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new marketing schemes


By Pierre André Thibault, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

First web published in 2002.



Omnipotence is often a temptation for many successful businessmen.

The 4m “money-making market-masters” build their global business visions

on a concept of ”initially androgynous contraries”, as for example ”rational

selectivity at random”, exactly as nature does in any process.


In tight competitive markets, 4m are mostly trying different solutions when

and where possible and opportune. Many times, at least one choice leads

to success.


The method is simple but most efficient. 4m, organized now as one virtual

consulting business, hires for you anywhere in the world, the appropriate

expertise for solving your product, service, development, sales, and profit

return equation.


4m can get you the best results for the money you are prepared to invest.

If your projects about business growth, expansion, increase of market shares,

marketing, advertising, distribution, promotion, representation, corporate

identity and image, should not be viable, you will also be told promptly.


During 30 years of market analysis and research jobs, 4m’s best experiences

have been achieved in the most various fields:


Historical marine charts and sea maps.

A German-made women underwear trademark for the French market.

A US tyre trademark for the European market.

Originals, replicas, or copies of Art Masterpieces.

XIIe Congrès des Dermatologistes

et Syphiligraphes de Langue Francaise.

A Nobel Prize in literature and medicine, a business for a publisher.

Dried milk or not dried milk, that is the question.

Renault-Volvo or Mercedes-Volvo cooperation, or both?

Problem teenagers, whose problem?

EU canned fruit sales.

A trump card in a Minisub.

Promoting Language Learning.

Selling Household Machines.

Traffic-free City Centres.

Business profits from castles, mansions, manors, and residential Real Estate.

Saving endangered Animal Species.

Profit in Sponsoring Sports.

Pushing up Wine sales.

4x4 and RV design and sales...


    The 4m research programmes in progress at present are also very different

from each other, but they all have a same lead:

Business today for decades ahead.


The names of the 4m selected marketing projects are also quite eloquent,

and the choice among business areas is multiple:



Consumer products


SPRING WATER, mass delivery of high quality, low price, pure,

natural Nordic drinking mineral water.


HIDISC, mass delivery and high discount sales

of quality food, non-food, household, and housing products.


SCANDINAT, health products and cosmetics made of natural materials.



Community services:


SENIOR RESIDENCES, quality and friendly homes for retired persons.

MEDEC, easy-to-use turnkey medical/dental clinics/hospitals with staff,

built for urban or rural areas in developing countries.



Transport, freight, travel:


HISPEED, a worldwide network of the best combined high speed

railway and ferry transport system, communication, distribution and

user multi-service systems for passengers only, and passengers + freight,

in, from and to specific regions.


TIDA, safer, smarter, stronger, cleaner vans, small buses, trucks,

special vehicles in multi-models, even with hybrid or dual engines.


SEACAN, safe and clean shipping freight at low cost.

HELIX, low cost private safe helicopters and new flying vehicles.






New technologies:


NEW HOUSE, energy saver, ”healthy-air” housing system turning towards

or away from sun, rain, wind, storm, cold or heat.


CLIMGLASS, climate glazing, heated/cooled double/triple glazing

for windows, doors, walls or any surface, a healthier heating/cooling

and ventilation system for both cold and warm climates.


KLINERGY, suburban housing and community service schemes

with financing plans for developing countries.


MAGIC WATCH, in French La Boîte Magique, all-in-one hands-free

wrist-watch, integrating ”radio-TV-video-cam-DVD-computer-internet-

messenger-payonline-phone”, with or without a NOKILOCK option,

a voice/finger/eye or no-touch, digital electronic locking system,

with selective codes, and who-got-through memory, and much more.



New materials, energy, envi­ron­ment:


COMPOMAT, composite materials.


SWEPINUP, combined sea, stream, sun, wind, earth, bio and nuclear power,

Including a new thinking in nuke waste.


COMBIWASTE, industry, urban, hospital, medical and household

waste management.


RESCAPE, global/local schemes for restoration of forests and landscapes.





GENERIB, human DNA banking. (Human Genes DNA Banking at Yahoo)



4m is now developing each of its projects separately from the others,

and each one with its own expertise.


Initiated 4 decades ago with a pencil and paper, 4m’s work is nowadays

entirely computerized.


All its business is run through the easily accessible, legible, and readable,

free and public SPECIAL4u internet site for you, with free stuff and  

basic working tools, with no computer knowledge needed, for beginners

and nerds, and where most stuff can be freely copied, printed, and

reproduced, according to all mentioned copyright rules.


Encrypted when necessary, with no possibility of leaking, bugging,

external surveillance, non-authorized inquiry, no paper or other

material to be hijacked or seized, no improper intrusion in its advanced

and combined IT, interactive multimedia, cyber space, and virtual reality

systems, 4m’ study, research, and commercial stuff, is still easily accessible

for recognized, and authorized personnel and persons.


All jobs in any language by carefully selected partner teams.


4m’ special strength can be summarized quiet simply as:

intuitive knowhow + constant supply of new fresh creativity,

for today’s and tomorrow’s human business reality.


For any relevant FINANCIAL ENGINEERING scheme,

capital can be lobbied in ”free money centres”.


For more about any item mentioned in this text, or more about the

Copyright owner for this press article, Copyright PAT 2002, 2003, 2004,

all rights reserved, send an email with your references and your request to:






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