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Computer VIRUSES Antivirus software
SPAM Anti-Spam HACKERS Hacking


by Pierre André THIBAULT,

in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005,

with Copyrights for the copied,

printed, or reproduced articles,

texts, images, icons, pictures,

Maps, MOBILE films,

URL internet addresses,

and links, as mentioned below.





Basic hacker stuff by 2005. Upgraded 2009

with programming stuff as at: About page,

Programing page...





Examples from 2000 to 2005:


Nov 2003. W32Mimail.i@MM

Do not open this address if not qualified !

is a medium risk mass-mailing worm. Mimail.i

attempts to steal credit card information

by displaying a fake PayPal message on

the infected PC.

Many up-to-date Antivirus

programs protect from this threat.

Check these: 

HACKERS HIJACK PC’s for Sex Sites at Yahoo

Stealth TROJAN Program

Hijacks PCs to Send Porn Ads at Yahoo

Antivirus at Yahoo  Symantec  Norton  McAfee  McAfee – Dr Solomon  Grisoft  Bitdefender





About Computer System Identifier,


Protection, Detection, Safety,

Security, Firewalls, Repair Tools...:




Some Examples from 2000 to 2005


Winzip  at 

in Mansfield, Connecticut, USA 


Disk Errors at Search


Windows ScanDisk  at Search


Sandra on  

in London, UK

System Analyzer, Diagnostic, Reporting Assistant


Richard the Lion Hearted


click on Spyware Help


Hosts files




CW Shredder




Nicolas Stark Computing,

Centrumvagen 39,

Box 80, S-52043-Asarp, Sweden,

Phone +4651550300 (no technical support)


Spyware Blaster (Forum)






has a Weekly Top 10 List




Top 25 Downloads

Free and not free Firewalls


Repair Internet Explorer







Virus - Anti-virus  -  Info


At Yahoo News. Feb 18, 2004

Netsky Worm Hits the Net (

Security Advisories: NetSky.B

Antivirus software companies are warning that a new version of the

NetSky e-mail worm is circulating on the Internet. The warning comes

only a day after the appearance of a new variant of the Beagle

or "Bagle" worm prompted similar warnings. NetSky.B, also known as

Moodown.B, first appeared on Wednesday and is spreading via infected

e-mail messages and shared network folders. Once installed, NetSky

tries to disable antivirus software, steal e-mail addresses, and copy

itself to shared network folders, antivirus companies say.

Security Advisories:

NetSky.B - Beagle.B (Symantec)

Who Are These Virus Writers? (TechRepublic)

The Virus Underground (Talk of the Nation)






Who writes those nasty viruses? 

Find out who writes those nasty computer viruses. According to

Clive Thompson's article, bored European teenagers are to blame.

Guest: Clive Thompson. Writes about science and technology for

The New York Times Magazine. Wrote the Feb. 8 cover story in the

Times Magazine, “The Virus Underground”.

Address (URL):   javascript:getMedia




“Very intelligent bored teenagers write computer viruses and

are to blame”, says Clive Thompson, a science & technology

writer for The New York Times Magazine. Read his Feb 8,

2004 cover story in Times Magazine, "The Virus Underground".

Listen to his voice on this NPR program: 

From Talk of the Nation, Feb 9, 2004

click on Talk of the Nation about virus writers

NRP  non-commercial news






Virus Writers Use Internet Worms for War of Words 

At Yahoo! News – Reuters - Thu, Mar 04, 2004 

Technology - Internet Report. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -

The creators of the Netsky, MyDoom and Bagle e-mail viruses have

taken to exchanging insults in what amounts to a war of words in

computer code between rival hackers, anti-virus experts said on


On one side are the creators of MyDoom and Bagle, who are believed

to be spammers or spam groups because many variants of the viruses

leave backdoors on infected computers that can be used to turn them

into spam zombies, said Chris Belthoff, senior security analyst at anti-

virus company Sophos Inc.  On the other side is the person or group

responsible for the Netsky virus, who do not have any profit motive,

he said.  "It almost seems like they are playing a war of one-upmanship",

Belthoff said. "They could be jealous over the media attention the

others are getting. "Versions of the three computer viruses, all self-

propagating e-mail worms, have wreaked havoc on computers across

the Internet since early this year. Updated anti-virus software can detect

and block the viruses.  The latest version of Netsky, dubbed Netsky.F,

has a message in the code that says "Bagle - you are a looser!!!! (sic)"

