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Renewable Energy

Thread -  Renewable Energy

On  27/2/2003, Paul Williams wrote:

Following the link below one may find a U.K. article on renewable energy which has so many holes in it, that if one had a wind farm in back of it, there would be no hindrance.

"If we covered a small fraction of the Sahara desert with photo-voltaic cells, we could generate all the world's electricity requirements."



Peter Macinnis responded:

> "If we covered a small fraction of the Sahara desert with photo-voltaic
> cells, we could generate all the world's electricity requirements."
Martin Green's people at UNSW estimate that 60 km x 60 km (or maybe it was 60 km^2) of efficient conversion would supply Australia.

Right now, one-off units deliver around 24.5% efficiency, bulk units deliver 18-19%, but apparently Martin Green has done an analysis, and sees no reason why it should not go into the 90+% range -- or throwing in a few fudge factors, high 80s, and apparently they are trying to identify the gap between theory and practice, and what causes it, with a view to hammering it.

Meanwhile, in the USA, conversion of sunlight to hydrogen recently topped 9% efficiency -- the US DoE says 10% is the barrier to cross to get that off the ground.  So while the inestimable Robert Park scoffs at The Shrub's dreams of a hydrogen well, it may be closer than anybody thinks.  Personally, I would be buying up land along the new Darwin rail line, just in case.

Imagine: hydrogen-powered trains or electric trains, hauling in water, hauling out cylinders of hydrogen . . .

We can never say beforehand what a new technology will do, or where it will go, because we think in terms of the known, a bit like people who can only see the scramjet as a way of getting to London in two hours, or speak of horseless carriages or wireless telegraphy.

My challenge: what social, technical, engineering and environmental changes would YOU expect to come from a hydrogen economy?  What is needed to make it a reality?

Toby Fiander replied:

Can I get a reference to the discussion?  What assumptions are involved?  Is there more to know?

BTW, assuming the cost of getting the higher efficiency is small, based on figures of a few years ago for costs, this would make solar energy more attractive than fossil fuels for electricity generation.... by quite a bit.

Peter Macinnis replied:
> Can I get a reference to the discussion?  What assumptions are
> involved?  Is there more to know?
Not as yet -- gossip only, but I plan to do an interview Real Soon Now.  The phrase "Carnot analysis" {amended to "Carnot Theorem" in a later post} or some such was used when I was being filled in, if you mean the Martin Green stuff (I checked, it was a reference to Sadi of that name).  The hydrogen conversion I wrote up a few months back, and I can drag it out if you wish.
> BTW, assuming the cost of getting the higher efficiency is small,
> based on figures of a few years ago for costs, this would make
> solar energy more attractive than fossil fuels for electricity
> generation.... by quite a bit.
Agreed.  Hence my raising of it -- but wouldn't it be nice if, just for once, people thought about where the new technology might go, if it came off?  Also, if the US DoE says 10% is the break-even point,
and commercial photovoltaics turn in 18% on a regular basis, could they not break into the hydrogen economy?  I assume that electrolysis is fairly efficient, even if you have to pump the water in.

What sorts of bottles do we use to contain hydrogen?
Toby replied:

Here we go again with gases behaving badly.  I had trouble last time understanding when a gas would be anything but ideal - it is not even a genetic trait.

I expect DEE actually understands the Carnot Cycle, and has probably even ridden one or two of the English Machines to which Carnot referred.  Personally, I only ever thought of the Carnot cycle as a theoretical discussion to which real machines have never had much resemblance.

The fridge that keeps the beer cold does not have to be terribly efficient to do its job, nor does the boiler at the power station, although this is more important than the fridge.  As I understand it - and I may not - in any process relatively small changes in efficiency make quite significant changes to the overall power output/requirement if a process is inefficient.  The law of diminishing returns, which has some resemblance to the chemical Principle of Le Chatelier (ie.  nature is a bitch), ensures that early success leads to less success later.

All of which is to say, I do not understand quite how the Carnot Theorem relates in this case, but I would like to find out.

