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Here's some useless (but nevertheless interesting!!!) facts about me. Read on...

  • Hitler and I have the same birthday (*gasp*). Adolf was born in 1889 and 89 years later I was born. Hmmm, maybe that explains why I'm grumpy sometimes...

  • Night Fever by The Bee Gees was the No. 1 Single in the U.S. Billboard at the time I was born. (Thanks to Chico Garcia of Monster Radio RX93.1 for this trivia!)

  • I don't know how to ride a bike, swim or drive.

  • I was in an all-girl rock band called Exordium when I was in high school. I was the vocalist.

  • Despite the fact that I live in Laguna, I have never been to Splash Island (Biņan, Laguna).

  • My pet peeves: Slow-moving people who get in my way; people who don't return the things they borrow from me or if they do return it, not exactly where and how they found it.

  • I have a diverse taste in music. I listen to rock, alternative, grunge, rap metal, nu metal, bubblegum pop, R n' B, hip hop, chillout, trance, new age, pop opera, ballads... Almost everything except country music.

  • Guilty pleasures: Watching Temptation Island, Celebrity Deathmatch, Beavis and Butthead; Listening to Mandy Moore in the Walk to Remember soundtrack.

  • I can be very squeamish when dining with others: I don't like people (with the exception of close friends) taking a sip on my straw or glass/ using my utensils/ dipping their silverware on my plate... I don't like using other people's silverware or glassware either.

  • I sleep with the radio/CD player on.

  • I always take a bath with the heater on. I hate bathing in cold water!

  • I don't eat grapes.

  • I don't engage in any kind of sport. I neither have the physical prowess nor the burning desire to learn one.