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The contact  Email  address for this page is:   pierretours@yahoo.com









By Pierre André THIBAULT, in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004, 2005, 2006,

with Copyrights or  ©  for the copied, printed, or reproduced  articles,

texts, pictures, images, icons, maps, audio, and video files or links, and

URL or internet  addresses, as mentioned below.




After 2006, any text, picture, video, by Pierre André Thibault   PAT   Ew   Jo   An   Ja,

is free of all Copyrights  ©  if for non-commercial or no-business use.


Any creation under these names or pseudonyms can be considered as “free stuff” or

“Open Source” material if for info only and not for making money.


For reference to, or copying from any item from this website, we thank you if you just

cite or quote  special4u.50megs.com or special4u as your source, or if you simply link to it.


For example, the source of much of the information on this page is from Wikipedia,

Google,   Yahoo,   special4u.50megs.com


On this web page, most references are directly linked to main relevant  keywords.







There are many lodging & accommodation  reservation and booking  sites on the web.

Through many search engines, you can find in each country, both cheap & expensive

solutions for your basic living needs when staying somewhere or when travelling.




From the recreation,  travelling, and tourism point of view, considering the

World Tourism Rankings, it is interesting to see the result of a combination of

destination access”, “accommodation standard”, and “food-beverage reputation”.


Main stream trend among tourist regions and resorts is, by the beginning of this millennium,

Europe first by far, and still going slowly strong”,

The Americas second, with the Latin countries as the fastest growing potential”,

Asia third with China and India growing fastest,

followed by Japan,  Korea,  Vietnam, and South East Asia”,

The Atlantic Islands, and The West Indies, could do much better with real low-cost flights”,

The Indian Ocean,  Australia,  New Zealand, and the Pacific, business as usual,

would be unusual with much cheaper flights”, 

North Africa, North of the Sahara would be much better with improved road quality”,

Sri Lanka, could solve its internal problems”,

Africa, South of the Sahara, facing many problems”.


Interesting to see what Airbus 380 can do about that, if no major problem or crash happens.







In Europe, in FRANCE for example, still world’s absolute nr 1 in tourism, you can search

for the cheap accommodation and lodging solutions on the web by using keywords such as:

Travel backpacking,  wilderness backpacking,  auberges de jeunesse (youth hostels),  gîtes,

gîtes ruraux,  hebergement à la ferme,  camping à la ferme,  logis à la ferme,  ferme auberge,

chambre d’hôte,  chambres d’hôtes,  table d’hôte,  campingUsing these keywords will lead

you to websites and addresses for countryside and holiday  lodging, often with

bed and breakfast,  breakfast included or not, with meals or not, with low-cost, budget price…

but not always cheapest! 




Cheap international hotel solutions can be hotel chains as Accor Hotels at

http://www.accorhotels.com or http://www.hotelsformule1.com.

A low travel cost calculation can be based on these FORMULE 1 prices, because

bedrooms can be shared by 3 persons for the same price per room,

but not in every European country.


For holidays, keywords such as location vacances present many low-cost, budget, and

high-price sites.


Many low-cost lodging, budget accommodation, middle category, and luxury hotel names

can be found on the internet at Google  for instance, by searching hotel booking Europe.


The different de luxe, grand luxe… classes can be found at  

Routes Historiques - Châteaux, Hauts Lieux, Monuments, Abbayes, Jardins

Châteaux Hôtels,   Gault-Millau,   Le Bottin Gourmand,   viamichelin.com...


Many Hotels are given from 1 star up to 5 stars depending on which class they belong.


The star rating system for hotels in France  


Where to stay in France


Some Hotel Booking sites:  booking.com  


For the absolute most exclusive and most expensive stuff with any kind of service,

In Monaco, Riviera, Mediterranean Sea..., any where, where the only way is

plenty of money, plenty of honey, and no money no honey, click here.






Information tourisme”, “Tourisme Information”, “Information touristique”, “Office du

or de tourisme”, and “Syndicat d´inintiative” are the most common names for the

tourist, traveller, transport, and communication information places, often located in

the centre of cities and towns, near the railway or bus central stations or hubs, at the

airport or harbour. 


