STORY OUTLINE (1843-1850) for THE DAWN-BREAKERS Feature Motion Picture NOTE: See the "Dawn-Breaker Chronology" by James J. Keene for a detailed listing of events. This Story Outline emphasizes highlights of that chronology and as such, summarizes episodes and mentions only some of the important historical figures in those sequences of events. A-1 THE MISSION OF THE BAB IS ANTICIPATED 1. Mt. Carmel: Three prophesies of revelation dramatized. 2. Karbila: Siyyid Kazim teaches student-seekers. 3. Karbila: The students start their search. B-2 THE MISSION OF THE BAB IS PROCLAIMED 1. Shiraz: The Bab assembles disciples and dispatches them on missions. 2. From Shiraz to Mashad through Tihran: Mulla Husayn travels on his mission. 3. Karbila: Mulla Ali meets Tahirih and later is arrested. 4. Mecca and Medina: On pilgrimage, the Bab proclaims his mission. C-3 THE STATE REACTS -- SHIRAZ 1. Shiraz: Quddus modifies Adhan and is punished by Husayn Khan. 2. Shiraz: Husayn Khan places the Bab under house arrest. 3. Tihran: Muhammad Shah learns of the Bab and sends Vahid to investigate. 4. Shiraz: Vahid interviews the Bab and becomes a Babi. 5. Shiraz: Husayn Khan threat is foiled by the outbreak of a cholera epidemic. C-4 THE STATE REACTS -- ISFAHAN 1. Isfahan: Manuchihr Khan arranges for the Bab to stay with a leading Mulla. 2. Karbila: Tahirih teaches fearlessly, breaking traditions, and is arrested. 3. Isfahan: The Shah's court threatens, and Manuchihr Khan protects the Bab. 4. Baghdad: Tahirih teaches numerous Babis, and is deported to Persia. 5. Isfahan: Manuchihr Khan serves the Bab, but dies, leaving the Bab in peril. C-5 THE BAB BECOMES A PRISONER OF THE SHAH'S COURT 1. Isfahan to Tihran road: Muhammad Big escorts the Bab toward Tihran. 2. Tihran: Hujjat attempts to mount a rescue of the Bab. 3. Road to Mah-Ku: The Bab is taken to Mah-Ku and imprisoned there. D-6 THE BABIS REACT 1. Mashad: Mulla Husayn begins 900 mile march on foot to Mah-Ku prison. 2. Qazvin: Her divorce and her uncle's murder cause Tahirih trouble. 3. Mah-Ku region: Mulla Sadiq spreads the message; thousands become Babis. 4. Tihran: Russan Envoy protests to Prime Minister: too many Babis near Russia. 5. Mah-Ku: Mulla Husayn arrives on foot and meets with the Bab. 6. Qazvin: Muhammad Hadi rescues Tahirih, saving her from certain execution. 7. Tihran: Tahirih meets Vahid and urges him to action in the Bab's cause. 8. Thiran: Russian Envoy protests again, amid growing worry in Shah's court. 9. Chihriq: The Bab is moved to Chihriq and orders Babi actions in Khurasan. D-7 CONFERENCE AT BADASHT AND THE INTERROGATION OF THE BAB 1. Badasht: 81 Babis meet, lead by Baha'u'llah, Quddus and Tahirih. 2. Tabriz: At interrogation-trial, the Bab proclaims to be the Promised Qa'im. 3. Badasht: Breaking tradition, Tahirih removes her veil and shocks the Babis. 4. Tabriz: The youth, Muhammad Ali, has vision of being executed with the Bab. D-8 MARCH OF 200 BABIS FROM MASHAD TO MAZINDARAN 1. Mashad: Mulla Husayn receives the Bab's turban & hoists the Black Standard. 2. Niyala: Babis from the Conference at Badasht attacked by villagers. 3. Sari: Quddus writes to Mulla Husayn, predicting martyrdom of them both. 4. Tihran: Hujjat delivers "Sermon of Wrath" by Bab to the Prime Minister. 5. Mazindaran: A gale fells a tree branch; Mulla Husayn likens it to the Shah. 6. Tihran: Doctors rush to his care, but Muhammad Shah dies at 40. 7. Shiraz: Unable to pay them, Husayn Khan is made prisoner by his soldiers. E-9 BABIS LEAD BY MULLA HUSAYN ATTACKED BY RELIGIOUS FANATICS 1. Barfurush: In skirmish, Mulla Husayn severs tree-soldier-rifle in one blow. 2. Barfurush: Three Babi youths killed while offering a call to prayer (Adhan). 3. Barfurush: Attempting to leave peacefully, the Babis are attacked in forest. E-10 BABI DEFENSE AND MASSACRE AT TABARSI SHRINE 1. Tarbarsi: Babis build fort; Baha'u'llah visits; Quddus freed and arrives. 