BTW, I provided a while ago based on an article prepared for the Institution of Engineers, Australia group formed in Melbourne on hydrogen in transport.  There were said to be two competing systems for hydrogen storage in vehicles as I understand it (and probably others).  One is methanol and the other a system of gaseous storage.  I assume either would be suitable for storage on a larger scale.

Paul Williams responded:
> > "If we covered a small fraction of the Sahara desert with photo-voltaic
> > cells, we could generate all the world's electricity requirements."
> Martin Green's people at UNSW estimate that 60 km x 60 km (or maybe it
> was 60 km^2) of efficient conversion would supply Australia.

I would like to see a 3.6 sq. km array supplying a small town;  or even a 0.36 sq km array supplying a tiny town.
I know this could be done. It's the long term energy costs that appear, to me, to be prohibitive.
I would love to see the UNSW self-sufficient in energy requirements.
Now if oil and coal became much more expensive...
When the production and maintenance of solar arrays becomes less expensive...
When the overall efficiency improves...

I realise that the Sahara desert postulation was as an example to simply demonstrate possibilities.
Nevertheless, it misleads people as to the real world difficulties involved.
It is silly.
Transmission and storage are somewhat problematic for a start.

Recently on the 'Water on Mars' thread, it was shown in the rectenna article that photovoltaics would have problems when weather/dust storms were factored in.
I'm out of date, but I recall that solar cells may need to be replaced after about 10 -15 years.
This does not factor in unusual (read probable) 'confounders'.

At the moment, my thoughts are that the economics do not stack up.
Like the 'free' wind a yacht harnesses - the 'means' to harness same and the maintenance of this 'means' comes at a high cost.
This high cost is basically energy.
When the economics do stack up, we will find billions in venture capital available overnight.
Martin Green is doing great work and will deservedly reap some benefits when that time comes - as it eventually/inevitably will.

Donald Lang added:

I need to do some study before I can *really* join the discussion. I claim 'busy, busy' at the moment. I would suggest that we need to have justification for suggestions of 90+ % efficiency. When last I looked at the means employed to use photovoltaics they depended on releasing electrons into the conduction band inside a semiconductor.  Photons are wasted if they do not have sufficient energy. Photons with excess energy have the excess wasted. In this picture there is an upper limit on efficiency with  'black body' radiation as from the sun. That upper limit is vastly short of turning 90% of the light energy into electrical energy.
Please modernise my picture/reading as far as necessary.

If the energy is used to release and store hydrogen, life may become easier. At the moment there is a problem that a substantial amount of use occurs at night. Best eficiency occurs around noon. We need storage facilities. When last heard there was some doubt about the total energy budget of a complete system using lead storage batteries. There may be better batteries available eventually, but lead was the nearest to economically feasible. A system that is energy negative over its whole lifetime may still be economically viable for an isolated location if it is manufactured elsewhere.

Sorry if all this is out of date etc. More and better, "real soon now."

Toby Fiander responded:

I did not like to display my ignorance, but since you force me into it and I seem to be among friends...  The mention of Carnot Theorem made me think that what was being discussed was not a PV cell system, but a system of capturing sunlight for heating water.

Martin Green made some of his original advances in the capture of heat. Stuart White, now Director of the UTS Institute of Sustainable Futures, worked on one of the projects for his PhD, IIRC.

OTOH, the PV cells have seemed the main game, at least to outsiders, for some time now.

Donald Lang answered:

Colour me confused too, and that is a definite maybe. If you throw open all matters of renewable or replacement energy, you need to specify your ground rules. I must dig out a letter I got specifying that currently maximum energy per dollar spent went either to much solar hot water, or nuclear. Straight conservation is in there somewhere. Better get the ground rules right before I sound off too much.



Once you incorporate Carnot and all his works you may find yourself dealing in efficiencies where heat energy is used to produce chemical change. The limitations imposed by thermodynamics can suprise us all.  dwl.