They are marked with a blue or green sign and the letter i in white, yellow, red, black...


These information offices know always everything about hotels, accommodation, lodging

for the short or longer time, restaurants, food places, entertainment, events, travel, and

communication possibilities, at least in their neighbourhood or surroundings .







For lodging and accommodation on a more permanent basis than just as a tourist, there

will be the same usual non-written practice as anywhere else, and which can be summarized

in a few keywords:

money,   argent,   ethnicity,   ethnie,   social group,   groupe social ou stratification sociale,

personal contacts, and not seldom very personal, whether female or male such ones,

contacts personnels, et pas rarement très personnels, qu’ils soient féminins ou masculins.


Here are some tips for starting a search for housing, lodging, accommodation, apartment,

flat, partage appartement, logement étudiant, co-location, roommates, flat share, room share,

short term, to let… at the French Google (some are in English as well):

Immobilier      Location appartement       Location étudiant       http://www.location-etudiant.fr 

http://www.mapiaule.com          http://www.adele.org          http://www.immo-free.com     

http://www.capcampus.com            http://www.zetudiants.net       http://www.laureades.com 

http://annonces.rueducommerce.fr         http://lille.kijiji.fr        http://www.mediasmart.fr     

http://location-appartement-meuble.vivastreet.fr           http://www.locservice.fr     

http://www.e-tud.com       http://www.locetudes.com           http://www.immodere.com     

http://www.parisetudiant.com        http://abc86.free.fr      http://www.trefle.com   

http://annonces-immobilier.vivastreet.fr    http://www.leboncoin.fr      http://etu.univ-lyon1.fr 

http://www.location-aixenprovence.com      http://www.web-immobilier.net    http://hobsons.fr



For persons, couples, families, with more regular income or with permanent bank reference,

Estate Agencies, Real Estate Consultants, Agences Immobilières, advertise on the web and are

listed on directories like  http://www.pagesjaunes.fr    Yellow Pages,

Pages Jaunes,    Phone book,    l’annuaire by France Telecom,    Quali-Gratuit 







Lodging Eating Drinking


Some ways to get somewhere in Europe   Click here


Linguistic, historical, cultural, European Tours 4u   Click here


Paris   Click here


Special  Paris  Tour  4u   Click here


Special  Excursions, Travel, Trips 4u   Click here







For students, les resto U, student restaurants, have a central importance in their

lives, not only for eating at low cost, but as a place where socialising, exchanging

information, informal communication, political and sports activity info, discos, concerts,

accommodation, rooms, chambres, lodging, jobs, emplois, petits boulots,

buy and sell stuff, travel, what’s on and in… occur in a more or less un-organised way.


There is always a visible notice - bulletin board, tableau - panneau d’affichage,

schwarzes Brett, prikbord, cartelera,               , anslasgtavla, for completing the

multiple available internet info, bureaux, agences… for students.


Most regular students, once registered in a school, a university, an institution, are suggested

solutions for student lodging, accommodation, rooms, shared rooms, apartments, and flats

through their study place and student corporations,  associations étudiantes.


The cheapest bed and food places won’t be in any travel or tourist website or guide book.

A still clean double room can be found for 40 to 50 in Paris, may be less “en province”;

a sandwich or panino or “panette” or “veggie” or “diabetic” or ciabatta for 1,5 to 3 ;

a pizza for 3 to 4 ; a hamburger for 3 to 4 ; a bread  baguette from about 0,5 ;

a camembert from 1,5 or more; a litre of bottled mineral  water or fruit juice from 1,5 ;

a bottle of drinkable vin de table”, or cidre, or bière,  bière, for at least 1,5


Fast food    Junk food    Food porn







For eating, not necessarily cheapest but perhaps healthiest, buying fresh food on a

market place, marché, and eating at home or outdoors, or cooking yourself, or for

family or friends, might be a good way.






