Official Virtual Sailor Forum | Moderated by Yours Truly |
Other Official VS Forum | Main forum, moderated by Charlotte |
Official Virtual Sailor Chat | Best chance of finding someone on-line. |
Virtual Sailor, FUD Forum | Jeff Koppe's classy offering |
Ilan Papini's Virtual Sailor, official site | The most of everything. |
Jeff Koppe's Port of Call | Historic, unique add-ons, advice, and more. |
Daniel Polli's Age of Sail site | Tall ships, forum, Clancy pack, more. |
Jt_3D's VS site | Interesting look at VS. |
Andres Merino's Magister Navis | Many resources, good advice. |
Simon's Boatbuilding Yard | Simon Richardson's projects, downloads. |
Virtual Sailor Shipyard | Pieter's Site: one of the best! |
Red Ocktober's Sub Base 1 | New subsim, VS news and add-ons. |
T Hansen's Repaints | Great raceboat re-paints. |
Webdog's VS Reviews | Reviews of VS boats. They need you! |
Joshua's Virtual Sailor | Home of the Sealand, others |
Marty Schultz's Sceneries | Hawaii, New England... great resource! |
Virtual Sailor Oceanographic Institute | Webdog and Horn's underwater site |
Speaker for the Dead's VS site | Some big, fast boats reside here. |
Virtual Sailor Net | Site by CK: will be a wellspring of VS add-ons + |