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SPECIAL4u is a dynamic site for you


with selected Super Links, and with


probably the best Files of the Web!



By Pierre Andre THIBAULT, in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004, 2005,


with Copyrights for the copied, printed, or reproduced  texts, articles,


images,  icons,  pictures,  maps,  photos,  videos,  MOBILE films,


URL,  internet-IP addresses, and links, as mentioned above and below.



Updated 2010



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click here





Definition of Dynamic :





Etymology of Dynamic at:







Dynamic at Yahoo :




On the move at Yahoo :





Dynamic at http://whatis.com:





Dynamic HTML at http://whatis.com:





HTML at http://whatis.com:






Special4u is a constantly changing, renewed, modified, upgraded,

and improved site, thanks to you!


No computer  skill is required.


For beginners, nerds or nurds. See also nerd


No need of know-how in computer  program,

programming language/system, 


programming language generations, 


computer program,  computer programming,


programming language  at  Wikipedia,


programming language by K. Lee.


See also Keunwoo Lee’s Home Page


See also Computers


at https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/computersinternetaudio.html




The Special4u  site,  home pages,  pages can be built,


changed, renewed, modified, upgraded, and improved


without knowledge of HTML,  dynamic HTML,  Java, 


or C++ thanks to “automatic”  Site  Building and File


Management Tools from selected free Web Hosting at


50megs.com and angelfire.com



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With probably the best Files of the Web.


With the Past for a better Future, now!



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Women  girls and boys


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A site with:


Basic Tools, for the best use of the web


Free or Pay, choose the best stuff


Money Info, no money no honey


Europe,           a multiple choice


Women,          for girls and boys




An Interactive site (see also interactivity)


You can send in your point of view, your opinion, your web needs, here.


It will be appreciated, respected, and taken into account, when building


new home pages and pages for most of these Special4u  sites, or when


modifying, changing, renewing, upgrading, and improving new ones,


and when selecting these Super Links.




You can approach any subject, speak about any matter, treat of any topic,


ask about any question or issue, the way you feel or think about it !




Even extreme, far out,  taboo or tabu, or banned  stuff is welcome, as for example:


“Who are the old tycoons, the new big oligarchs, the oligarchy and the


small oligarchs in your city or neighbourhood, near, around, or on top of you ?


How do they operate, build up or consolidate their Fortune? See also the Forbes List


The Forbes List is of course neither complete nor accurate in many respects.


How could it be when much of the really big bucks is hidden and split among


family members, children, related, or allied persons, some with changed or


fictive identities, or even dead.




Big bucks hide also mostly into intricate lobbies and Spheres of Influence.


But still, the Forbes List is a fairly good marker or indicator, of what mostly


legal big bucks are about.


In many wealthy places worldwide, about half or more of the Big Money


can be “black”, “dirty”, laundered, or even forged or counterfeit,


and it is privately or lobby controlled by a few.


How much of currency is counterfeit ?


How much is forged dollars, counterfeit dollars ?


Make fake money on the Internet?




The biggest or most powerful lobbies, mostly hidden because they believe


they act better in the shadow of anonymity, use this big black money mostly


for exercising business, financial,  economical,  political,  military, religious,


or media  manipulative  power, often altogether in a combination.




For qualified students and researchers interested in any in-depth  approach of the


“Big Money Track”, through the Forbes List, or from Top and Large Corporations,


Banks, Insurance Companies,


“Insurance Companies are crooks”

as a search item listed at Google


Top Corporate Audit and Accounting  point of view,


to Holdings,  Foundations, and other “big buck stuff” in many Offshore,  Tax Havens,


( see also Offshore News ), welcome to send your query or suggestion, with your


reference and background,  here.




The “Big Money Track” runs often through the Military, big Military procurement,


and Military Industrial Complex, 




Stock Exchanges Links 



Is the oligarchy hiding away much of its big bucks in Tax Havens, is it “Mammonism”…?


Are “mammonists”   “avaricious”,   greedy ?  See also  “L’Avare”  by Moliere.


Do “mammonists”  have often others of the Seven deadly sins?


Why do they pay so little tax and you so much?


Is tax on labour 30 % or more, and tax on capital nearly none


Is gigantic income and ownership a fair deal?


Is big ownership theft ?   What is property?   See also Proudhon.


Is high tax for those who own less, and low tax for those who own most,


a good or a bad thing for Communities,  World Economy and Globalization?