PORTAL FOOD   Portail Gastronomie






For cooking at home, one of the best food sites is probably the Russian and English

“COOKERY ART” at http://cookbook.rin.ru, click on English, with much Recipes,

Vegetarian dishes,  Children's dishes,  Exotic dishes,  Erotic meal,  Dietary cookery,

Quick & easy,  Holiday menu,  Microwave cooking,  Grilling & barbecuing,

Recipes from visitors, and with a great directory for

Cuisines from more than 40 different nationalities,

by courtesy of the Russian Information Network  ( an excellent site! )






Typical traditional French  cuisine restaurant in the most cosmopolitan atmosphere

in France, is the low and budget rates of the one place not to miss in Paris, chez Chartier,

7 rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 9e, Métro Grands Boulevards, with youth, students, tourists,

middle class, and socialites who want to feel the pulse of popular lunching down town.


For some other special places among thousand, check for example Le Procope, since A.D.

1686, 13 rue de l’Ancienne Comédie, 6e, Métro Odéon, and sit at tables where Voltaire,

Rousseau,  Diderot,  Danton,  Marat,  Robespierre,  Benjamin Franklin were having lunch

or diner; Les Deux Magots,  Le Flore,  La Brasserie Lipp, Métro Saint Germain des Prés, and

have a café at some of Jean Paul Sartre’s place.


Interesting is l’Oenothèque, 20 rue Saint Lazare, 9e, Métro Saint Lazare, oeno meaning wine

in Greek, a place for wine tasting, 40 at least for a menu. For Wine and Champagne

connoisseurs, with à la carte as much French wine as there is cheese in France.






In the whole France, there are restaurants with cooking specialities from the whole world.


For a systematic selection of restaurants, from everyday places (cheapest about 5 to 8

2005, depending in which European country, but around 9 to 12 in Continental Western



up to places with 1, 2, or 3 STARS, as for example TAILLEVENT - since A.D. 1379

at http://www.taillevent.com with a tradition established during the Middle Ages - click on

"English", "a bit of history", "memories", "Salvador Dali", or on "Enfants de Cuisine" (to see

the hierarchy of the cooking art), check tourist guides and websites as for example:




Guide MICHELIN = Guide ROUGE – Since A.D. 1900




Michelin Restaurants Guide






Taillevent has lost a star 2007! Interesting to see the development of this

French cuisine revolution! 


Michelin Rubber tradition in Clermont-Ferrand, France - Since A.D. 1829




La Tour d’argent dropped from 3 to 1 star but is still La Tour d’argent since 1582, 1582.

Canard challans - Pressed duck, and the scenery over Les Quais  de la Seine and Notre Dame.

Cave with 500000 bottles of top wines and liquors. 


Be critical when selecting RESTAURANTS with STARS, by for example reading articles as

http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~fren572/michelin.html        About Michelin 3 Stars or


or emailing to ANDY HAILER´s   excellent site:  http://www.homestead.com/andyhayler


See a list of restaurants with Michelin 3 stars, Michelin 2 and 1 stars at Wiki. There is also

much critic and polemics about these famous stars, who give and withdraw them, how, and

why, the secrets, the mystery, some say even the rites or intrigues around them!


The “Guide Michelin” at viamichelin.com on the internet remains the reference  “bible” of the

French cooking art, but nowadays people have also discovered other “holy”  guide books,

guides touristiques,  guides gatronomiques,  cookbooks,  livres de recettes de cuisine..., as

Gault-Millau,  Le Bottin Gourmand,  Larousse Gastronomique..., other excellent non-French

national, regional, and exotic food as tasty and nutritive as the French cuisine,

La Cuisine française, and other top places than the “temples Michelin”, some as expensive,

but many as good and much cheaper. Many affordable places for the average traveller, tourist,

or student, can have good food and can be very pleasant without any star.

Many won´t be in any guide and not even on the web.







If you are looking for the ancient cooking art with Celtic, Gaelic, Gauloise, or Roman tradition,


click also on Roman cuisine, Taberna Romana - Antique Roman Cooking or on


Lugdunum - Antique Roman Menu


Cuisine of Ancient Greece


La cuisine en grèce antique




Slow food


Arnold is right, transfat is bad


For “GREEN FOOD” advice about the real healthy, “green”, organic,  "ecologique",

non-polluted, grown without chemical  fertilizers, without all the chemical additives you

get at your usual supermarket,  meat from animals grown free, fish,  shellfish, and seafood

from non-polluted  waters and non-fed with chemicals, non-stress,  diet,  dieting,  dietetic, 

dietetitian,  nutritional,  nutritionist,  macrobiotic,  slim,  erotic,  exotic,  vegetarian,  vegan


as well as for ancient forgoten vegetables, read a site as



It's the right place for info about "Bien Manger" ("Eating Right", and often “Good” too).







