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Yui, The Seiryuu no Miko!

This is my tribute to Yui, the Heart-broken Priestess of the God of War.

Misunderstood Concepts:
When I think about it, there are going to be people in life who you simply can't stand. Something about him or her will just drive you insane and you can't even handle being around them. With that said, I can respect someone's opinions and beliefs and therefore, I refuse to impose my own judgment or beliefs on them. However, with that said, I think it is ridiculous to see people online bad mouth someone just because of silly, superficial or stupid reasons. Fushigi Yuugi is undoubtedly one of the best anime/manga series that has made it to the United States. This anime is filled with so much tragedy, deception, and obstacles, all of which forces the audience (consciously or unconsciously) to really think about the scenarios and situations and even the characters of the show, and in turn, question his or her own morals.

One of the most controversial characters of the show is the beautiful Yui Hongou. Before anything happened, no one would question the loyalty and devotion that Miaka and Yui had for one another. These two best friends have been together since kindergarten and have been in the same classes and same schools ever since. Birthdays, holidays, events, school, going out, within the span of fourteen years, these two have always been side by side. What makes this even cuter is the fact that they are also, COMPLETE OPPOSITES and I do mean it literally! Yui is reserved, intelligent and quiet while Miaka is naïve, academically challenged and outgoing. As you all know, if you have watched the series, Yui asked Miaka to go with her to the library. There, they are drawn by the power of Suzaku (the God of Love) into the book where they meet up with Tamahome (the boy Miaka falls desperately in love with). Yui is removed from the book (again by the power of Suzaku) and in turn she reads the book and everything that happens to Miaka. Miaka's world in the book is filled with love and all these gorgeous men dying for her love. Hell, even the emperor falls in love with her! When Yui finally manages to remove Miaka from the book with her deep and strong emotions, none of the two girls knew that it was a bargain; one for the other. In turn, Yui is taken into the book again but wakes up in a different city and a brutal one at that. Her stay in the book is also the complete opposite of what Miaka went through. She was lost, attacked by some thugs who in turn *raped her* (see below for more details because I'll explain this) and waits for THREE WHOLE MONTHS for Miaka to return to the book and save her. Unfortunately, Miaka confesses her love to Tamahome and in a very critical moment and in a way betrays Yui. It was because of this change from Miaka that chattered Yui's heart and entire mental state. She became bitter, hostile, upset, and most of all deeply hurt by what Miaka did. In turn, Yui betrays Miaka and the entire series is a roller-coaster ride of emotions and betrayal of Miaka trying to save Yui. Yui's character is so multi-layered and the actions she takes convinces audiences that she is evil, but is she really? More than once I have seen in message boards people calling her, and excuse this phrase but this is what I have seen and read almost everywhere, people calling her a "cold-hearted bitch." This is absolutely ridiculous because even Yuu Watase (the creator herself!) said that Yui's character was very special to her and that she loved her as much as Miaka's character. And not only that, Yuu Watase created Yui because and I quote "she's just a normal girl dealing with what life threw at her." In all honesty I have seen so many websites & message boards that absolutely hate Yui. They are entitled to their opinion but let me clear things up before you judge her (or even if you already have judged her, maybe you will look at things in a broader sense). Yui was taken into the book against her will when she ended up in Koutou country. She never wanted to take Miaka's place & never wanted to go into the book. Many anti-Yui fans say that she chose to help Miaka come back. Yeah, wouldn't you? If you're best friend is stuck in a book and you can bring her back, I know I would. The separation between the two wasn't easy and bringing Miaka back was all that Yui wanted. She wanted her best friend back desperately.