David Maddern added:

The problem with hydrogen is that it is an explosive gas in the presence of oxygen - not real flash in a car smash for instance. (Petrol is not inflammable but its vapour is with an ignition source)

The state of play is that solar cells feed into the grid from disperse locations, when the particular owner of any array is not using all of the generated.  The converse happens at night but represents a partial call-back of previously exported power (to the particular owner.  This does away with batteries.
Peak usage in Southern capitals anyway is air-conditioning (often 3 phase in new buildings) so occurs in the daytime.

Such systems are available with regulators and all that equipment, or with purpose built thin cells that sit on your roof outputting 24volts AC.  Ten of them make 240vAC synchronised with the mains so wired into any junction box. Commercialisation of Martin Green's output

I imagine substantial losses occur with solar cells through heat generation (seeking to capture all light infrared comes too) . Their overall performance is said to be better in winter!

Ray enquired:

Is there anything wrong with the idea of setting up photovoltaic collectors in heliocentric orbits and beaming the energy as transformed into laser style EMR (microwave or other spectrum) down to collectors on Earth?

At least such collectors would have no down time, and expense would be minimal after the initial high costs of setting up.

and in response to Toby Fiander's post :  Why would you do this?  I don't understand the advantage.

Toby, the idea is to provide a solar electric source which is 100%
independant of night and day, of weather, and of any other kind of terrestrial interference.  It would require relay stations in both heliocentric and geocentric orbits.  Pending the means used to transfer energy from an orbital position to ground collection, which no doubt would need to be free of any geo-political interference.

Then again, perhaps it is just an exceptionally hare-brained scheme?
Possibly no moreso than A C Clarke's elevator tower though.
David Maddern responded:

Why do something that can be shot at, would cost heaps, would shade somewhere, would cost bulk in greenhouse gasses getting it up there, some central agency would own it, someone else would hate it, the beam might go astray, vulnerable to space junk and by the time you get it up there some bastard has swamped the grid with wind energy and solar power from a million roof arrays

is that enough?

(I hope so)

Anthony Morton added:

> Such systems are available with regulators and all that equipment, or with
> purpose built thin cells that sit on your roof outputting 24volts AC. Ten
> of them make 240vAC synchronised with the mains so wired into any junction
> box. Commercialisation of Martin Green's output

Do solar cells really exist that generate AC voltages?  Photovoltaic cells are DC sources, or so I thought.

I've often speculated about the possibility of DC buildings powered by solar cells.  The DC voltage could be electronically stepped down to 12 volts for direct input to computers, lights and other appliances, or fed to DC-AC inverters to drive efficient lift motors and air conditioning.  No need to synchronise every generation source with AC mains.

Toby Fiander responded:

The brave new world so frequently described has PV cells on every roof feeding the mains, presumably through an inverter.

I am a layman, but I am interested one and I have never been able to figure out how this could be made to work - I can see at least three problems (synchronisation, load does not match generation, quality control).  Yet there clearly is some way of doing it, because there are such roofs.  As a layman, I postulate that there is a sensor on the grid connection that adjusts the inverter so that it is synchronised with the grid, but it is pure guesswork on my part.  What about the other systems of generation where an inverter is not used?

When I looked at the IPART enquiry for an explanation of distributed generation, what I got was effectively "small" diesel and cogeneration plants.  Small is a relative term, since the installations listed are ALL in the MW range.  At least one of them is comparable with machines operated by Pacific Power, which is hardly small.  There are also relatively few of them.

Again as a layman, I can only suppose that there are small distributed generators at the BULK supply level.  IPART mentions nothing about rooves and inverters although it does refer to agreements to abide by quality requirements, which would be a rather useless approach for roof-mounted PV cells and inverters, since, by and large, there will be no "user serviceable parts".

There is also a lot of discussion on the IPART site about a complicated system of market interaction between suppliers and retailers and those who run cable and some people who are facilitators of one sort or another... not a mention of a user anywhere, let alone anything technical.  Like the taxation system, the discussion makes you think there had to be a better and more equitable way.
Zero Sum added:
> Do solar cells really exist that generate AC voltages?  Photovoltaic
> cells are DC sources, or so I thought.
You thought correctly.  However inverters are small nowadays...
> I've often speculated about the possibility of DC buildings powered by
> solar cells.  The DC voltage could be electronically stepped down to 12
> volts for direct input to computers, lights and other appliances, or
> fed to DC-AC inverters to drive efficient lift motors and air
> conditioning.  No need to synchronise every generation source with AC
> mains.
Computers don't run on 12 volts.  Everytime I've asked someone to design or help me design a power supply they say "get an inverter"...

