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Flight Data 5/25/03

Flight Location:  Bennett Field (Pinckney, Michigan)  Weather Conditions:  Party Cloudy, Humidity 77%, Temperature 54 degrees Farenheit, Wind North 5 MPH

Flight Data

Rocket Name:  AIM-54 Phoenix  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  E15-4  Payload:  Estes transroc Beeper  Recovery:  18 in. parachute  Comments:  Poor flight-engine sputtered before lift-off-considerable weathercocking-predicted altitude-500 ft.-rocket drifted into a tree-rocket was recovered with a long pole with help from my son and son-in-law-no damage was done to the rocket.

Rocket Name:  Aquarius  Manufacturer:  MPC  Engine(s):  B6-4  Payload:  None Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-305 ft.-good recovery.

Rocket Name:  Big Daddy  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  D12-5  Payload:  None Recovery:  18 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-400 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Big Rage  Manufacturer:  Quest  Engine(s):  D12-7  Payload:  Estes Transroc Beeper  Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-860 ft.-moderate drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Explorer  Manufacturer:  Quest  Engine(s):  B6-0/B6-6  Payload:  None  Recovery:  10 in. x-form parachute  Comments:  Poor flight-2nd stage failed to ignite-predicted altitude-100 ft.-2nd stage core sampled into the ground-severe damage done to body tube-2nd stage completely rebuilt.

Rocket Name:  Firebird  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  C6-5  Payload:  None Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-690 ft.-good recovery.

Rocket Name:  Menace  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  C11-5  Payload:  None Recovery:  12 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-465 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Nike Arrow  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  A8-3  Payload:  None  Recovery:  Streamer  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-290 ft.-shock cord and upper body tube section detached on recovery-no damage done to rocket-installed new shock cord.

Rocket Name:  Patriot 2  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  C11-5  Payload:  None Recovery:  12 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-450 ft.-slight drift on recovery-one fin partially cracked off on landing-fin was reattached.

Rocket Name:  Sandhawk  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  D12-7  Payload:  None  Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-870 ft.-slight drift on recovery-fin unit and nose cone broke off on landing-one fin cracked off-nose cone and fin unit reattached.

Rocket Name:  Scrambler  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  C5-3  Payload:  None  Recovery:  12 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-580 ft.-good recovery.

Rocket Name:  Supernova Payloader Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  D12-5 Payload:  None Recovery:  12 in. parachute Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-440 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Viking  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  A6-4  Payload:  None  Recovery:  Streamer  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-395 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

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