Centre For Popular Education In Pointe St. Charles
Learning Group
Increase your reading and writing skills in a small, supportive circle. (basic level)
Computer Literacy 1
Learn how to use a computer: computer vocabulary, the Windows operating system, other software and more
(see what we've done this year!)
Computer Literacy 2
Learn the ins and outs of a computer. Learn about the parts of the computer, technical vocabulary and how to do basic repairs and upgrades without having to pay for the cost of a technician.
Community Journal
Learn computer and layout skills in a fun way. The final product is the end of term journal, "The Pointe Express". No experience is required....we will teach you everything you need to know.
Thoughts On Paper
Learn how to keep a personal journal. Write down your conversations with yourself and others or write your stress away.
"Liternet" Cafe
COme and use our internet service for research, checking email, computer practice, literacy software and more!
Drama For Change
Prepare skits and plays about social issues that concern you using popular theatre techniques.br>
Basic Math
Learn basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using worksheets and practical exercises.
Please Note: C.P.E.P. courses are offered free of charge
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