Most twelve volt lights are not very bright.

There are no good reasons for a building that needs lifts in this country.

Air conditioning?  A properly designed building doesn't need it.

There are a few provocations.  Maybe we can work out what power we really need before we try to work out where we get it from.

Anthony Morton wrote:
> The brave new world so frequently described has PV cells on every
> roof feeding the mains, presumably through an inverter.
> I am a layman, but I am interested one and I have never been able
> to figure out how this could be made to work - I can see at least
> three problems (synchronisation, load does not match generation,
> quality control).  Yet there clearly is some way of doing it,
> because there are such rooves.  As a layman, I postulate that
> there is a sensor on the grid connection that adjusts the
> inverter so that it is synchronised with the grid, but it is pure
> guesswork on my part.  What about the other systems of generation
> where an inverter is not used?
Power system engineers call anything below 1000V 'low voltage'.  These are the kind of voltage levels one sees where power is actually utilised.  It's also the part of the system that power system engineers have least to do with.  When they speak of distributed generation they typically mean generators that plug straight into the high-voltage grid, where voltage levels are typically 22000V or more and power levels are in the megawatt range.

When laypeople think about distributed generation they typically have smaller-scale sources in mind, such as rooftop solar cells or windmills in the backyard.  I think such systems have enormous potential if they catch on the way motor cars did in the 1950s.

At the moment, rooftop solar cells and similar systems are connected to conventional AC mains using a sinusoidal inverter.  This is an electronic gadget that takes the DC produced by the cells and converts it to sinusoidal AC with very low distortion.  It's electronically controlled to ensure it remains synchronised with the grid.  From the point of view of the homeowner it's no different to any other power that comes through the fuse box.

The drawback is that these inverters cost a lot of money and have lots of intricate components that fail and need replacing from time to time.   In the longer term I envisage appliances that could use the DC power from the cells directly.  Already there are a lot of appliances that must convert the AC input to DC for internal use: computers, compact fluoro lamps, 'smart' washing machines and air conditioners, and so on.   It's actually these appliances that produce most of the 'power quality' problems that affect AC grids today.  In future, I could see most appliances being powered from DC mains that interface with the AC grid at the distribution transformer.
Toby Fiander replied:

Anthony wrote:
> .... 'smart' washing machines and air conditioners, and so on.
>   It's actually these appliances that produce most of the 'power
> quality' problems that affect AC grids today.  In future, I could see
> most appliances being powered from DC mains that interface with the AC
> grid at the distribution transformer.

Wouldn't it be logical for most electric motors to remain AC?

Does the power factor issue disappear with an interface as you describe?
> When laypeople think about distributed generation they typically have
> smaller-scale sources in mind, such as rooftop solar cells or windmills
> in the backyard.  I think such systems have enormous potential if they
> catch on the way motor cars did in the 1950s.
Yes... but the car allowed a freedom and privacy that was not available previously, whereas most people are not aware of being tethered to a grid any more than they are that the milk in the fridge comes from a cow.

A serious attempt at distributed generation would need to include a cost advantage that made it overwhelmingly desirable to have independence of the grid... or there needs to be the perception of imminent failure of the grid, which is one of the reasons that water tanks have caught on a bit in Sydney (sort of, you cannot get one at the moment and one of the company reps says orders are related to the news and weather more than anything else).

At the moment, there is a significant case in terms of scarce national capital NOT to build roofwater tanks or PV cells on roofs.... in the aggregate, the money can be better spent on centralised systems.  However, this values the environmental advantage at zero.  For concrete roofwater tanks, I think it is probably doubtful that there is any significant environmental advantage either, but there may be advantages for PV cells, I am prepared to think there could be.

