Art - Raphael’s Madonnas


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Raphael’s Madonnas


Last modified 1st of October 2009





This page is about Art generally speaking,

and two specific Madonnas by Raphael

more particularly.


It is the result of many contributions sent

from a number of countries in different

languages and often translated into

international English.


Many interviews have been made

with persons having deep knowledge

about artistic painting from before the

Renaissance and later, as well as

with art history academic and museum

specialists (in Europe - other), also in

religious institutions, churches, and

cloisters preserving discreetly genuine

Raphael and many other ancient art works,

some since the XVIth century and before!


This page is continuously updated after

exchanging ideas and opinions with

competent cooperating teams about related

events, ancient and newly obtained relevant

facts, library research and investigation details

from 1960 to 2008, as well as computer

and internet item and data since they have

been openly accessible by the 1990s.


This site is now open (1st of Jan 2009) as a

free internet forum for discussion by email

only if not specified otherwise.


Advanced anonymity can be guaranteed by

Proxy - Gateway technology. See Special4u


As many references as possible are directly

linked to their open sources publicly available

on the internet by underlined words or linked

images and videos.


The private or professional information sources

for this journalistic activity ( 1964-2008, CV ),

will not be disclosed and are protected by

international law.


Injo  InjoD  Jenq  Gräv  Perinv  icj  ajis  ijk  jurHo





Email addresses:





Raphael’s many Madonnas


Web page by Pierre André THIBAULT, PAT,

in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2008, for Special4u,

with Copyrights for the copied, printed,

or reproduced  texts, articles,

images, icons, pictures, maps, photos, videos,

URL  internet  addresses, and links,

as mentioned above and below.





Most texts relevant for this site and pages are

retrieved and outspread on many art sites and

pages of the internet and are often developments

of basic art pages at Google and Wikipedia.

You can search the keywords you want at these

two sites or at most major art search engines.





Most of the references used in this article

are directly linked to their source by underlined

hyperlinks and linked pictures or videos.

Other open source information is listed or

mentioned on separate pages linked all along

this text when needed, or when too long, too

vast, in different formats, with picture or video

material, and simply too much to fit in this

already much extended document Special4u.








Web text first published and archived

1998 in a much shorter version, and

since, updated when corrections,

new facts and new relevant completing

contributions are sent by readers.

These contributions are added to the

present text roughly as they are received

if not needing further corroborating.

They are submitted to the appreciation

of competent collaborators and finally

accepted for publication by consensus

with the other concerned Special4u teams.


They are inserted at a more or less

convenient place in this story after

double checking their likelihood.

You can send any suggestion of

improvement or better and more

suitable positioning of an item in

this text.

After 2006 this dynamic web text

is free of © if for non-commercial

or non-political use.

Search the meaning of words at

for example Wikipedia, Google ...





Internet, Search engines, Encyclopedias,

Dictionaries, historical, military, marine, navy,

war, and art museums, castles, monasteries,

cloisters, abbeys, churches, cemeteries,

Maps, Libraries, Judicial Courts, Police reports,

news papers, religious institutions, Special4u

archives have been used extensively as

practical tools for the journalistic investigation

and the five-decade-long research work behind

this web article.


Still essential and substantial parts of it is the

result of a large number of public lectures,

institutional meetings, professional journalistic

interviews, and perhaps most important,

private family and personal discussions,

conversations, and dialogues, with many

persons, often retired when I met them and

now mostly deceased, some still alive by 2008.


I spoke either with them personally, or with

relatives who had heard from them directly

and genuinely knew about what I needed

for this inquiry.


Many of those named here have witnessed or

been the main actors in the events mentioned

in this text.


Even a number of still secret artistic records,

religious, military, administrative, and bank

documents, as well as art works have been

eyed, sometimes copied, drawn, sketched,

or photographed!





This article is showing with computer and

Internet technology an example of what art

controversy has been about in centuries

and the quest it will probably continue to be

in the future.


Hieronymus Bosch for all future


Future in art and culture


Future art quest







For a research, a valuation, or a deal suggestion,

or for more about Pierre André THIBAULT,

click here, or go back to the "Special4u" site,

or to,

or click here on PAT record.



Copyright  ©  PAT



Web text first published 1998 in a much shorter version.

First published in this more complete version in 2000.

Updated 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,



After 2006, any text, picture, video, by

Pierre André Thibault  PAT

is free of all Copyrights  ©  if for

non-commercial and non-political use.


Any creation under these names or pseudonyms

can be considered as “free stuff” or “Open Source”

material if not for making money.


For reference to, or copying from any item from

this site, we thank you if you just cite or quote as your source, or simply

link to it. 


For example, the source of much of the information

on this page is from

Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo,


Teams working especially for you at Special4u:

Ew  Jo  An  Ia  Jos  Pim  Joj  Had  Mus  Car  Pia

Vid  Maud  Dest  Graf  Pin  Ren  Pen  Ser  EKWI






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This document is made with Microsoft Word.

You can copy all, or parts of it, directly into your

computer, and paste the copied pieces in almost

any other program or document.


Using Word with Microsoft Windows, you can

change yourself the formats and colours of the

Hyperlinks by formatting your own text as you like.

(Click directly on the Format icon AA and choose

any format.)





Much of the facts and data in this article are gathered

in 8 languages with the help of sites as: = =


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Dmoz  Whatis  Alexa  TPB  Microsoft  Apple



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