More thunking about D'ni, and
puzzles, and rain....
This fanfic piece was
released on Riven Lyst 7/19/00
from realMyst's
Rime viewer, found by the egg masters.
Myst image (c)
Cyan Worlds, Inc. All rights reserved.
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the Mydst
Salar looked out into the
morning's sudden deluge. Its flashing and thunderous
approach had been her alarm call this a.m. It ripped into
her new day like an angel's cry. There could be no
explorations today save within herself, but even this was
the Maker's gift. Her mind needed time to consider her
latest discoveries.
The rained settled down into rope-like threads outside
the door. The grey Mysty liquid strength of it fell like
a curtain o'er the worlds beyond. It seemed fitting that
it should be so, for just as the Maker of all now held
her explorations to this narrow place, her mind too
seemed to find but little compass in the new mysteries
that loomed on a now but hazy horizon.
Her mind filled with questions. These scraps of
journals...the mysterious communication of far away
minds..were they lines upon a map of discovery or
something more ominous? Perhaps they would lead her to
some cavernous pit from which she might never return.
Of course if it was a nice pit....who would mind? She
smiled inwardly. She avidly enjoyed puzzles
she could solve them. Would she succeed this time?
Time would tell, even if nothing else did.
Salar settled back against the wall. There was time to
think now that her dinner was baking. She nestled into
the hallway, sighing at her thoughts. So many many drawings. Perhaps she should try to
make models of the machinery sketched in the
fragments...perhaps the numbers were the measurements of
them. They apparently weren't dates.
She thought what they might measure...time, space,
perhaps..even.. stars? For surely these worlds had a
place in their glimmering lights. Bookmarked not just in
D'ni libraries but in the heavens? Or perhaps they marked
some other a combination that unraveled the
slight strong lines of a Spyder's web. There were so many
She took a protractor from her right pocket, and realized
its sharp edge had gouged an angular rip into her robe's
brightly colored tapestry. Red, green, blue threads
protruded from the rent place. Hmmmm ..she would need
similar threads to weave them invisibly back into the
larger whole. Where had she seen them before? Salar
opened nearby drawers still holding the tool in her hand.
This wasn't the most efficient way to search, she told
Salar placed the angle-marker on a nearby grid-marked
table. She would need to be more guarded with it in
future..perhaps she should store it in her leather
A sudden clap of thunder startled her backwards, causing
her to tip over a Gemedet board onto the old stones.
So...the surprises weren't over. Very well, she would
remain prepared. She gathered up the pieces, examining
the old game pieces as she did so. She stopped and
admired again the intricate carving of the master
craftsmen who must have spent long hours developing each
design and graceful line. They were a pleasure even when
the games were done, for there was so much to be learned
from their construction. She sat them back in their
accustomed space. It was time to consider her next
Salar took out her needle and began working the green
thread patiently into the larger framework of the robe as
set herself to wait once more. She glanced out every once
in a while looking for a break in the clouds..for then
she would have other work to do.
Meantime..this would occupy her hands.