Jan 10, 2007

Artwork by Don

Where Is HotBasic On The New PC?
by James J Keene

Where is HotBasic?

"Mom, I can't find HotBasic on the new PC." "Hey, Dad, the new PC does not have HotBasic on the desktop." These exclamations are repeated countless times around the world as buyers test drive their new PC's and notebooks. "How can I learn about computing without HotBasic?"

As parents scratch their heads -- "Did I forget to order HotBasic with the PC?", even adults in the workplace may not find HotBasic on their computers: "The boss wants me to be productive. Without HotBasic, I can't write programs to automate routine tasks."

Enter Team HotBasic

As "Where is HotBasic?" chatter volume from all directions increased, a super-heroine was needed. The enemy was boredom. Clearly, watching other people's programs on TV or on computer can get old very quickly. Everybody wants to make their own programs, too.

HotBabe -- officially, the Director of Public Relations, gathered the elves together at HotBasic Manor. No surprise that they devised a remedy both for new PC buyers and for existing PC owners.

PC/notebook makers can pre-install Hotbasic for new buyers and can arrange for a discount for their existing customers. To hasten this remedy, HotBabe prescribed a healthful juice -- customer power.

HotBabe Prescribes Juice

If you have purchased a PC or notebook, you can juice the vendor by clicking on one of the email links below. Using Dell as an example, the email text is:

My new Dell PC did not have HotBasic. A video camera makes my own programs for my TV. HotBasic makes my own programs for my PC. Please contact HotBasic for details.
Customers Apply Juice

Where is HotBasic on my Compaq?

Where is HotBasic on my Dell?

Where is HotBasic on my Gateway?

Where is HotBasic on my Hewlett-Packard?

Where is HotBasic on my IBM?

Where is HotBasic on my Sony?

If you are not a customer of the PC/notebook makers listed above, please do not send the email. The juice will turn bitter; there will be no remedy if you are not truly a customer; and indeed, non-customer emails might even be considered as a form of harrassment.

Copyright © 2007 James J Keene PhD
HotBasic™ is a trademark of James J Keene
Original Publication: Jan 10, 2007

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