competent hands. 



Script/Dialogue: The script is good in the effect it gets us to some very good action pretty quickly.  The dialogue never left me bored and it was even witty at times.


Misc: It is good to see an action movie that does not dumb itself done for the audience.  This is not a thinking man's movie, but it does not make everything to simple that I feel dumber for watching it (which is rare in an action movie).



Final Comment: The Italian Job is a fun action movie with a good overall cast.  The movie won't stand out over other heist movies as the years go by, but it is worth a rent or buy if it is cheap.  If you are a big fan of the original then you won't want to miss this one.  Others have lauded this movie, so maybe I just missed something.  I thought it was good for what it is, but nothing overly special.  If you want a good popcorn movie with very good car chases, then here you go!



DVD Features: Since I was not crazy about the movie, I did not want to invest much time in the extra features.  Here is a list of the features:  Making of, Driving School, a script, a feature on the minis used in the movie,  a feature on the stunts in the movie, some deleted scenes and finally we get subtitles.  