One of these threads started off with the prospect the efficiency of PV cells (or at any rate solar collection) could be significantly increased, which would then mean that centralised systems might not any longer have the significant advantage in terms of cost that they currently enjoy.

Anthony Morton responded:
>> Do solar cells really exist that generate AC voltages?  Photovoltaic
>> cells are DC sources, or so I thought.

> You thought correctly.  However inverters are small nowadays...
One of the more captivating applications I've come across for solar cells is the thin-film solar window.  Apparently you can even make them to vary their level of tint according to the incident solar radiation. So on particuarly glarey days they provide shade for those indoors while sitting there and generating power.  Unfortunately I haven't yet seen an inverter that can be embedded in a pane of glass :-)

> Computers don't run on 12 volts.  Everytime I've asked someone to design or
> help me design a power supply they say "get an inverter"...

Yes, computer power supplies are actually quite complicated things and can generate up to half a dozen different voltage levels that are used on different parts of the motherboard.  1V for the CPU, 5V for the Ethernet controller, 12V for the video card, 15V for the hard drive, not forgetting some negative rails for good measure.....

Nonetheless you'll find that any power supply for any modern electronic appliance will have roughly the same AC-DC front end.  Usually there are the same three basic units: a simple diode bridge, a DC-DC boost converter (for smoothing) and a DC-DC flyback converter (for isolation).  The output of this is an isolated DC supply at some nominal voltage (24V in the 'puter I'm using now) which is then broken down further.

In laptops, this single isolated DC supply is what plugs into the mini-socket on the computer itself.  You could take any old DC power supply of the appropriate voltage and plug it into this socket, but the manufacturer warns you against it because it may not have the required power capability or built-in isolation.

In principle there's no reason we couldn't run computers off a DC main:  in fact with the current designs a computer will already run off pretty much anything between 100V and 300V, AC or DC.

> Air conditioning?  A properly designed building doesn't need it.

I agree.  But with the badly designed buildings we already have, there's a lower resource cost in retrofitting energy-efficient plant than in demolishing and rebuilding.

> There are a few provocations.  Maybe we can work out what power we
> really
> need before we try to work out where we get it from.

Couldn't agree more.
Paul Williams added:

My minimal understanding is that DC transmission is much less effiicient than AC transmission over long distance. Would one then convert to DC at local stations?

I have read that Edison and Tesla had a strong disagreement about DC vrs AC - culminating years later in the ironic awarding of the prestigious 'Edison Medal' to Tesla.

I believe that it is folklore that Edison personally gave this medal to Tesla.
David Maddern posted:
> > Such systems are available with regulators and all that equipment, or with
> > purpose built thin cells that sit on your roof outputting 24volts AC.  Ten
> > of them make 240vAC synchronised with the mains so wired into any  junction
> > box. Commercialisation of Martin Green's output
> Do solar cells really exist that generate AC voltages?  Photovoltaic
> cells are DC sources, or so I thought.

Yes I will write it again, outputting 24volts AC.  They have electronics in each of them to convert the accumulated DC to AC at 50Hz grid

Quite an innovation eh and I suspect they do it with a Trirac, and optoelectronic number that uses light to drive the control voltage of a transistor to effectively mirror the grid.

Pacific Power 'Plug and Power'T

AC power is heaps more efficient for transmission otherwise the wires would be too big to hold up there  with DC

And this matters over even 20 metres, so the whole building DC is a pipe dream
> I've often speculated about the possibility of DC buildings powered by
> solar cells.  The DC voltage could be electronically stepped down to 12
> volts for direct input to computers, lights and other appliances, or
> fed to DC-AC inverters to drive efficient lift motors and air
> conditioning.  No need to synchronise every generation source with AC
> mains.
Anthony Morton responded:
> Yes I will write it again, outputting 24volts AC.  They have
> each of them to convert the accumulated DC to AC at 50Hz grid
> Quite an innovation eh and I suspect they do it with a Trirac, and
> optoelectronic number that uses light to drive the control voltage of a
> transistor to effectively mirror the grid.
> Pacific Power 'Plug and Power'T
Interesting - do you have a URL?  I couldn't turn up this item in a web search.

