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July 29, 2003
Objects observed: Mars, M31
Telescope Used: 254mm Dobsonian Reflector.

Got my first view of Mars tonight! I was quite surprised how bright the planet was in the sky! I took out the binoculars first to get a view of its color, just to make sure it is Mars. And of course, it was. Pale orange in color and it also didn't appear to be stellar. The binoculars seemed to have resolved it as atleast a very tiny disc. What scope to use? I decide on the 254mm, might as well get the best view we can of our little next door neighbor. I quickly hop up to the 4mm eyepiece for the best view. Since in all the other except the 6.3mm Mars appears quite small. The 4mm gives a view of about 300x magnification. The polar ice cap on the top of the planet through the scope was very easily and quickly picked out. And then many dark spots where visible and the appeared to form a sideways "Y" shape across the planet.

The above image of Mars was generated with Mars Now and shows a fair representation of what can be viewed in the scope. Although even at 300x the planet is much smaller than this image and not quite as much detail is visible. But you can see where I get the "Y" shape I saw in the scope from in the image.

Overall Mars is very impressive in the scope and I will most definately have to return to it many more times. Especially since it is still currently getting larger and brighter! But now I decided to have a go with M31 since it was a bit higher in the sky than my previous attempt at it.

M31 showed up in the Binoculars atleast this time, so when I ponited the scope to it? I was presented with a view much better than on the 24th. I could see a much more overall shape of the galaxy and not just the core region. But If I want to see dark dust lanes on it, or even hope to... I've got to wait for it to get much higher. High enough to where it becomes visible to the naked eye. I'm sure the view of Mars and M31 will only be getting better. All it takes is time, and it gives something great to look forward to. Overall a great session.

July 24, 2003
Objects observed: M27, M31, M57
Telescope Used: 254mm Dobsonian Reflector.

It has been awhile hasn't it? Well I finally managed to get the scope out and its a good thing I did too! M27 was great in the 254mm, its apple core shape showing quite easily. M57 was also quite great, with the ring shape obviously there. I even managed to get M31 while it was quite low in the horizon. This wasn't that impressive as it showed about as much as that in the 114mm. But it was extremely low in the horizon. I'm sure it will get better as it gets later in the year. A great session to get things going again!

May Reports