For FISH,  SHELLFISH,and SEAFOOD, freshest is often by the sea, lakes, or rivers.

Be always observant and careful with “fresh” seafood, even in the best places!

Have always access to emergency medical assistance, even when travelling!


Here are some examples of excellent places for Fish seafood,  Oysters,  Huitres.

Similar sites can be searched and selected in many regions and countries.







For good eating, you can also rely on places good for tradition as well as for new trends like

Chaine des Rotisseurs, established A.D. 1248, at http://www.chaine-des-rotisseurs.com


Other traditional FOOD and CHEESE places can be selected and contacted through different

CONFRERIES in Europe, for example France CONFRERIES at http://www.france-confreries.com

for all kinds of food and beverages,


or France FROMAGES at http://www.francefromages.com,

or search for "history of cheese" at http://www.yahoo.com for example.



Among many food writings is the Larousse des Fromages considered by many as basic.



With food and cheese many people drink wine. Among thousands of labels, some 

regional and local red, rosé, white, and sparkling wines are selected for tasting by

“brothers” as “Les Chevaliers du tastevin, the probably most well known of  Confrerie,

perhaps because of the drinking song “Chevaliers de la Table Ronde” sung in numerous

other Confreries,  bistros,  bistrots,  parties...


The probably eldest CONFRERIE BACHIQUE (see Bacchus) or CONFRERIE VINEUSE

(for wine tasting), is the Antico Confrarie de Saint Andiu de la Galinieiro (Beziers, France),

established A.D. 1140, and which can be found at the site Cap Sud, in L’HERAULT  department

département, with tradition from the Ancient Greece agricultural and wine producing culture

of the inland regions of the Phocaea colony, around Massalia.


The cult of wine was a part of the life of these people long before the one of the

Hesperides, Dionysus, Eleutherios, Eros, and Bacchus.

The wide spreading of wine producing, storing, and shipping technique occurred later

during the Roman and Christian epochs.


Nowadays, you’ll find these sort of Confreries or wine and food “brotherhoods” in most of

food, cheese, wine, and beer producing regions of the world,  terroirs, main vineyards and



Among many, one food and wine producing region could be representative for the others,

for its location in France, for its more than 300 sunny days a year, not far from the

Mediterranean  resorts of the Languedoc coast, close to La Montagne Noire and to

Les Causses splendid isolation, easily accessible by low-cost flights, with aéroclubs and

airfields, autoroutes,  A 9,  A61,  A75,  TVG and trains connecting to European Railways, with

Le Canal du Midi and harbours on the coast, but still aside of the main road traffic, not distant

from the Roman  Pont du Gard, from the cheese region of Massif Central with the Roquefort,

Cantal,  Pelardon,  Bleu d'Auvergne,  Bleu des Causses,  Fourme d'Ambert,  Laguiole,

Rocamadour,  Saint-Nectaire,  Salers,  fromages.com


Amidst this prehistoric region, we find the medieval Carcassonne and Montpellier, with

the nearby Perrier  waters that both Hannibal and Caesar drunk.


Wine making is also a very old tradition in this region with its many Confreries that can

guide you in making good food and wine choices.  






Some basic food and cooking knowlege


Cuisine   Multilingual Cookbook


Larousse Gastronomique 









Une liste 2006 des 100 meilleurs restaurants de Bruxelles


Comme Chez Soi - BRUSSELS  lost one star 2007!






SWITZERLAND    Swiss cuisine




Tradition Girardet  Crissier  Lausanne


Lausanne Hotel School   EHL


École Hôtelière de Lausanne


International Cooking schools






Cuisine Française


Cooking schools Yahoo International


Ecole de cuisine Yahoo US


Ecole de cuisine Yahoo Fr


Yellow Pages France    Pages Jaunes

enseignement: tourisme, cuisine, hôtellerie

chercher par departement ou region


Restaurant   Chef   Gourmet



European Cuisines


Cuisines of the whole World


Recettes     Recipes






GERMANY      German Cuisine


Schlosshotel Lerbach Cologne


Im Schiffchen   lost one star 2007!





