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Words for a Cyan Chat friend

Our chatter flows on like an endless song
of matters small though voices are strong

hen Rehlyimah walks in,
and takes the corner chair,
& I am glad to see him standing there

ike a living ghost,
or cloa'ked sage,
Rehliyimah has walked off D'ni's darkest page

ehlyimah is serious,
he often sounds sad
his name says his life has been rough, has been bad

e may truly be grieving
or he may not be there;
but what do you say to show the ghost that you care?

ehl says we dont see him
and in a way it is true.
We can see but a little,
the chinks he glows through

ut he accepts our welcomes
and in games he will share
his unique perspective
and he seems to care

So the chat rolls on, as we share our laughter,
Rehlyimah's presence keeps us thoughtful long after


Ode for Rehlyimah (the unseen)
  Rehlyimah's name comes from Myst:Book of D'ni term for people who the Terrahnee couldnt "see" because of social status. So its partly a joke, because we cant "see" each other in CC.... but....


In the Mydst

Rehl's Light by Pat Morris.
photo-shopping by Susan M "Salar"