The idea I gather is to connect 10 of these devices in series to produce a 240V AC source.  Does this mean you need to connect the synchronising signal to each individual cell?  This could get unwieldy.   I would have thought it would be more economical to connect in series on the DC side and use a single inverter operating at 240V.
> AC power is heaps more efficient for transmission otherwise the wires  would
> be too big to hold up there  with DC
You're conflating AC versus DC with high voltage versus low voltage.  It would be madness to reticulate a large commercial building with 24 volts DC, I agree, but it would be no more sane to reticulate 24 volts AC.  Ohm's Law and the voltage-times-current relation for power hold equally well for AC and DC systems, give or take a fudge factor.
> And this matters over even 20 metres, so the whole building DC is a  pipe  dream

Here's an experiment to try (for the electrically trained).  Run a 20 metre extension cord from any 240V AC power point and attach a 100W light globe to the other end.  Measure the current into the globe.  Estimate the voltage on the globe, using the fact that a 100W globe has a nominal resistance of (240)2/100 = 576 ohms.

Next, obtain or build a 1 amp AC-DC rectifier (say a diode bridge with output shunt capacitor).  Plug this into the same power point and plug the 20 metre extension cord into the DC output.  Attach the 100W globe, measure the current and estimate the voltage as before.

Was the cable current smaller for the AC system or the DC system?  In which case are the losses smaller?  Comment on your answers.  For bonus marks, what happens when you correct for the different voltage level on AC and DC sides?

and in a later post:
> My minimal understanding is that DC transmission is much less
> effiicient than AC transmission over long distance. Would one then
> convert to DC at local stations?
It's all a question of voltage levels.  The higher the transmission voltage, the lower the current and the lower the transmission loss, regardless of whether it's AC or DC.

AC systems emerged as superior at the end of the 19th century because they had the capability of using transformers to step the voltage up to a high level for transmission and then back to a safe low level for utilisation.  The technology of the day limited DC systems to a single voltage level, so you had to transmit at the same voltage that your appliances ran at.  This meant that DC systems were severely limited in size and extent, compared with the huge AC grids that later emerged.

However, it's been understood since at least the 1950s that, as long as you have a way to change the voltage level, DC transmission is actually more efficient than AC transmission at a given voltage. Long-distance transmission lines are now typically installed as HVDC (high-voltage DC) lines rather than AC lines, at voltages of around a million volts DC.

Typically one would have a two-conductor line with one conductor at +500kV (say) and the other at -500kV, giving 1MV between the two.  A 1MV three-phase AC line built with the same amount of conductor material will have the same or higher losses (depending on operational factors) but will have a greater voltage drop from one end to the other (due to reactive effects that don't operate in DC systems) and will require much larger towers and a wider easement, because the peak voltage to earth is 63% greater and the peak line-to-line voltage 41% greater than for the DC line.

The reason one couldn't build HVDC lines in Edison and Tesla's day was that one didn't then have the electronic technology required to efficiently convert between AC and DC.  AC transformers are still needed to provide the high voltages for HVDC transmission, but the cost of converting high-voltage AC to high-voltage DC is now more than low enough to make HVDC transmission viable.  And many of the advantages of DC in high-voltage transmission translate pretty well to low-voltage systems too.  So it's now quite feasible to convert 415V three-phase AC to +/-300V DC at the entrance to a large building and run DC cables with lower losses than conventional AC cables.
> Aside:
> I have read that Edison and Tesla had a strong disagreement about DC  vrs
> AC - culminating years later in the ironic awarding of the prestigious 'Edison Medal' to Tesla.
> I believe that it is folklore that Edison personally gave this medal to  Tesla.
I'm not sure about the folklore, but the 'Battle of the Systems' is certainly historical fact and even more bitter and extensive than most of the popular accounts make out.  Most popular writers focus almost exclusively on Edison and Tesla as they were probably the most colourful personalities involved, but in fact the battle raged for more than 10 years over the whole of Europe and North America and drew in most of the major scientific figures of the day.  Not only Edison but also Crompton, Siemens, Lord Kelvin and many others were lined up on the side of DC versus the AC advocates Tesla, Westinghouse, Ferranti, Ganz and others.  Virtually every major city that electrified in the 1880s or 1890s became host to a skirmish between rival engineers with DC and AC systems.  Melbourne had DC north of the Yarra and AC south of the Yarra for many years.

and further, posted:

> Wouldn't it be logical for most electric motors to remain AC?
If you mean that AC motors have advantages over DC motors, yes.  (I presume we're talking here about induction motors and synchronous motors, not the high-speed universal motors found in small electrical appliances - the latter are essentially DC motors driven from an AC input.)

