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Astronomical Observations





Open Clusters

Globular Clusters



Virtual Logbook


Welcome to the new Observations!

Hello and welcome to the new Observations! I have currently redone the entire website! I believe that this layout is much more friendly than the previous. My interest in Astronomy has risen again and I am going to hopefully sometime within the near future purchase a CCD Camera. I currently own 4 telescopes. A 254mm Dobsonian by Orion and a 90mm Maksutov also by Orion, and a Meade ETX-125AT, and Celestron Nexstar 114GT.

ATTENTION: Please take note that some of the pages have not been updated to the new layout. The site will switch back to the old layout on some sections.

Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zur Himmelsbeobachtungen! Astronomie ist jetzt sehr interessant wieder! Ich habe vier Teleskope gekauft. Hier sind die technischen Daten: 254mm Dobosnian, 90mm Maksutov, Celestron Nexstar 114GT, Meade ETX-125AT. Vielleicht in zukunft werde ich eine CCD Kamera kaufen.

ACHTUNG: Himmelsbeobachtungen ist noch nicht fertig. Ich habe viel zu tun. Leider habe ich nur die Englische Version gemacht. Ich brauche Zeit, die Deutsche Version zu machen.

Objects Viewed to Date


MAY ??, 04: Observed Comet Q4, the brightest comet I have seen since Hale-Bopp!

JANUARY 13, 04: Added Image of Venus in Astrophotography section.

JANUARY 04, 04: Various updates made throughout the site.


JULY 24, 03: Added new observation report.

APRIL 28, 03: Various updates made throughout the month.

MARCH 17, 03: Updated the Planet section.

MARCH 16, 03: Added Sun Image Section under astrophotography.

MARCH 08, 03: Added new Moon image.

FEBRUARY 20, 03: Random updates have been made all over the site.

JANUARY 26, 03: Added Daily Observations page.

JANUARY 22, 03: Added new Lunar Image. Added new background to HTML version.

JANUARY 06, 03: Many objects have been viewed and all uploaded!

DECEMBER 29, 02: M110, M76, M103 and NGC 663 Observed. Objects Updated!

DECEMBER 23, 02: Viewed Comet C/2002 X5! Added Comet Section!



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