ITALY   Italian cuisine   Olive Oil






SPAIN     Spanish cuisine 






PORTUGAL     Portuguese cuisine






Water   Water picture


Find MINERAL WATERS, at for example comparative sites as http://www.pmgeiser.ch/mineral



If you are a “water expert” with qualified references, you can also require info about

“the most advanced” WATER BUSINESS PROJECT written so far, by sending an email to:





In Europe, many water places have their names associated with nouns just as water, spring,

fountaine, well, bath, spa, lake…, and this in every European language.

They were places known by people long before the neolithic epoch. Most of them remain

today, some are or have become more or less well known: Aachen,  Aix-la Chapelle, 

Aix-les-Bains,  Aix-en-Provence,  Bains-les-Bains,  Baden Baden,  Évian-les-Bains, 

Evian,  Bath,  Spa,  Spa,  Spa,  Spa,  Vittel,  Vichy,  Vichy,  Vichy,  Perrier,  Ramlösa, 

San Pellegrino,  Volvic,  Gerolsteiner 


Spa towns in France,  Mineral Waters,  Waters






Some basic Food and Gastronomy


Gastronomie élémentaire


PORTAL FOOD   Portail Gastronomie


Alimentation   Food & Drink





More or less expensive food in Paris

In the French Yellow Pages - Pages Jaunes look for

Traiteurs, selectionner par arrondissement, critères,


Alsacien [3]  anniversaires [18]  antillais [1]  Arabe [1]

Asiatique [7]  banquet [8]  barbecue [7]  bio [2]  brunch [7]

buffet [57]  canapé [23]  chinois [7]  cocktail [60] 

coffret sandwich [1]  coquillages [1]  créole [1]

Cuisine du monde [14]  Cuisine gastronomique [18]

Cuisine régionale [1]  cuisine traditionnelle [7]

dégustation sur place [1]  dessert [38]  Espagnol [10]

événement [44]  Evénement familial [19] 

événements d'entreprises [1]  foie gras [31] 

fruits de mer [12]  italien [9]  japonais [11]  libanais [4]

livraison à domicile [18]  marocain [1]  méchoui [1]

menus personnalisés [1]  Oriental [1]  paella [6]

Paniers cadeaux [3]  pâtisserie [29]

personnel de réception [9]  Plateau de fromage [12]

plateaux repas [46]  repas [57]  Repas de fêtes [4]

Restaurateur traiteur [7]  rotisserie [2]  Sud-Ouest [4]

Thaïlandais [2]  Véhicules réfrigérés [8]  viande [28]

Vietnamien [1]