The tricky issue is that if you plug an AC motor into a 50Hz supply, it will only run at one fixed speed.  Most processes run more efficiently if you can control the speed, and this requires either a mechanical gearbox or a variable-frequency AC supply.  The 'state of the art' is to use a DC-AC inverter to provide a variable-voltage, variable-frequency supply to the motor - so that although it's an AC motor it's effectively being operated from a DC supply.  To operate off standard AC mains requires two stages - an AC-DC rectifier followed by the inverter.

Just to underline the changed state of affairs, technology has now reached the point where the inverter can be embedded in the motor junction box, giving the appearance that the motor itself takes a DC input!  Industry figures have suggested that before too long, virtually every AC motor you buy will have an embedded inverter.
> Does the power factor issue disappear with an interface as you
> describe?
As seen from the DC mains, yes.  With a steady DC supply free of ripple, any load that draws a constant DC current will have power factor 1.  With an inverter load the current is contaminated by switching noise, but usually the DC bus will have sufficient capacitance that this has little practical effect.  It's certainly true that inductance, the principal cause of poor power factors in AC systems, has no effect in DC systems.

>> I think such systems have enormous potential if they
>> catch on the way motor cars did in the 1950s.
> Yes... but the car allowed a freedom and privacy that was not
> available previously, whereas most people are not aware of being
> tethered to a grid any more than they are that the milk in the
> fridge comes from a cow.
It's in the mind to some extent.  It's not inconceivable that people could become as excited about being an independent power producer as many are about having independent mobility.  It would certainly help if the cost of a rooftop system came down to be a good deal less than that of a car - but this would likely come about only if PV cells became substantially more efficient.
> At the moment, there is a significant case in terms of scarce
> national capital NOT to build roofwater tanks or PV cells on
> rooves.... in the aggregate, the money can be better spent on
> centralised systems.  However, this values the environmental
> advantage at zero.  For concrete roofwater tanks, I think it is
> probably doubtful that there is any significant environmental
> advantage either, but there may be advantages for PV cells, I am
> prepared to think there could be.
The big problem with PV cells is the embodied energy of production.  I'm still not prepared to say there's a clear environmental case for them; I think the efficiency has to increase first.  Of course, that would also improve the economic case.

David Martin added:
> My minimal understanding is that DC transmission is much less effiicient
> than AC transmission over long distance. Would one then convert to DC at
> local stations?
Hi Paul and others,

It depends what you mean by "efficient".

AC transmission is used because it can be transformed up or down in voltage at the transmitting (generator) and receiving (e.g. household) ends respectively. DC can't be transformed at all (details of the physics on request :-)

If you want to transmit e.g. a megawatt of power across country, then the power, which is the product of current and voltage, must be a million. ie. you could transmit a million amps at one volt or a thousand amps at a thousand volts, or whatever.

Unless you use superconducting cable (which brings its own problems) there is some power loss in the cable because of its resistance R, which is proportional to the current *squared* (it's RI2).

So to minimise cable losses it pays to transmit power over long distances at the highest possible voltage and hence lowest possible current. Typical transmission line voltages are a good fraction of a million volts. Voltages significantly higher than this cause insulator breakdown on the pylons, arcing
and so on, (can you give us some details here Anthony?).

For the same current and voltage values, then the heating of the cable is the same for DC as AC, but there is another effect. AC generates electromagnetic waves at whatever frequency is being used, and some additional power is lost; making AC actually less efficient than DC. This effect is negligable at 50 or 60 Hz however.