and an earlier version says: "MyDoom.F is a thief of our idea!"  Code in

Mydoom.F and Bagle.I and Bagle.J addresses Netsky's creator directly,

using expletives. One message tells Netsky: "don't ruine our bussiness,

wanna start a war?" Bagle.K, the latest version of Bagle, masquerades

as an e-mail from a company's information technology department, Belthoff

said.  Netsky.F, the newest version of that virus, tries to deactivate earlier

MyDoom and Bagle variants, he added. Five of the latest versions of the

viruses were released within three hours on Wednesday morning, according

to Russian-based anti-virus vendor Kaspersky Labs. "It's hard to imagine a

more comical situation: a handful of virus writers are playing unpunished

with the Internet, and not one member of the Internet community can take

decisive action to stop to this lawlessness," Eugene Kaspersky, head of anti-

virus research at the company, wrote in a release. (Additional reporting by

Alberto Alerigi in Sao Paulo.)



Who wrote Sasser, and why?


Sven Jaschan


A German school boy.

HANOVER, Germany -- A German high-school student has

confessed to creating the "Sasser" worm that generated

chaos across the globe by infecting hundreds of thousands

of computers, authorities said yesterday.

The teenager, whose name was not released, was arrested

Friday in the northern village of Waffensen, where he lives with

his family. In a search of the suspect's home, German investigators

confiscated his customized computer, which contained the worm's

source code.

"As a result of the student's detailed testimony about the viruses

he spread, he has been identified clearly as the author," the state

criminal office in Hanover said in a statement. Spokesman Detlef

Ehrike said he is being investigated on suspicion of computer

sabotage, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

After being questioned, the teenager was released pending charges.

The worm raced around the world over the past week, exploiting a

flaw in Microsoft's Windows operating system.

Microsoft said informants contacted it on Wednesday, offering

information about the worm's creator. The company's investigators

worked with German authorities, the FBI, and US Secret Service

agents, tracing the virus by analyzing its source code, said Brad Smith,

Microsoft's top lawyer.

"These were individuals who were aware of who the perpetrator was,"

he said in a conference call. "They did not stumble on this simply

through technical analysis."

Unlike many infections, Sasser does not require users to activate it by

clicking on an e-mail attachment. Once inside, the worm scans the

Internet for others to attack, causing some computers to continually

crash and reboot.

The teenager told officials his original intention was to create a virus

called "Netsky A" that would combat the "Mydoom" and "Bagle"

viruses, removing them from infected computers. In the course of that

effort, he developed Sasser.

"The student did not give any thought to the resulting consequences

or damage," the investigators' statement said.

On Monday, the worm hit public hospitals in Hong Kong and one-third

of Taiwan's post office branches. Twenty British Airways flights were

each delayed about 10 minutes Tuesday due to Sasser troubles at

check-in desks. British coast guard stations were forced to use pen

and paper for charts normally generated by computer.

The German government's information technology security agency

said there were four versions of Sasser, and police said the teenager

was responsible for all of them. "The first version was amateurish,"

spokesman Michael Dickopf said.

However, the others "were clearly different in the damage they caused."

Microsoft investigators told the informants, who had asked whether they

would be eligible for a reward, that they would consider paying $250,000

if the information led to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

Sasser at McAfee




How to become a Hacker


How to become a Hacker

(No article but check the list of hacker topics)



Hacking at Yahoo




Singapore Holds Computer Hacking Contest

Yahoo News – AP – Aug 3, 2004 

SINGAPORE - Singapore said Tuesday it would organize a

contest to find the tech-savvy city-state's best computer hacker.

Six pairs will compete in the Aug. 20 "BlackOPS: HackAttack

Challenge 2004," organized by the government-funded National

Infocomm Competency Center, said its marketing manager Yvonne


They will "penetrate, exploit, gain access and obtain privileged

information from the other teams' servers, for the purpose of corporate

espionage," the center said on its Web site.

Teams will also have to defend their organization's networks against

hacking from other teams in the daylong event, it added.

Choo said he hoped the contest would help shed light on ways to

prevent actual computer attacks.

The prize for the best hacker will be a DVD burner and free

computer classes.

Asia has been the root of some of the worst attacks by hackers in

recent years.

In May 2000, the so-called Love Bug virus, released in the Philippines,

overwhelmed e-mail systems worldwide and caused tens of millions of

dollars in damage.

Close to 80 percent of Singapore's 4 million citizens own personal

computers and the island is largely considered to be the most

technologically advanced in Southeast Asia.

Hackers can be jailed for up to three years or fined up to S$10,000

(US$5,810) under the city-state's Computer Misuse Act.




Hacker infiltrated government computers:


Stakkato, a 15-year-old Swede. ( -*- ) ( -**- )

Many have dreamt of, or pretended to be Stakkato.