2. Tihran: New Shah orders attack on Tabarsi; Hujjat escapes from Tihran. 3. Tabarsi: Quddus orders pre-dawn attack; the Shah's forces are scattered. 4. Tabarsi: In a similar surprise attack, the Babis prevail; Quddus is wounded. 5. Tihran: Rifle cut in two by Mulla Husayn delivered to the Prime Minister. 6. Tabarsi: Shah's troops intensity seige; Mulla Husayn killed in battle. 7. Tabarsi: Shah's army unable to take vastly outnumbered and starving Babis. 8. Tabarsi: Prince offers truce and safe conduct, but then massacres the Babis. 9. Barfurush: Quddus martyred by the hand of the leading cleric of the town. F-11 BABI NUMBERS INCREASE THROUGHOUT PERSIA 1. Chihriq: The Bab's uncle visits the Bab, still prisoner of the new Shah. 2. Tihran: Arrested, Tahirih meets the Shah & is confined in the Mayor's house. 3. Zanjan: Islamic clerics feel threatened by growing Babi numbers and Hujjat. 4. Chihriq: The Bab sends Sayyah to Tabarsi to pray and commemorate the dead. F-12 TURMOIL AND DEATH IN THE CAPITOL OF PERSIA 1. Tihran: At the wedding of the son of the Mayor, Tahirih attracts the ladies. 2. Tihran: Sayyah meets Vahid; recalling Tahirih's words, he is moved to act. 3. Tihran: Diplomats & Ministers confer; Sayyah prays at Tabarsi. 4. Tihran: Vahid leaves Tihran; 30 Zanjan Babis arrive in chains. 5. Tihran: Seven prominant Babis are martyred in public square before the Shah. 6. Tihran: Diplomats report on executions and Babi numbers in Zanjan. 7. Chihriq: Knowing the end was near, the Bab sends his things to Baha'u'llah. 8. Tihran: The Shah offers marriage and high position to Tahirih; she refuses. F-13 SEIGE OF ZANJAN BABIS BY GOVERNMENT TROOPS BEGINS 1. Zanjan: 2000 Babis lead by Hujjat attacked. 2. Zanjan: Hujjat and the Babis enter a nearby abandoned fort for protection. 3. Nayriz: Vahid and 1500 Babis reported entering the city. 4. Tihran: The Prime Minister orders troops to Zanjan and Nayriz and the transfer of the Bab from Chihriq to Tabriz. G-14 MARTYRDOM OF THE BAB 1. Tabriz: The Bab arrives; the population of the city is swept by excitement. 2. Nayriz: Babis massacred by Shah's troops; Vahid taken prisoner. 3. Tabriz: The Shah's order to execute the Bab arrives. 4. Tabriz: The Bab is transfered to the army barracks & joined by Muhammad Ali. 5. Zanjan: 3000 Babis lead by Hujjat attacked by the Shah's forces. 6. Qum: Mulla Baqir opens package sent by Bab revealing exquisite writing. 7. Nayriz: Vahid martyred. 8. Tabriz: Russian Consul interviews Siyyid Husayn, a companion the the Bab. 9. Tihran: Mirza Ahmad finally delivers the Bab's package to Baha'u'llah. 10. Tabriz: The Bab declares that no force can stop him from completing his final message to his followers. 11. Tabriz: Firing squad of 750 misses the Bab, but cuts the ropes holding him. 12. Tabriz: 10,000 onlookers are wild with excitement at the seeming miracle. 13. Tabriz: After a search, the Bab is found completing his message. 14: Tabriz: The original firing squad refuses a second attempt. 15. Tabriz: The Bab & Muhammad Ali are executed by a different firing squad. 16. Tabriz: A Babi completes a dangerous mission to rescue the Bab's remains. H-15 THE ZANJAN SIEGE CONTINUES BUT THE MISSION OF THE BAB TRIUMPHS 1. Zanjan: Hujjat appeals for peace; the siege continues. 2. Tihran: Russian & British Envoys comment on bravery of the Babis and the corruption and impotence of the state and clerical authorities. 3. Mt. Carmel: The ultimate triumph of the Bab and his fearless followers is shown by the survival and world-wide expansion of the Cause that He initiated. NOTE: This summarizes the much longer chronology. It provided a perspective on what events in what historical order might be included in the screenplay. That is, the primary purpose of the chronology (DATES.TXT) and this outline was to orient the writer. Copyright (c) 1985-2009 James J Keene PhD