Corporate psychopaths, at Yahoo


Corporate psychopaths, at Google


Corporate psychopaths, at Dmoz


Psychopaths in Suits  at ABC National Radio






Is Quality of Life, or life quality,

as important as Money?


See also the Copenhagen Consensus, and

Life Quality by Countries.




What’s about Politics  Machiavelli  Vae Victis  Europe


Political Theories  History  Studies  Schools  Sc Po


Systems  Institutions  Parties  Manipulation  Scandals


Democracy  Conservatism  Liberalism  Neoliberalism


Forms of Government  Monarchy  Republic  Dictatorship


Socialism  Social Democracyat Wikipedia


Social Democracy in Scandinavia at Yahoo


Communism,  Fascism,  Nazism, at Wikipedia


Zionism,  Jews,  Chosen people,  Jews as a chosen peopleat Wikipedia


World Jewish Congress at Wikipedia World Jewish Congress at Yahoo


Holocaust  at Wikipedia


Wannsee, Wannsee-Protokoll  with English Translation


Am Grossen Wannsee 56-58 at Mappoint


The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein


http://www.normanfinkelstein.com  Norman Finkelstein - Official Website


Norman Finkelstein at Wikipedia



Jews and Zionists – Non-Zionist Jews at Yahoo


True Torah Jews Against Zionism



Are Mordechai Vanunu, Norman Finkelstein, Dror Feiler,


Yitzhak Rabin, Amos Oz, Harold Pinter,



Harold Pinter Nobel Prize lecture



Harold Pinter Nobel Prize lecture


anti-Zionist or other anti-American imperialism oppositional Jews,


and non-Jewish writers who “blow the whistle” as John Perkins…,


all traitors to one and same cause? Which one?



Religion at Wikipedia


Religions at Wikipedia


Inquisition at Wikipedia


Amnesty,     Human Rights Watch


Torture at Wikipedia


Torture in Algeria at Yahoo


Torture in Vietnam at Yahoo


Torture in Afghanistan at Yahoo


Torture in Iraq at Yahoo


Torture in Israel at Yahoo


Try on YouTube videos, search for “Egyptian Police” to see some examples…


US Air Force friendly fire on British vehicles caught on video published by

The SUN http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,11021-10043,00.html

Story at http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007060133,00.html

Front page of The SUN Feb 7 - 07 at http://www.thesun.co.uk/section/0,,2,00.html

“We’re in jail dude”: “God dammit. F*** me dead.”

Friendly fire is well known all over the world in all confrontations with guns, since all

time, but it’s the first time it’s there on tape on the internet for all the world’s audience.


Terrorism at Wikipedia



Anarchism at Wikipedia


http://www.ainfos.ca  Anarchist Info 


The Anarchist Encyclopedia  http://recollectionbooks.com/bleed/gallery/galleryindex.htm


Anarcho-Communism,   Anarcho-Syndicalism,   Post-Left Anarchy,   Primitivism


Crypto-anarchism,  Utopian Anarchism at Wikipedia


Situationist, and Autonomist groups in France and Italy at Wikipedia


Green anarchists,   Eco-anarchists,   Deep Ecology, at Wikipedia


Vegetairsm – Vegetarians,   Organic Foods,   Vegan, at Wikipedia


See Green Food at Sleep  Eat  Drink



Greenpeace,     MSF,     RSF,      Amnesty,     Human Rights Watch


http://www.savethechildren.net Save the Children


http://www.alternatives.ca/article1067.html Alternatives


Christian Anarchist, Non-Violence, Anarcho-Pacifists, Non-Violent Resistance


Peace Movements,   Squatter movements… at Wikipedia


Globalization and the Anti-Globalization at Wikipedia


Anarcho-Punk,   Techno Music,   Cypherpunk at Wikipedia


Black Bloc at Wikipedia


Anarcha-Feminism, Radical Feminism, Feminism at Wikipedia


Animal Liberation at Wikipedia




Anarcho-Capitalism,   Military  Imperialismat Wikipedia


At gunpoint at Yahoo


“Mammonism” at Wikipedia


Guns,  Firearms,   Guns and society, Nuclear weaponsat Wikipedia?



Why some may have Weapons of Mass Destruction and others may not?