What happened to Yui was unfair. While Miaka was engulfed and surrounded with love and care, Yui was thrust into the book all by herself in a city that showed no mercy to women or children. Sure Miaka had a few problems like trying to get Nuriko (one of her seishi/guardians) to like her but that was child's play compared to what Yui had to deal with. Yui was taken into the book, she woke up alone and frightened, was chased by some thugs, all the while calling for Miaka to help her, (just like how she helped Miaka overcome her obstacles), was caught, attacked, beaten and then "raped", but unfortunately, after the brutal slapping Yui lost consciousness and woke up with her clothes torn. What else? Yui was convinced she was raped and Nakago (the general who saved her before anything happened) simply stated that he found her as is, implying that she was abused and raped. In Japan, a girl's virginity is more important than anything else when it comes to defining them as young women. Yui was so traumatized by what happened that she tried to commit suicide! It does not help that she is only 14-years old either! Now I know that Miaka did not know any better when she took off her school uniform, their only connection to one another through the worlds, but come on!!! When Miaka knew, the last place she saw her best friend was in the library, reading the book, and when she came back, Yui was missing, who in their right mind would put the book away? Yes, I understand she went looking all over Tokyo for her friend but Miaka should not have put the book away and leave the library. I know Miaka is naïve and not that smartest tool in the shed, but how dumb can she be to put the book away when she knew the last place that her friend was, was in the library. She saw Yui sitting in the library with the book in a vision with her own eyes just before they switched places. Also, another thing I noticed was that many fans of Miaka say Yui was simply dealt bad luck and she should not have acted any otherwise. Really? So, when Nakago told Yui that she was raped and Miaka left her and would not be coming back for her, she believed him whole-heartedly? No! Yui refused to believe that Miaka would ever abandon her. She refused to believe Nakago even when he would remind her of the attack and how Miaka never answered her calls for help. For THREE WHOLE MONTHS! And even though Yui began to doubt Miaka, she never fully believed it. She would not accept that as truth. So why then in the series does she turn on Miaka? When Miaka was good enough to FINALLY realize that Yui was in the book, she returns to save her but with her, comes Tamahome. And Miaka, being so self-absorbed in the moment tells Tamahome that "The only reason I came back [into the book] was to see and be with you." This, sadly, was what Yui heard when she came back to the room she left Miaka and Tamahome in, and this is what truly Broke her. Yui had been waiting for so long for her best friend to return and when she finally did, it wasn't even for her. It was for some boy Miaka had met and spent at most a week with in the book world, which translated into the real world's time was only one day (remember that the time in the book is different from the time in the real world). I personally believe that this act of confession from Miaka, to return simply for the boy she was infatuated with was what truly broke and hurt Yui the most. All of Yui's loyalty and devotion was sent down the drain, the history of their childhood together, their times of trust, their secrets they shared, their promise to go to High School together was all lies to Yui because of this simple act of betrayal. Did Miaka mean it? That her return was only for Tamahome? No. But then why did she say it? I don't know. She came back into the book for both Yui and Tamahome. And to make it worse for Yui, not only did she hear Miaka tell Tamahome how much she loved him and came back in the book just for him, but then they started to kiss passionately, (which of course they did not know Yui was watching) but that act all-together confirmed what Nakago said about Miaka and that she never would come back for her, she came back for Tamahome.

Yui's Story:
Speaking of Tamahome, this is such an interesting love triangle because many people ignore the facts or at least, like to twist it around. Yuu Watase even mentioned this, but whatever happened to Miaka in the book world, happened to Yui in the real world. That was how strong their love for one another was. When Miaka fell and cut her leg, Yui's leg began to bleed in the exact same spot. When Miaka fell into a lake, Yui in the real world was drenched in freezing water just like Miaka. Even when Miaka stabbed herself in the chest, and her spirit was drifting to the spirit world, it was Yui who brought her back, despite having the exact same would on her chest. As Yui was bleeding from the stab, she told Miaka how important it was to come back, how important it was to live and that she had many people to live for, including herself. It was Yui who convinced Miaka to overcome death and live. But the point is that Yui was feeling everything, both Miaka's emotional and physical status. I think it would be implied but apparently Yuu Watase did not make this clear enough, but Yui was feeling EVERYTHING that Miaka was feeling, including her love for Tamahome. That is why Yui says she loves Tamahome so much. She was feeling all of Miaka's feelings including Miaka's feelings of love for Tamahome. That is why she fought so hard to make Tamahome like her. Other false accusations about Yui's character include: "Yui knew about Tamahome's family being killed and did not even feel remorse for them, for the family of the boy she claimed she was in love with." Um..No. Yui never knew about the attack, she did not even know he had a family! She was always kept in the dark even under Nakago's care because he had her in the exact position he wanted. Another one I find very amusing is when people call her a whore or slut. Well, let's think about this, she was raped (supposedly) and then tried to kill herself for loosing her virginity. She was saved by Nakago and gets all his attention and when Suboshi comes, she gets all his attention as well. So far, everything seems platonic. Sure towards the end she and Nakago kiss but a kiss does not mean she's a slut or whore. She kisses Tamahome and drugs him while she was taking a bath. No wait, that's not true, he comes to her while she's taking a bath and she ducks to cover herself in the water, then when she walks out of the bath, she is wrapped up in towels and then kisses him. Still no sexual intercourse yet so she cannot be labled as such. There is a scene when Tamahome is drugged and is on top of her, but even as the drugged Tamahome continues to fondle her, she turns away uncomfortable. It was clear from the way she was behaving that she would not let Tamahome continue and thankfully, they were interrupted. Then there is Suboshi. When Suboshi forces himself on her and kisses her, she shoves him back and does not want him to touch her. If she was a slut, she would have let Suboshi do more than just kiss her.

