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1. Harrier (Har-ri-er) 1. A participant in the sport of cross country who gives his best effort, has a winning attitude, encourages his teammates, has fun, and never skips practice. 2. One who is devoted to the sport of cross country. 3. One who runs on turf, trails, hills....4. One who realizes tht the rewards of achieving one's goals are greater than the training.

2. Cross Country is the only real sport.

3. Run and not be weary

4. The race is on

5. Set your eyes on the goal

6. Triumph is just 'umph' added to try

7. The difference between extraordinary and ordinary is that little extra

8. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

9. Success comes in cans--failure comes in can'ts

10. If your not the lead dog, the view never changes

11. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch

12. Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up knowing that he must run faster than the fastest lion or be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up and knows that he must run faster than the slowest gazelle or starve. It doesn't matter if you are a lion or gazelle, but when the sum comes up you'd better be running.

13. Excellence is not an act....but a habit

14. Sweat plus sacrifice equals success.

15. The only discipline that lasts is self-discipline

16. Great visions often start with small dreams

17. The guy at the top of the mountain didn't fall there

18. Success depends on your backbone not your wishbone

19. Success is journey not a destination

20. Victory is what happens when ten-thousand hours of training meet with one moment of opportunity.

21. Enthusiasm is like a ripple in the water--it spreads.

22. Courage--do not follow where the path may lead,...go instead where there is not a path and leave a trail

23. It's not an aerobe if it is not in a tree

24. Destined to win

25. Be strong and courageous


27. C U L8R

28. Keep your eye on the prize

29. The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer

30. Press on toward the goal

31. Whether you believe that you will win or that you will lose, you are always right.

32. There is only one way to run CC--FAST

33. People don't fail they just give up

34. Never, Never, Never, Never, Quit

35. From shoot to chute

36. Mambu Badu--the best is yet to come