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Outlaw Star Gene and Melfina
The following is a summary from my point of view about the relationship between Gene and Melfina from Outlaw Star and why they belong together. When you're done, you can click on this link to view their gallery:
Gene and Melfina Images!

  • The Creators intended for them to be together.
  • There is an obvious attraction from both sides of this relationship for the other person.
  • Gene was the very first person Melfina saw; I could see some symbolism in this because it means that she would only have eyes for Gene.
  • Gene refers to Melfina as Sleeping Beauty, which I think was very cute coming from such a womanizer.
  • Throughout the series, Gene fights the Pirates, McDougal Brothers, Tao masters and even the Galactic Leyline just for Melfina.
  • Melfina remains loyal to Gene even when she is confronted by Harry McDougal (regarding the fact that she's a bio-android and that she doesn't belong with normal people).
  • Melfina remains with Gene even when he distances himself from her.
  • Gene tried to distance himself from Melfina but to no avail; he found himself more dedicated to her than any of the others.
  • Melfina offers her life for Gene in the episode "The Seven Emerge." In this episode, Gene really hurt Melfina, yet, even after everything he did, she remained loyal and loving.
  • Unable to sleep, both Gene and Melfina find themselves on the sofa in the middle of the night (mood is set) :P Then, Melfina puts her head on Gene's shoulder and asks if she could stay sleeping like that for a while; saying that when she's with him like that, she feels like she's dreaming.
  • Gene, being the pervert, tries to get a glimpse of her and wants to touch her but luckily, Jim interupts him. However, it is obvious that Gene was harboring some really strong feelings for her, no matter how perverted.
  • Melfina's only wish was to be with Gene. At the Galactic Leyline, that's what she asked for and the Leyline granted her wish, thus making sure that they would be together. And to top it all off...Gene's response was that those were his exat feelings as well (Japanese Version is better though!). Episode = Grave of the Dragon.
  • In one of the previews, Gene comments that he really never realized how much Melfina meant to him, untill she was taken away.

I would like to point out that this fanart does not belong to me. I found it online in 2006 and I still haven't been able to find the original owner. If you know who the original owner is, please let me know so I can give proper thanks and credit.

Gene however, finds it difficult to handle because he does not want to admit to his true feelings. When he does feel attracted to Melfina, he usually distances himself from her and on occasions he's mean with her. But, try as he might, Gene constantly finds himself back with Melfina and wanting to keep her smiling. One Romantic Scene was in an observatory on Blue Heaven, the scenery was beautiful with artificial plants and flowers along with glass walls showing off the vastness of space and all the stars. It's here that Melfina first opens up to Gene and tells him how lost she feels about not knowing who she is and what her purpose is. Now, my observation here is why would she tell him this after knowing him for such a short time? I believe that she felt connected to him somehow, but moreover, that she was "comfortable" with Gene. She could not even tell Jim that, and that is telling you something, because in the early episodes and throughout, the closest person to Melfina is Jim. one thing I find very noble of Gene is that he voluntarily promises to do everything he can to help her and find the answers she needs. He barely knew her, yet, he promised to dedicate himself to her. This was when he was starting to have an attraction for her.

At the end of the series, Gene and Melfina become a couple and are dating while they live together under the same roof and ship. The series ends abruptly after that, and although I was disappointed that I didn't get to see more scenes with these two, in a way, it made sense, because True Love should not have an ending.

I would like to mention that there is this awesome story that I feel should become the 2nd season for Outlaw Star. Obviously, there isn't going to be a 2nd season but, I will say this, if you like to read fanfics, click on this link and you will find yourself loving this sequel to the series, and yes, Gene and Melfina are an item and share lots of "moments" together.

Outlaw Star The Ryunoken Sword!

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