Lend me your hope for awhile, I seem to have misplaced mine.
Lost and hopeless feelings accompany me daily, pain and confusion
are my companions.
I know not where to turn; looking ahead to future times does not
bring forth images of renewed hope.
I see troubled times, pain-filled days, and more tragedy.
Lend me your hope for awhile, I seem to have mislaid mine.
Hold my hand and hug me; listen to all my ramblings, recovery
seems so far distant.
The road to healing seems like a long and lonely one.
Lend me your hope for awhile, I seem to have mislaid mine.
Stand by me, offer me your presence, your heart and your love.
Acknowledge my pain, it is so real and ever present.
I am overwhelmed with sad and conflicting thoughts.
Lend me your hope for awhile; a time will come when I will heal,
and I will share my renewal, hope, and love with others (adapted from the poem "Lend Me Your Hope," author unknown).
O taste and see that the Lord is good:
blessed is the man that trusteth in him ps. 34:8