The truth is that by 2008, he was a very highly paid

consultant for one of the world’s largest computer

and data system companies that he hacked.


The Times also reported that a California researcher got

taunting messages from the hacker, who called himself

"Stakkato," claiming to have infiltrated computer systems

at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Maryland,

the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico,

and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,

California. Officials at some of those facilities confirmed

to the Times that their computers had been breached

but said the information obtained was insignificant.

Larry Furrow, a spokesman at White Sands Missile Range

in New Mexico, told CNN there was only one known

break in at the facility. He said the incident took place

in April 2004 when an individual or group gained access

to White Sands' weather forecasts. Furrow said White Sands

needs timely, local forecasts as part of their testing program,

but the information is not classified. However, the weather

data was stored on internal computers. He said precautions

have since been put in place. "We determined it right away,

and we fixed it right away," Furrow said. "We don't consider

it a breach of sensitive information." Furrow said White

Sands has not experienced any subsequent attacks.

Furrow also said the origin of the hack is not clear and

could not confirm reports of the Swedish teenager's

involvement. The first invasions were publicly

reported in April of last year.

CNN's Daniel Sieberg contributed to this report.






Uppsalabo misstänks

ha hackat Nasa

2005-05-10 - 12:43

Av: Ola Lindqvist, Magnus Quennerstedt och TT

En 16-årig pojke från Uppsala misstänks enligt New York Times

för att ha gjort allvarliga data­intrång hos Nasa samt den amerikanska

militären, forsknings­laboratorier och stora dataföretag.

16-åringen är dock ännu inte delgiven någon misstanke om detta,

och svensk polis har inte fått någon officiell begäran av amerikanska

myndigheter om att utreda fallet. Amerikanska myndigheter beskriver

skadorna som mycket omfattande. Hackaren ska bland mycket annat

ha lyckats komma över programkoden till de datorer som styr

internet, uppger New York Times. Koderna publicerades senare på en

rysk webbplats. Amerikanska myndigheter fruktade att koderna skulle

användas av andra hackare för att ta kontrollen över internet, men det

tycks inte ha inträffat.

Upptäcktes för ett år sedan Attacken upptäcktes i maj förra året.

Hackaren ska ha brutit sig in i tusental datasystem och planterat ett

hackarprogram, en så kallad trojansk häst. Där­igenom kom hackaren

över koder som gav tillgång till känslig information. Spåren ledde

den amerikanska federala polisen FBI till Uppsala universitet.

Den skyldige tros vara en 16-årig pojke från Upp­sala som misstänks ha

hackat sig in i Uppsala universitets datorer. Det var 24 maj förra

året som universitetet polisanmälde ett dataintrång. Misstankarna

föll på den nu aktuelle 16-åringen, som i mars i år togs i polisförhör.

Hans datorer togs i beslag. Han har dock inte varit anhållen,

än mindre åtalad som har gjorts gällande i de amerikanska

uppgifterna. Uppsalapolisens it-enhet analyserar just nu innehållet

i de datorer som tagits i beslag hemma hos 16-åringen. Utredningen

väntas ta ytterligare flera månader. Han är ännu inte förhörd angående

de amerikanska misstankarna, och är inte delgiven misstanke om

något annat än data­intrånget hos Uppsala universitet. Ärendet, som

alltså hittills från svensk sida endast gäller intrånget i Uppsala

universitetets datorsystem, handläggs av it-enheten vid

Uppsalapolisens ekorotel. Förundersökningsledare är kammaråklagare

Chatrine Rudström. Uppsala universitets it-chef Lars-Elve Larsson säger

i en kommentar att dataintrånget upptäcktes tack vare universitetets

höga it-säkerhet. Tyvärr är det så att först kommer programmet som

gör intrång, och först därefter kan åtgärder vidtas. Det går inte att

utveckla mediciner mot sjukdomar som ännu inte finns, säger

Lars-Elve Larsson.

Bristande säkerhet Enligt David Lindahl, forskare i it-säkerhet vid

Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) möjliggörs dataintrånget

av bristande säkerhetsmedvetande hos vanliga datoranvändare

i kombination med alltför dålig säkerhetsnivå på programvaror.

Hackare utnyttjar säkerhetshål hos enstaka användare vid stora

institutioner och kan därifrån tillskansa sig känslig information.

Bättre programvaror och mer välutbildade datoranvändare är vad

som behövs för att hindra liknande händelser, säger David Lindahl.