Some top names:  Fauchon,  Hédiard,


Gargantua (for parties...),






Milk   Milkshake   Cheese


Dairy   Margarine   Oil   Sauce


Flour   Farine   Quiche  Quiche


Salad   Cabbage   Broccoli


Onion  Garlic  Leek  Asparagus


Brussels sprout   Cauliflower


Salt   Pepper   Spices   Soup


Potage   Bouillon   Broth


Consommé   Velouté


Mustard   Condiments


Potato   Purée   Mashed potatoes


Parmentier   Parmentier


Parmentier  Shepherd’s pie


Savarin  Savarin  Savarin  Savarin


Carrot   Tomatoe  


Vegetable   List of vegetables


Legume   Haricot   Lens  


Rice   Risotto   Risotto   Risotto


Cereals   Peas   Beans   Nuts





Mushrooms   Champignons


Girolle Chanterelle  Chanterelle  Pfifferling  Kurka


Kantarel  Kantarell  Kantarell  Kantarell  Keltavahvero 


Morel   Truffle  


Bruno Clément - LORGUES   La Truffe





Egg   Poultry  


Viande   Meat   Boucherie


Steak   Frite   Frites   Filet


Châteubriand steak  Beef tenderloin


Filet mignon    Filet mignon


Entrecôte   T-bone steak


Gigot   Ragoût   Blanquette de veau


Charcuterie  Pâté  Rillettes  Foie gras


Terrine  Civet  Saucisse  Saucisson 


Boudin  Andouille  Andouillette


Jambon  Salaison



  Cuisine Bourguigonne, 

   Bœuf bourguignon,   Escargots de Bourgogne,   Escargots,   Snails,  

   Cuisses de Grenouilles,   2,   3,  

   Coq au vin,   Coq au Chambertin,   Fondue bourguignonne,  Pauchouse, 

   œufs en meurette,   Pâte à choux,   Gougère,   Moût,   Verjus,  

   Époisses,   Chaource,   Charolais,   Brillat-savarin,   Saint-florentin,   Délice de Bourgogne,

   Jambon persillé,   Chouquette,   Crêpiau,   Pêches de vigne,  

  Grape,  Wine,   Vignoble de Bourgogne, 

   Chablis,   Vins de Chablis,  

   Gevrey-Chambertin,   Nuits-Saint-Georges,   Vougeot,   Chevaliers du Tastevin, 

   Vosne-Romanée,   Chassagne-Montrachet,   Volnay,   Beaune,   Pommard,   Volnay, 

   Meursault,   Puligny-Montrachet,   Solutré-Pouilly,   Fuissé,  



Chasse   Gibier   Hunting   Game


La Sologne   La Ferté-Saint-Aubin sur Wiki   

Le Châteu de La Ferté-Saint-Aubin  Le Saint-nectaire

La Ferté-Saint-Aubin sur Google français.


Elan  Elk  Moose  Älg  Elg  Elg  Elg  Hirvi  Elch  Лось


Renne  Reindeer  Ren  Rein  Reinsdyr  Poro  Ren  Северный олень


Pêche   Angling   Fish   Fishing


Fish  Shellfish  Seafood  Caviar


Octopus   Galician video recipi


Pasta   Spaghetti   Bread


Paella   Paella   Paella


Pizza   Fondue   Choucroute


Cassoulet   Couscous   Porridge


Fish n´ chips 


Ovaltin  Soymilk  Ricemilk  Honey


Fruit   Juice   Juice picture   Drink


Fruit Drinks   Soft Drinks


Fruit-Vegetable Drinks


Baker   Pastry   Confectionary


Coffee   Tea   Ice cream  


Chocolate  Chocolate Drinks


Vegetarian cuisine   Herbs


Crêpe  Crêpe  Galettes  Dessert  


Pie   Tart   Tartes   Tiramisu


Wine    French wine    Beer


World’s wine regions     Cider




Champagne   Sparkling   Prod


Liquors   Liqueur    Eau de vie


Alcoholic Beverage   Chartreuse


Maize   GMO   GM food






No  driving  with  alcohol,  drugs,

or  too  much  food  in  your  body !


Abusing  alcohol, tobacco, drugs,

food, cause  damage  to  health.

Anything  else  is  propaganda.


Tobacco  in  vehicles  or  elsewhere

is  good  for  tobacco  companies.


Misusing  mobile  phone, GPS, GPRS,

sms, headphones…, when  driving 

endangers  your  and  others  life.


Human  sexual  behaviour

Sexually  transmitted  diseases

Condom        Birth  control

Warts    Fungal diseases    Skin diseases



Vaccination    Travel  insurance







This page is also about touring,  touring travel,  vacation package,  trip abroad,

study abroad,  journey in Europe,  staying in Europe, … generally speaking, and more

specially about touring in Paris, and France. 


Much info in this page is about travel, tourism, culture, art, the arts, history, geography,

events, lodging, eating, drinking… but it is not the site of any travel agency activity.

For reservation or booking information about any tour suggested in this page, click here.


This page is regularly  improved, enriched, completed, developed, increased, upgraded,

when readers send new relevant emails about it.

Anything wrong or missing? Send your suggestion  here


For interested persons, groups, and guides, the email address is: pierretours@yahoo.com


Parts of these tours can be made in different chosen languages, and some destinations can be

selected and designed for a suitable  combination with some study, training, or professional

journey, or film/movie/cartoon/TV/computer programme making topic, theme, subject, issue,

debate, or participation.