Neutron Bomb,   Bacteriologic Bomb,   Genetic Bomb,  


Cluster bomb


Is the answer Vae victis, or VAE VICTIS?   See also Vae Victis Brennus



Some links about:


Spheres of Influence at Yahoo,


Influential Groups,   Influential Groups,   Identified Lobbies,


Chosen People at Yahoo, Chosen People at Wikipedia ,


Politics, Big Business,


Media Manipulation,


International Relations,   Intelligence,   Espionage,   Famous Spies,


CIA at Wikipedia, CIA Official Site


Think Tanks at Wikipedia,  Think Tanks at Yahoo…



Foreign Policy Some Think Tanks


Henry Kissinger Kissinger MLarty Associates


Paul Wolfowitz


Congress White House NSA CIA Administration manipulated

at Yahoo


Conspiracy  at Wikipedia 


New World Order  at Wikipedia 


Presidents Lies  at Yahoo


WASP at Wikipedia


A non-WASP for President  at Google        A non-WASP for President  at Yahoo


A Woman for President  at Google              A Woman for President  at Yahoo


A Woman for President  at Dmoz


A Jew for President  at Yahoo                      A Jew for President  at Google 




United Bluff 



Eyes in the Sky 



Intelligence Services by Country 



ECHELON at Yahoo 



Israel Iraq Oil at Yahoo



Privatization Iraq Oil at Yahoo



US British Oil Interests in the Middle East at Yahoo



US Attack Iran  at Yahoo



Iran Oil at Yahoo 


Israel attack Iran? at Yahoo


USA attack North Korea ? at Yahoo



Some examples of Spheres of Influence in Europe :


http://www.usembassy.dk  US Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark 


http://www.cia.gov  CIA  Search for Copenhagen, Denmark


http://www.embassy-of-israel.dk  Israel Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark 


Beyond their diplomatic and consulate function, most embassies and


diplomatic missions from most countries are more or less in a position of identifying


the appropriate institutional, formal, less formal, and possibly “informal” national


“Spheres of Influence”, as well as the main “interactive”   “channels” and interesting


social groups in the countries where they are established. They most often do a


good job for their country, their government, or the businesses which are “worth it”,


and they are mostly “correct” guests, but they can also do very wrong.


Anything, from obsolete maps, to the right or wrong “targeted” persons,


and the persona non grata  stuff  ! 


But doe’s it matter? “La raison d´Etat” by Machiavelli, you know !


Moreover, if you need something to be disclosed to a specific


sphere of influence, or to the press, tell the story to some selected embassy  staff


They often know how to “sell” most stuff !


The 3 nearest above mentioned Copenhagen links


are examples, among many others, of those who believe most they know best. 



Spheres of Influence



International Relations Security Issues



NATO Pilot Training in Sheppard US Air Force Base, Texas



Questioning and Protesting:


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/blog.html Blogs


Protest Art at Wikipedia


http://www.michaelmoore.com Michael Moore



Dror Feiler Ethics  at Yahoo 



Dror Feiler  at Yahoo



Pollution in Humans at Yahoo



Pollution in Humans 





Love    Sex     Hate    Crime      Love  History  and  Stories


Venereal  Diseases  -  Internet  Tests


Hate somebody      Revenge


Love somebody     Dating   Partners        Private


Homosexuality       Homosexual behaviour in other animals than humans


Gay      Male-to-female       Shemale        Intersex        Intersexuality 


Lesbians     Transwomen     Transgender     Transsexual     Bisexuality        


Hermaphrodite      Pseudohermaphrodite      Androgyne      Androgyny    



Sex and Pornography at Wikipedia



Is each of these involved persons in the 8 sites mentioned below

a misogynist, a feminist, or only inspired by pornography ?




La Tour de Nesle 



La Tour de Nesle, Images on Yahoo



Le Marquis de Sade 



Le Marquis de Sade, Images on Yahoo



Sacher Masoch



Sacher Masoch, Images on Yahoo






Lautreamont, Images on Yahoo


Is each of these involved persons in the 8 sites above mentioned

a misogynist, a feminist, or only inspired by pornography?






Your suggestion sent here might “dynamize”  the relevant home pages and pages


of this Special4u  interactive   site, adding much interactivity into it, and giving it  


probably the best files of the Web with many selected Super Links !


Send your point of view, your opinion, your web needs, your query, quest,


suggestion or contribution, with your reference and background, here.




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Anything from this site may be copied and used freely if intended for education, study,

research, public, or private information, or other non-commercial and non-political uses.


Stop unwanted pop-ups,  ads,  pornography,  gambling, and other disturbing messages,


by using Firewall,  Antivirus,  Pop-up Blocker,  Microsoft Security, and other


Protection  programs.



Copyright   ©   PAT   2004,  2005.   


Site Owners    PAT    PAT Hobby Art by PAT “Click me, I can design”


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Email: pierretours@yahoo.com



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