According to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL online,,


of MAY 6, 2009


Swedish Hacker Indicted in Cisco, NASA Attacks




WASHINGTON -- A Swedish computer hacker was indicted

Tuesday for breaking into the networks of tech-gear maker

Cisco Systems Inc. and high-end computing equipment

at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.


The attacks underscore the development of a vast underground

economy that targets both the private sector and the government.


Hacking under the nom de guerre "Stakkato",

Philip Gabriel Pettersson was a teenager (15 !!!) when he penetrated

the systems five years ago. He is now 21 years old and faces

charges in a five-count indictment of illegally damaging

computer networks and theft of trade secrets.


Mr. Pettersson broke into Cisco's networks around May 12, 2004,

to steal trade secrets, according to the indictment.


The data stolen were part of the playbook for its router systems,

known as "source code" for the company's Internetwork Operating

System. The operating system is a cornerstone technology for the

San Jose, Calif.-based company that is a common thread through

many of its products. Cisco "used reasonable measures" to

protect its code, the indictment says.


A week later, according to the indictment, Mr. Pettersson

compromised NASA's Advanced Supercomputing division

and its Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley.


Ames is NASA's computer-research nerve center,

which plays a critical role in "virtually all NASA missions

in support of America's space and aeronautics programs,"

according to the indictment. After the incident, "Cisco reported

that it did not believe that any customer information,

partner information or financial systems were affected,"

according to the indictment.


Both Cisco and NASA have been cooperating with the

investigation, the Justice Department said in a statement

accompanying the indictment.


A Cisco spokesperson declined to comment because the

matter is under investigation. "We appreciate the efforts

of law enforcement and the U.S. Attorney's office in this

case and will continue to offer them our full cooperation,"

the company said in a statement. NASA officials in Washington,

D.C., and California couldn't be reached for comment.


Mr. Pettersson couldn't be located for comment.


Ben Worthen contributed to this article.

Write to Siobhan Gorman at and

Yochi J. Dreazen at

Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A6






Stakkato is:


Peter Philip Gabriel Pettersson

Mobil: 070-537 05 99

Östra Ågatan 35 A, 753 22-UPPSALA, Sweden


in the telephone web directory in 2009






Norwegian teenager wins DVD court battle


BBC News - Tuesday,

7 January, 2003


A Norwegian court has acquitted a teenager accused by US entertainment groups

of creating tools for hackers

The court acquitted Jon Johansen on all charges and said he did not break the

law when he created a system that could remove copy protection on DVDs.

The ruling by the court said there was no evidence that Mr Johansen was

helping people break the law as the US film industry claimed.

The decision is a serious blow to US entertainment industry ambitions to extend

control over what people can do with the movies, music and software they have


Fair use

In 1999, Norwegian police raided the home of teenager Jon Lech Johansen

following a complaint by US entertainment giants that the software he had

created was being used to help people pirate DVDs.

Mr Johansen produced software, called DeCSS, that could strip the Content

Scrambling System (CSS) from DVD disks.

Mr Johansen said he created the DeCSS software to let him watch DVDs he

purchased on a Linux computer rather than an expensive DVD player.

Mr Johansen maintained that he should have the right to watch films he had

legally bought on a device of his choosing.

Now the Norwegian court has backed Mr Johansen and said there was

"no evidence" that what he did was aiding DVD piracy.

With no evidence that Mr Johansen was engaged in piracy or that he was

aiding others to illegally copy disks the Norwegian court had no choice but

to acquit the teenager.

The court also ruled that it was not illegal to use DeCSS to watch legally

obtained DVD films.

Media mogul

The court case pitted the mighty Motion Picture Association of America

against Mr Johansen and was widely seen as a test case for US ambitions

to extend its control over what people can do with copyrighted materials.

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten broke the news about the court case.

US laws, such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, have encouraged movie

and music industry associations to pursue people who they see as aiding piracy.

These ambitions have been dented recently by two court decisions.

The first concerned Russian software firm Elcomsoft which was accused of

creating tools that could unlock encryption controls of electronic books.

But in late 2002 a US court acquitted Elcomsoft and said the firm had done

nothing wrong.

Now Norwegian judges have issued another rebuff to the US entertainment giants.

Mr Johansen became a mascot for web libertarians







cracks Airport music streaming

By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco

Published Thursday 12th August 2004 17:04 GMT

Norwegian programmer Jon Lech Johansen has decrypted and

published the key that Apple's wireless hi-fi bridge, Airport Express,

uses to protect music streams. He's also released the source code

to a small Windows command-line tool he calls JustePort. In essence

his crack opens the door for other applications to broadcast music to

your hi-fi over a home WLAN network using Express, rather than

just iTunes 4.6. For users on Linux machines, or with WMA or OGG

format files, this could be a boon, as iTunes supports neither format

out of the box.

