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Historical Photos

The Victoria Bridge

 Point St.Charles is just a stone's throw from busy downtown Montreal; a mere five minute's Metro (subway) ride.
  Horses were always a popular means of transport in Point St. Charles. 
Even today you can still find at least three horse stables right here.
  This image (ca. 1900) is of a local blacksmith, A. Normandeau and the business card (see next photo) was actually handed out by the man in the photo! On the card we can read that in addition to his blacksmith trade he also repaired cars !!!  
  Note the early telephone system. Mr. Normandeau was part of the Victoria Exchange.
  At the time police, fire, transport and delivery trades such as milkmen all depended on the horse... and the horse depended on the blacksmith to travel well.

  This business card was actually handed out by Mr. Normandeau himself (see previous photo)

Grace Church

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St. Gabriel's Church
(Reprinted from the centennial publication of St. Gabriel's published in 1970, reprinted with permission.)
 We print the picture of St. Gabriel's as it used to be, so that all who see it will understand that the beauty and devotional atmosphere of the modern interior of St. Gabriel's has a background of beauty and reverence, a background not destroyed by fire, but preserved in the very stones which proudly stood to ensure the continuity of the spirit of St. Gabriel's people. 
  It is good to remember, not for the purpose of living in the past or wishing it back again, but in order to value the present more deeply and plan for the future more effectively. We must be conscious of our roots in order to be true to ourselves and to future generations.

Church Parade
Image is probably late 19th century, originally black/white and hand tinted.  Further research is underway to determine the accuracy of the image caption and the colors used for the uniforms. As it stands, we have determined that at the time period this photo was taken Canadian Engineer uniforms were RED.

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