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2003-2004 "Go For The Gold" Program










Go For The Gold Program

SCHOOL YEAR 2003-2004

The Mesilla Valley CHARACTER COUNTS! Task Force invites all schools in the Las Cruces Public Schools to GO FOR THE GOLD-YEAR THREE! We want to thank all schools in the district for the work they do to instill good character in their students. A special thanks goes to the schools that chose to Go for the Gold during the 2002-2003 school year!

There will be no silver or bronze awards offered this year. The requirements for the gold award will be basically the same as last year, with documentation in the form of a portfolio. This is a voluntary program.

We want to emphasize that the portfolio is simply a way to document how your school has met awards criteria. If you save a copy of all fliers and school publications sent out and take a few pictures of activities, you will be well on your way to a successful portfolio. If you choose to include photos, they can be Xeroxed/printed in black and white-copies do NOT have to be in color. We want two copies of your portfolio, one of which will be returned to you. If you wish, you can make one portfolio a special keepsake for your school, with the second being a Xerox copy of the first.

Some schools may wish to prepare their portfolio in an alternate format, such as videotape or storyboard. This is perfectly acceptable as long as all of the requirements are documented. The signature page should still be submitted on paper.

The following is an example of how a portfolio might be organized:

1. CHARACTER COUNTS! Committee list, including staff positions and copies of minutes from meetings (Basic Requirement).
2. Copies of school newsletters or clipped segments about CHARACTER COUNTS! related activities; photos of school signs with CC! messages/info; copies of school calendars with CC! information (Basic Requirement).
3. Staff Training, including dates, type of training (e.g., live training/topic, Mr. Martinez's tape).
4. Names of staff members who attended Task Force meetings-we will have dates on the sign-in sheets (Basic Requirement).
5. NO WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED FOR MINIMUM FIVE-MINUTE LESSONS TAUGHT ON EACH PILLAR-if you wish, you MAY include lesson plans that were especially successful so that they can be shared with other schools; course syllabi may also be good examples for this area (Basic Requirement).
6. Copy of the Staff Signature Page (Basic Requirement).
7. Photos, samples, blurbs, copies, etc., reflecting completion of additional activities (minimum five additional activities for gold).

If you have any questions about this process, please call James McGehee at San Andres High School (527-6058, or Katie Weaver at University Hills Elementary School (cell phone 644-4908, school phone 527-9649,

CHARACTER COUNTS! and the Six Pillars of CharacterSM are service marks of the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition, a project of the Josephson Institute of Ethics. For more information, visit their website at


1. An active CHARACTER COUNTS! Committee must be formed according to the following criteria:
· We recommend that they meet at least once per nine weeks, with the principal reviewing and approving (signing) written minutes from each meeting.
· We recommend that the committee be composed of at least five individuals, each representing different departments, grade levels, or teams:
· At the high school level, we suggest one from every department
· At the middle school level, we suggest one per team and/or grade level
· At the elementary level, we suggest one per grade level, plus ancillary
· We further suggest that four of the five members be classroom teachers
2. A school newsletter, newspaper, marquee or other publication/media (e.g., monthly calendar) must highlight each CHARACTER COUNTS! pillar and report in about character development activities happening at the school.
3. The principal must commit to the following staff training:
· All staff will view the videotape featuring Mr. Louis Martinez, LCPS Superintendent
· All staff will participate in at least 30 minutes of training presented by appropriate personnel (school staff, CHARACTER COUNTS! trainers, ethics trainers, other speakers from the community). The "live" training can focus on any area of character education that would be beneficial to the staff in teaching character to their students.
4. The principal or the CC! Committee will designate a representative to attend at least four of the monthly Task Force meetings. We would like to have the principal attend at least one of the meetings during the school year if possible. The Task Force meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 4:00 p.m., in the Administration Building Conference Room. These meetings ordinarily last no more than one hour.
5. To receive recognition, each school must have 100% of classroom teachers teach a minimum five-minute lesson on each of the Six Pillars of Character (thirty minutes total for the year) during the school year.
6. To receive recognition, each school must have100% of total staff (including certified, classified, administrative, playground, classroom, ancillary, cafeteria, custodial) sign an agreement to participate in and/or support CHARACTER COUNTS! activities, including school-wide and classroom activities.

DOCUMENTATION IN THE PORTFOLIO MUST INCLUDE A LIST OF THE CC! COMMITTEE, COPIES OF MINUTES FROM CC! COMMITTEE MEETINGS, COPIES OF NEWSLETTERS AND PUBLICATIONS, NAME(S) OF TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVE(S), INFORMATION ABOUT TRAINING(S), AND THE AGREEMENT FORM SIGNED BY ALL STAFF. Samples/examples of CC! lessons from classrooms may be included but are not required. If you are planning to do an alternative style portfolio (e.g., videotape), the staff agreement must still be submitted on paper. Other requirements can be documented as appropriat on paper or in alternate form.


In addition to the basic requirements, schools should choose 5 Additional Activities

SUGGESTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES (there are many others which could apply):
· School-wide projects that demonstrate the Six Pillars. The following are examples.
o Food drives, toy drives, clothing drives organized for charitable organizations by school classes, clubs, or staff.
o School displays allowing students to display their artwork emphasizing CC!
o School-wide assemblies about character/Six Pillars, "local heroes," as guest speakers.
· Morning message/announcements incorporate CC! (e.g., CHARACTER COUNTS! Thought for the Day; recognition of students displaying good character; skits, poems, and short stories about good character).
· Sports programs, cheerleading groups, and music groups representing the school at sporting or other events demonstrate commitment to CC! by following the Six Pillars and exhibiting good sportsmanship at all events and practices.
· PE programs teach good sportsmanship based on the Six Pillars.
· School-wide programs use CC! vocabulary. Library, PE, music programs recognize student/class of the week/month based on the Six Pillars.
· Extra-curricular student groups/clubs incorporate the Six Pillars into rules and activities.
· Extra (after school) programs/activities are offered for the benefit of students and families and these programs incorporate CC! (e.g., PTA, parenting groups and classes, math and science nights, Safe After School Program, after-school enrichment programs taught by parents and community members).
· The school-wide discipline plan utilizes CC! philosophy and vocabulary.
· During-school programs teach a healthy lifestyle (e.g., D.A.R.E. and C.A.T.C.H.).
· Teacher/Staff of the Month award is given based on the Six Pillars.
· CHARACTER COUNTS! Week and Red Ribbon Week are celebrated in various ways throughout the school.
· Attendance and timeliness are emphasized, stressing responsibility and citizenship, and the importance of these attributes in the working world.
· Career readiness training involving ethics in the workplace issues.
· Debates/discussions take place (debate club, social studies classes, literature classes) about how good character, or lack of character, affected outcomes.
· Groups/individual students/staff participate in national programs like Start Something, Earth Day, or Make a Difference Day.
· ROTC color guard makes presentations at your school or at other schools.
· Students are involved in peer tutoring or peer mediation programs.
· Students and staff help with programs like Special Olympics.
· Community Abstinence Network abstinence education programs.
· Many, many others-this is very open, but please specify what you did in your portfolio.

DOCUMENTATION IN THE PORTFOLIO COULD INCLUDE photographs of activities, copies of club rules, syllabi/rules from classes, fliers/publications announcing activities, copies of discipline plans/student handbooks, samples of Thought for the Day, short blurbs describing activities.

All Portfolios Are Due To Betsy Bennett's Office By June 4, 2004

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