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Music Downloading and Copying


By Pierre Andre THIBAULT, in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2004,

with Copyrights for the copied, printed, or reproduced articles, texts, photos, pictures, icons,

links, and URL internet addresses as mentioned below. 




Free download on Yahoo



Examples of “file sharing”, "peer to peer", and other methods, for free music downloads: 










http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent   Bit Torrent 


http://btplusplus.sourceforge.net  BT++


http://www.neo-modus.com  Direct Connect

“Tired of other file-sharing communities such as KaZaA, Gnutella, and WinMX? Tired of Napster Clones in general? Looking for something new? Get ready to change the way you think about peer-to-peer file-sharing. Neo-Modus®' Direct Connect™ offers a complete set of tools to locate any type of media.”


http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net  DC++ 




Free music, video, film, movies, gambling, casino, porn, pirate stuff…, and some large file downloading programs, can be said by support service companies to be the reason of trouble for many users, opening ways, channels, back door entrance…, for spam, unwanted ads, popups, trojans, viruses, hijack attempts…  and even causing computer crash in some cases ?


Some hijackers can even pirate and link specific keywords in your own texts or articles, even with Copyright, and link them to their shit, or to other hijackers’ shit !!! Could very well be. So, in this very text, or in any other one, if you see words as “gambling”, “casino”, “sex”, “porn”, even “computer”… linking suspiciously to some “Looking for”, “Home Search”, “Cool Search”, Web Search”, “Searching the Search Engines” page, or anything like that, it is just an example of a typical “keyword piracy” in a text with Copyright. The link to this  shit does NOT exist in the original Microsoft Word document, and is NOT written with hyperlink by the author of the text !!! It is just hijacked by the linked page, or by  some competitors of theirs, or by some of those who don’t like piracy, and who pirate back the pirates, in some vendetta spirit !


http://searchsmallbizit.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid44_gci212119,00.html  File sharing on  Whatis  at  http://whatis.techtarget.com


http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=file+sharing+free+music+download&ei=UTF-8&fr=fp-tab-web-t&n=20&fl=0&x=wrt  File sharing free music download on Yahoo


http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=peer+to+peer+free+music+download&ei=UTF-8&fr=fp-tab-web-t&cop=mss&tab  Peer-to-peer free music download on Yahoo


http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=free+music+download&ei=UTF-8&fr=fp-tab-web-t&cop=mss&tab  Free Music Download on Yahoo


For sound, audio, and music   file format,   extension,    suffix,  see   whatis.com   on

http://whatis.techtarget.com,  or

http://www.wotsit.org, http://www.tacomputers.com/extensions.htm 

(absolute latest file format, extension, suffix are most often NOT yet listed)


For downloading, browsing, archiving, creating, serving, handling, keeping, selling, sending, transferring,  large files, or big, or fat files (video, film, movies, large images, graphic, data base files …), see for example http://bitconjurer.org,    http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent,    http://www.sendthisfile.com,  http://www.fatfile.com



From Yahoo News – Reuters – May 25, 2004 

RIAA Sues 493 More U.S. Music Swappers

(Reuters) - A U.S. music industry group said Monday it had sued 493 more people for copyright infringement as part of its campaign to stop consumers from copying music over the Internet. The Recording Industry Association of America has now sued nearly 3,000 individuals since last September in an attempt to discourage people from copying songs through "peer to peer" networks like Kazaa and LimeWire. More...

Anti-Piracy Efforts (RIAA) | Message board

Record Industry Sues 493 More U.S. Music Swappers  -  Reuters via Yahoo! News  (May 24, 2004)

Legal Music Downloads Rock Steady  -  PC World via Yahoo! News  (May 20, 2004)

Napster Beats iTunes to Europe with UK Launch  -  Reuters via Yahoo! News  (May 20, 2004)

Music buyers gravitate toward legal downloads: survey  -  AFP via Yahoo! News  (May 19, 2004)

More CD buyers try out digital song stores  -  at CNET.com  (May 19, 2004)

Dell's Digital Jukebox plays open-source  -  at CNET.com  (May 19, 2004)

LimeWire upgrades P2P software  -  at CNET.com  (May 18, 2004)

Apple's iTunes software heads to China  -  at CNET.com  (May 18, 2004)

Conn. Man Fined for Downloading Music  -  AP via Yahoo! News  (May 13, 2004)

Consumers' Digital Rights Debated  -  PC World via Yahoo! News  (May 12, 2004)

Anonymous file-swapping programmer arrested  -  at New Scientist  (May 11, 2004)

Sony Takes Aim at Apple But iPod Seen Safe for Now  -  Reuters via Yahoo! News  (May 11, 2004)

EarthLink, Cox Pulled Into Music Piracy Suits  -  Law.com via Yahoo! Finance  (May 7, 2004)

Samsung Shows Tiny Audio Players  -  PC World via Yahoo! News  (May 7, 2004)


Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) -  founded to develop a specification for the secure distribution and use of music in digital form. Site includes a FAQ about the initiative.

Recording Industry Association of America -  

site includes sections on music and piracy and legal cases.

Boycott RIAA -  opposes the RIAA and the music industry on the grounds that they exercise near-monopolistic control over artists and their work. Endorses new technologies that bypass the industry and allows artists to have control over their work.