Pages and tours presented with info from many sites such as  Wikipedia,  Wiktionary, 

Google,  Yahoo,  Special4u,   http://www.pagesjaunes.fr,  Yellow Pages,   Pages Jaunes,

La Poste,   Phone book,   L’annuaire by France Telecom,   Quali-Gratuit,   Office de tourisme,

SNCF, and some restaurant and hotel guides. At the beginning of this tour, see how these

guides work, compare, and select your favourite guide.


Michelin Guide, Guide Michelin, viamichelin.com, are indicated here because it’s where

the famous restaurant 1, 2, or 3 stars are given, but there are other good choices too, such as

Gault-Millau,   Le Bottin Gourmand...


Much info also originates from qualified sites such as:

Infos-du-net,   France Beyond - Provence Beyond,   France for visitors,    franceguide.com

South of France,    Le Guide,    Le Guide - Restaurants,

Moteurs Régionaux,   Annuaires Régionaux de France,

Alsannuaire,   Languedoc-Roussillon Moteurs Régionaux,   Lonely Planet

Ecotourisme Info,   Ecotourisme,   Tourisme Rural,


France Distance Calculator,    World Distance Calculator,    World distance at Google


Réseau Ferré de France,   Railways in Europe - Maps,    SNCF  

SNCF – entreprise-sncf.com - Nos lignes – La carte du réseau voyageurs 

Cartes    MAPS     More Maps     Pages Jaunes    

Google    Multimap    Mappoint    Mapquest    Lexilogos    viamichelin.com    IGN 



Wiki-Autoroute    autoroutes.fr    Bison Futé    Structurae    Viaducts 

Aires service repos autoroutes routes at Google    Autoroutes handicpés 

Autobahn    Autoroutes de France    European main roads    Motorways in Europe, 

Info-autoroute    Autoroutes    Bison futé 


Routes Historiques - Châteaux, Hauts Lieux, Monuments, Abbayes, Jardins, 

Châteaux Hôtels,    viamichelin.com,    Accor Hotels,    Formule 1, 



World Weather,   BBC weather,   Wunderground,   Yahoo weather,   CNN weather,  

Weather.com,   WeatherOnline,   Satelitefoto van Nederland-Europa,   Nordic weather,

Deutscher Wetterdienst,   Italy Weather,   Meteo España,   Meteo Portugal,   


and thousand other good sites selected for the relevance and pertinence of their info,

and because they download quickly, easily, and do not stick on your screen.


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Multi-linguists, polyglots, and computer science  geeks at doctorate or hacker level,

or autodidacts, wanted for co-operation to this project in the Wikipedia spirit, click here.


Multi-linguistes, polyglottes, et geeks de l’informatique à un niveau doctorat ou hacker,

ou autodidactes, bienvenus à participer à ce projet dans l’esprit Wikipedia, cliquez ici.


Wikipedia: Multilingual support. Multiligualism.

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(carrés vides, points d’interrogation, etc.), consultez la page d’aide Unicode. Unicode.


Compare text,  text,  rich text,  Rich Text Format,  enriched text.


Parts of this text can be in English and/or French when convenient, and the main  items

of the text can be directly  linked to their equivalent in 14 of the most referenced of the

about 270  languages  used in the Wikipedia Multilingual Coordination.


At the beginning of this page, the text is also  prepared for English  learners, as in the

following  paragraphs, and no more than a few hundreds of different words have been used

to write and compose these pages, so that readers from non-English speaking origins can

easily grasp the meaning and sense of the content after a short time of practice:


Destination  info

For translation in many  other  languages, see Special4u.

Select the parts of this tour and the relevant  info for a complete tour, or for a shorter

journey.  During this travel, the tour starts and ends  approximately  anywhere  along this

itinerary, and stops  can  be  made during the day, or overnight, or longer, along the route, or

anywhere  suitable for any  group of school  children,  students,  travellers,  tourists,  visitors,

families,  adults,  pros,  senior,  pensioner,  retired  persons,  persons with disability, or any

specific group of persons.






Also for tour operators and tourism professionals:














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Double checking your search keywords at sites as YouTube, Google, Wikipedia,

Wiktionary, Yahoo, Special4u... might complete the results you are looking for. 






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The contact  Email  address for this page is:   pierretours@yahoo.com





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