Suboshi's relationship with Yui is also incredibly complex. She was there for him in his most desperate and darkest hour and as such, he becomes her most loyal subject. I don't think Yui ever truly loved Suboshi in the same way. She cared for him, worried about him, and had strong feelings for him, but she was never in love with him. Suboshi fans get angry at the way Yui treats him, but she keeps him at a distance because she is not in love with him and does not want him to have his way with her, nor does she want to hurt him. Eventually though, once Yui was released from having the same emotions that Miaka was going through, by being in the book and no longer sharing that link she had with Miaka, she was left with the belief that she was in love with Tamahome. This was a good thing because its at this point in the series that she no longer actually "felt" those feelings of love she knew she had experienced. That is why Yui became so bitter and Jealous and tried so desperately to make Tamahome like her. Yui willingly lets Tamahome go after he overcomes the drug because she's already losing the emotional connection, although she does not know it. To recap: she drugged him in order to make him fall in love with her (but even this is questionable because the drug was supposed to subdue him, not make Tamahome her slave) and even made him stay by her side even when he wanted to go to Miaka. Even when Miaka's love brings Tamahome back and defuses the drugs affects, Tamahome tells Yui that what she did was unforgivable, but that he hopes she can recover from the bruises in her heart. Tamahome himself was upset about Yui's actions but he realizes what Yui has been through, and let's face it, she's been through hell! But despite all of these things, even Nakago asks the question "Who do you really love? Is it the girl or Tamahome?" Yui loves Miaka so much that she had to work so hard to hate her. Loving Miaka and wanting to be with her is what Yui fights with throughout the entire series. She does everything she can in order to hate Miaka but she cannot win because her love for Miaka is so strong. She hesitates, and even fears calling the God of War because truly, deeply, and all she ever wanted was to be by Miaka's side and have all of Miaka's love and attention (something that Tamahome was now receiving).

Well, after Miaka matured in the series (having experienced what it's like to almost be raped and then loosing everything, even the one you love), she puts her priorities in order and focuses on her love for Yui. It was always a priority to save Yui, but not like how it is towards the end of the series. And especially after Miaka learns that Yui had been lied to and betrayed by Nakago, who claimed to have loved Yui and wanted nothing more than to protect her. He confesses that Yui was never raped and that he arrived "just in time" before those men could have their way. This still does not change the fact that Yui was beaten and assaulted, but thankfully, the assault did not escalate to "sexually assaulted." Miaka's determination to speak to Yui, to confide in her friend and to reveal the truth are driving forces at this point in the series. I will admit, I am disappointed it came so late in the series because the majority of this story focuses so heavily on Miaka and Tamahome. Anyway, I the final battle, Nakago forces Yui to grant his wish, but Yui having finally realized that she was being played like a puppet by Nakago, and after realizing a little too late that everything she did to Miaka was wrong, gives her last wish to Miaka, to be able to call her own god, the god of Suzaku. Yui's death when she is devoured by Seiryuu is one of the most depressing scenes ever. Yui confesses to Miaka that she had always loved her and that she was so jealous of Tamahome. All her actions were just to gain Miaka's affections back. All she ever wanted "was to go to High School with you" and with that, she says goodbye and is devoured by the blue dragon Seiryuu, the god of war. Miaka's character develops as well throughout the series and what makes Miaka, despite her stupidity sometimes, so admirable, is that despite everything that has happened between them, she still wants to be with Yui. When she believed that Nakago killed Tamahome, her first wish was not for Tamahome, it was for Yui. "I want Yui returned now. Give my best friend back to ME!" This truly shows Miaka's undying love for Yui; this love was even stronger than what she had for Tamahome or than what it was during the beginning of the series. Yui, as she is reborn back to her normal self, realizes what happened and what Miaka did. In the end, Yui and Miaka overcome their differences and even resolve all the terrible things that happened between them. They end up going to high school together and are still best friends.

My Conclusion:
Many people who dislike Yui like to point out that they would never do what she did. I beg to differ. If I was in Yui’s place, the hell with that, I would have done a lot worse to Miaka for her betrayal than what Yui did. Yui is simply misunderstood because people and fans like to see the heroes win and like to see the lovers end up together. Fortunately though, Yuu Watase brought up this issue of friendship and how powerful it is and hopefully, fans who watch Fushigi Yuugi and who question Yui’s actions will question Miaka’s as well. Remember, Miaka always had it easy and people around her to love her. Yui was always alone and suffering not only from her physical pains, but her emotional pains as well. That is why I love Yui so much, she matured a lot more than Miaka and overcame obstacles that normal people would never dream of having to deal with, especially at such a young age.

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