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Above Image processed with Astrostack, Composite of 4 Individual Images. Image is of Sinus Iridum.

Above Image processed with Astrostack, Composite of 4 Individual Images. Image is of Crater Gassendi.

Above Image processed with Astrostack, Composite of 4 Individual Images. Image is of Crater Gassendi.

In the above image, Tycho, Maginus, Clavius, Rutherfurd, Scheiner, Longomontanus,Wilhelm and Orontius are visible.

In the above image, Autolycus, Aristillus, Archimedes, Montes Spitzbergen, Mons Pico, Plato and Timocharis are visible.


Above image was taken by holding a camera to the eyepiece.

Click Here to see images of a Total Lunar Eclipse