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Rocket Name
Recommended Engines
Rocket Vision
5.0 oz./142 gms.
13.0 in.
1.2 in.
18 mm./24 mm.


Six-Pack on Launchpad at Manly Bennett Field 6/5/11

Six-Pack Launch at Manly Bennett Field 6/5/11

Six-Pack Launch Video at Manly Bennett Field 6/5/11

Flight Data

Date Flown:  8/20/03  Engine(s):  D12-7  Payload:  None  Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Weather: Light winds  Comments:  Poor flight-rocket became unstable shortly after lift-off-predicted altitude-100 ft.-parachute did not deploy-rocket was not damaged-add nose cone weight for future flights.

Date Flown:  8/24/03  Engine(s):  D12-5  Payload:  None  Recovery: 11 in. parachute  Weather: Light winds  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-785 ft.-engine ejected out of rear of rocket-parachute did not deploy-rocket coresampled into the ground-two tube fins broke off on landing and the nose cone paint job was damaged-fins were reattached-nose cone was repainted.

Date Flown:  6/5/11  Engine(s):  D12-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Weather:  Light winds  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-785 ft.-nose cone, parachute and shock cord broke away from rocket and were lost-engine blew out back of rocket-main body tube was recovered undamaged-nose cone and shock cord were replaced.

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