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March 08, 2004
Objects observed: Jupiter, Moon.

Telescope Used: 254mm Dobsonian.

Observed Jupiter. Over four bands were visible and the distortion within the clouds was also easily visible. Did not observe the Great Red Spot. All four main moons where clearly visible also. Jupiter is always a great object to observe, I hope I get a chance to image it with the 254mm Dobsonian soon.

The moon was in a large phase. And I did manage to get a quick image of it with the Digitial Camera held to the eyepiece.

Many details are visible along the moon to the left in the image. And of course, the crater Tycho is ever so bright. Overall a nice session. I hope to get more imaging done soon especially of Jupiter and Saturn! Until then, I wish clear skies to everyone!

March 28, 2004
Objects observed: Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, M81, M82.

Telescope Used: 254mm Dobsonian.

Mary was visiting my house and we were both out on walk as the sky was growing darker. I first noticed the moon and Venus, and then Jupter... and then Saturn... we finished our walk and set up the Dobsonian outside for a quick look at the before stated.

First to be picked off was Venus. I was really impressed with the view of Venus. Venus was in around half phase but its disk size appeared larger than when I last viewed Venus. The lighted side of the planet slowly and gently faded to the black of the night side of the planet.

Next was Saturn, and the view was also very impressive. The Planets seems to show more detail, or atleast there were then, when the sky was not completely dark. Many moons were visible and the Cassini Divison stood out beautifully. Saturn is always a grand view.

After Saturn we both viewed the moon. Many craters were visible. And as always in abundance along the Terminator. The moon through the 10" is exceptionally bright, and quickly destorys your eyes dark adaptation.

Jupiter was then vieiwed. I was disappointed with the view as a small amount of Detail was present. And the view seemed to be blotchy as if atmospheric turbulence was on the rise.

Last was M81 and M82. Both quite faint due to the Half moons brightness. M81 was easily visible. M82 was fainter (naturally) but to the point that Mary couldn't even pick it out, although it was quite visible to me. I guess it shows what years of Astronomy can teach your eye to look for. Overall a great session, and a grand night!