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F'ni D'ni Short Pieces
Parodies, Puns, and assorted insanity
If anything on this page gives you a chuckle, its done its job :)

Gehn the D'ni dragon

(adapted from Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul, & Mary)

Gehn the D'ni dragon, lived by the sea

and frolicked in the acid surf of the Age 233

1st verse

Drunk ole Cho and buddies, loved that mix he puffed

and brought him frogs and many logs and other fancy stuff!


Gehn wants to rule forever, but not so say Moiety

portal things, wahrk gallow rings

will end when they are free.

One bright day it happened,

Catherine came and then "a friend"

and between 'em all & Atrus' book

Ole Gehn soon met his end!


Achenar's Aria
(Adapted from a Pirates of Penzance song by Gilbert & Sullivan)

Oh, better far to live up high
Under the brave black flag I fly,
I'll be revered than play Sirrus's part
With my floating head and poison arts.
Away in Channelwood's dark & dim
I'll be a ruler away from him
I'll live off my altar's fruit & cod
and live and die a Pirate God!

For I am a Pirate God!
And I rule, I rule with an iron rod
To be a Pirate God!
For I am your Pirate God!

You are!
Three screams for our Pirate God!

And I rule, I rule with an iron rod
To be a Pirate God.

You do!
Three Screams for our Pirate God!
Three screams for our Pirate God!

When I link forth my foes to slay
I make their villages dearly pay
& I torture a few more apes, it's true,
Than a son of Atrus ought to do;
But even Gehn & Sirrus on their thrones,
Are cruel to keep their crowns their own,
They manage somehow to get through
More subjects & Ages than e'er I do,

For I am a Pirate God!
And I rule, I rule with an iron rod
To be a Pirate God!
For I am a Pirate God!

You are!
Three screams for the Pirate God!

And I rule, I rule with an iron rod
To be a Pirate God.

You do!
Three Screams for our Pirate God!
Three Screams for our Pirate God!


The Flowers that bloom in the Glade

(adapted from a Mikado song :Gilbert & Sullivan)

Rivenese Villagers:

The flowers that bloom in the glade,

Tra la,

Breathe promise of favor divine.

As we merrily dance and we sing,

Tra la,

We welcome the hope that they bring,

Tra la,

Of a wedding and paradise fine,

Of a wedding and paradise fine.

And that's why today we you serenade

You're as pretty as flowers that bloom in the glade.

Tra la la la la,
Tra la la la la,

The flowers that bloom in the glade.

Tra la la la la,
Tra la la la la,
Tra la la la la la!


The flowers that bloom in the glade,
Tra la,

Have nothing to do with my fate.

I've got go under Gehn's wing,
Tra la,

A most unattractive old thing,
Tra la,

or run away from this place,
or run away from this place;

And that's what I mean when I thus upbraid,

"Oh, bother the flowers that bloom in the glade."

Tra la la la la,
Tra la la la la,

Bother the flowers of shade!

Tra la la la la,
Tra la la la la,
Tra la la la la la!

    Myst by Burma Shave
Most of you are too young to have encountered Burma shave signs along the road. Actually I am too, though I recall encountering a few survivors.

1. Atrus of the Dni race
let his whiskers grow apace
He says it'd be easier to shave
If you'd just give him the page

Burma Shave

2. Achenar giggles from his book
happily he cannot look
at what condition his face is in
his prison age is razor thin

Burma Shave

3. Sirrus is a dapper guy
Even under prison sky
He never lets his stubble grow
How'd he do it?
we dont know.

with Burma Shave?

4. Gehn's face is sharply chiseled
so though all his ages fizzled
he can have pride in silky chin
Burma Shave smoothed his D'ni skin.

5. Woe is poor Cho
His hair wont grow
anywhere but his head
so he'll drink instead

the Burma Shave

6. Ti’anna worries.
Her husband she'd save
But she forgot to pack his
Burma Shave
How can he council with guildsmen grim
when he has whiskers all over him?

Send him Burma Shave!


 Very P'ni

Do you find it f'ni
to think of D'ni m'ni?
or dr'mi days all s'ni
to share with your h'ni b'ni?


Sirrusly Folks!

I lon(g) to explore agehn
the myst-ic shorehs of Ages
What wahrk awaits our crew?
What challenges our sages?

We may achenize over puzzles
debates will then ensue!
We've miles to go and pages
before we've understood our clues


You know you've played too much Myst when...

1) You cover the static on your TV with red or blue Reynolds color wrap. Cause it looks more "natural" that way.

2) You keep leaving handwritten notes on random shelves and out on the lawn in the strange belief they will reach your loved ones... or a friendly stranger.

3) You feel the need to freeze for a few seconds whenever you see
butterflies or birds, sure that if you move at all they will disappear...
(add Sunners and beetles if you are also "living" in Riven :).

4) Everytime you click a link on your monitor you expect to hear a certain sound.... (and are really disappointed you are still in your chair).

5) You feel the need to write lists like this one.....


Exile poem

inspired by the pre-release hints George Chastain gave for Exile & Myst4

Water, water everywhere.....
but not a drop to drink

Instead we puzzlers take a look at CYAN's works and think

That every single storyline has had water to the brim

in streams, in lakes, and in its seas and so we puzzling skim

o'er the possible uses of fluidic stuff

and we are puzzled dire

would raise or lowering it do the trick,

or shall we put out a fire?

Just what DOES George mean with his small hints?

he's got us going crazy!

Presto's Exile should make a mint
if our brains are not too lazy


realMyst image (c) Cyan Worlds, Inc. All rights reserved. BUT I got zee doughnut. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

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