On this page: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/regionprogr.html




As described on page: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/prehistour.html


For any group staying at least 1 week or more in one place or in a same region, ask for each REGIONAL PROGRAMME and schedule for suggested travel ways, connections, visits, and activities in this place or region.


For any of your ideas, studies, plans, or projects about a place or region, we can help you with selected information concerning different programmes that can be adequate in requests for EU-subsidies.


See examples of EU regions: http://www.padav.demon.co.uk/euregions.htm


See other possible regions in the Present and Future EU:



Send an email with your suggestions to: pierretours@yahoo.com


Back to: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/prehistour.html