Electronic Frontier Foundation: File-Sharing: It's Music to our Ears -  campaign in support of peer-to-peer file-sharing. Includes a searchable database of usernames and IP addresses impacted by the RIAA legal action.

Coalition For The Future of Music -  drawing together independent music and music technology communities to address marketplace issues such as control over the manufacturing and distribution of music.

From Betamax to Napster: The Evolution of the "Right to Copy -  timeline that traces advances in technology and related changes to intellectual property law. From MSNBC.                                    more



Music buyers gravitate toward legal downloads: survey

From Yahoo News – AFP – May 19, 2004.

Buyers Gravitate Toward Legal Downloads

NEW YORK (AFP) - US music consumers are sharply increasing their interest in legal downloads and diminishing their use of free song-swapping over the Internet, a survey showed. The survey by the NPD Group found about five percent of those who have purchased music CDs also used a legal Internet service to purchase music in the first quarter of 2004, or triple the percentage in the same period a year ago. More...

More CD Buyers Try Legal Digital Music Services (NPD Group) Legal Downloading Sites (RIAA) | Message board

Music buyers gravitate toward legal downloads: survey  -  AFP via Yahoo! News  (May 19, 2004)

More CD buyers try out digital song stores  -  at CNET.com  (May 19, 2004)

Dell's Digital Jukebox plays open-source  -  at CNET.com  (May 19, 2004)

LimeWire upgrades P2P software  -  at CNET.com  (May 18, 2004)

Apple's iTunes software heads to China  -  at CNET.com  (May 18, 2004)

Conn. Man Fined for Downloading Music  -  AP via Yahoo! News  (May 13, 2004)

Consumers' Digital Rights Debated  -  PC World via Yahoo! News  (May 12, 2004)

Anonymous file-swapping programmer arrested  -  at New Scientist  (May 11, 2004)

Sony Takes Aim at Apple But iPod Seen Safe for Now  -  Reuters via Yahoo! News  (May 11, 2004)

EarthLink, Cox Pulled Into Music Piracy Suits  -  Law.com via Yahoo! Finance  (May 7, 2004)

Samsung Shows Tiny Audio Players  -  PC World via Yahoo! News  (May 7, 2004)

Woman Fined for Getting Tunes Off Internet  -  AP via Yahoo! News  (May 6, 2004)

Apple Sells 3.3 Million Songs on iTunes in Week  -  Reuters via Yahoo! News  (May 5, 2004)

Sony unveils online music service  -  at BBC  (May 5, 2004)


Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) -  founded to develop a specification for the secure distribution and use of music in digital form. Site includes a FAQ about the initiative.

Recording Industry Association of America -  site includes a section on music and the Internet, and sections on copyright, and a campaign against piracy.

Boycott RIAA -  opposes the RIAA and the music industry on the grounds that they exercise near-monopolistic control over artists and their work. Endorses new technologies that bypass the industry and allows artists to have control over their work.

Electronic Frontier Foundation: File-Sharing: It's Music to our Ears -  campaign in support of peer-to-peer file-sharing. Includes a searchable database of usernames and IP addresses impacted by the RIAA legal action. Coalition For The Future of Music -  drawing together independent music and music technology communities to address marketplace issues such as control over the manufacturing and distribution of music. Fairtunes -  allows digital music consumers to voluntarily send money to artists for their work.

From Betamax to Napster: The Evolution of the "Right to Copy -  timeline that traces advances in technology and related changes to intellectual property law. From MSNBC.

Camp Chaos: Metallica vs. Napster -  animated satire starring likenesses of Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield. Includes "Metallicops", "Metallica Millionaire", and "Napster - Bad!" Additional satire: MetalliGREED with Motley Crue.

Editorial Cartoons: Napster -  representing views from around the world, updated daily. From Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists' Index.

Rapstation: Chuck D & Lars on the Charlie Rose Show -  read excerpts, or listen to or watch the full program on which the two musicians squared off over the Napster controversy. Originally aired on May 12, 2000 on PBS.

Signal or Noise: The Future of Music on the Net -  conference held at Harvard Law School, February 25, 2000. Includes video of a discussion, "Intellectual Property: Will Technology Kill It, or Only Make It Stronger?"and of speakers such as Chuck D.

LAUNCH: Downloads -  online music, broadcasts, on-demand video, and more.

Winamp -  flexible shareware music player for Windows 95/98/NT. Supports MP3, MP2, CD, MOD, WAV and other audio formats, custom interfaces called 'skins' and audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins



RIAA and the Secure Digital Music Initiative Challenge -  April 2001 letter from the RIAA to Edward Felten, the Princeton University researcher who cracked the SDMI code and Prof Felten's research paper



The URL internet address of this MUSIC DOWNLOAD page is: 



If you see mal-functioning links, or anything wrong on this page, please send an email about it to:  pierretours@yahoo.com   or   pierre.andre@www.com


Copyright for this page, Copyright © PAT 2004. All rights reserved, with Copyrights for the copied, printed, or reproduced articles, texts, photos, pictures, icons, links, and URL internet addresses as mentioned above. 





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