Apple is unlikely to look upon it so charitably.


JusteForte is the third in a series of endeavors by the Mac-using

Norwegian to enjoy Apple's services. Johansen has stressed that

the tools simply restore rights that Apple and the recording industry

giants removed when they devised iTunes Music Store. He has

consistently warned citizens against accepting DRM music, as it

obliges the user to enter into a contract in which the terms may

change at any time.

The first removed the 'Fairplay' DRM wrapper from locked-music

purchased from Apple's iTunes' online music kiosk. The second,

FairKeys, allowed users to retrieve their Fairplay keys from Apple's

servers, saving people the hassle of authorizing and deauthorizing

particular machines. The cumbersome process is required by

copyright holders.

More derivative software based on JustePort code is likely soon.

Johansen's own cross platform command line tool runs on any

computer that runs on the Mono framework.

Johansen co-authored the DeCSS program which circumvented

the DVD encryption scheme. He was acquitted after two trials in

Norway earlier this year.


So sue me – Jon Lech Johansen’s blog



Sat, 14 May 2005

I use an AUDIOTRAK OPTOPlay to output audio digitally to my DD/DTS

receiver. More than 4 months ago I submitted a patch to the ALSA project.

The patch fixes a bug in the usbaudio driver that prevents the use of

sample rates other than the default with the OPTOPlay. The bug report

has yet to even be reviewed. Compiling a custom kernel package just

for this one small fix is a waste of time, so I usually end up just patching

the binary.

objdump -h /lib/modules/*/kernel/sound/usb/snd-usb-audio.ko |

 grep " .text" | cut -d' ' -f19 objdump -d --prefix-addresses /lib

/modules/*/kernel/sound/usb/snd-usb-audio.ko | grep "cmp \

$0x530a92" | cut -d' ' -f1

The above commands will output one offset each. Add the two together

and you have the patch offset. Unload the snd-usb-audio module.

Open up snd-usb-audio.ko in a hex editor. Overwrite 12 bytes starting

at the patch offset with 0x90s. Save and close. Load the module.

You should now be able to use sample rates other than the default

with the OPTOPlay. Posted at 03:33 CET [ /technology | # ]






Photos by P J Johansen an AP  


  Young Hacker


DVD Jon (his blog), click also on photo at Wiki, or here










Conferencing Calendar Calculator Currency


Maths Mendeleev Mendel






Look up Surveillance Proxy Gateway Backup Storage wholinks2me


Network Programming Hacker Hack+ Virus Worm Trojan Mobile virus


Zombies Cluster Backdoor Bugs Bots Botnet Protection More computer


Interactivity virtual cyber 3D encryption encription artificial intelligence






Cryptography Cryptography


Onion routing Tor (anonymity network) Degree of anonymity


Cryptology ePrint Archive Hash HashKeeper


Quantum mechanics Quantum cryptography






Secure communication Anonymity Anonymous proxies Crowds


SNC ES EAS EA FSM Free software Libre software GNU Hacker


( -*- ) ( -**- ) Hacker hacker hacking hackers crackers "Super Hackers"


"elite skill" in computer programming ( ** ) Hackers war Fake news



Successful (never busted) “hacking hackers”, crackers, of very

large organizations, companies, banks, Hollywood lobbies…,

using network, hacker, hack+, virus, worm, trojan, mobile virus,

bugs, bots, botnets, zombies, backdoor, cluster… penetration

and other little-known home-made hacking techniques, come

often from very small groups building themselves their home-

assembled computers (English Deutsch Nederlands Français

Español Italiano Português 日本語 中文…), gaming a lot, and

learning top programing ** at a young age, often very young.

-CHIL- -BRA- -WIN- -NASA- -CIA- -文言- -more- -EXIO-

The many non-busted hackers are not known, and their preys,

especially banks, keep usually their mouth shut about that.

PAT 2008 規格膠質4U 頭版 updated 2009.






Microsoft Adobe JBoss SunGard Sun Microsystems CA Oracle SAP


“In addition, a great deal of enterprise software is now available

through the free software movement, notably operating systems,

web servers and databases. Many other types of enterprise software

are also being introduced, such as application servers, portal servers,

and even productivity software that is well suited for large-scale

adoption by enterprises. While most open source software is available

freely for use and further development, several companies provide

enterprises with open source enterprise software for free and charge for

software maintenance, modifications, support and additional functionality”.

Retrieved from Wikipedia






Sophisticated designs Beautiful sites Gaming






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PAT 2005. Upgraded 2009.






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