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Free slimming tips


By Pierre Andre THIBAULT, in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2004,

with Copyrights for the copied, printed, or reproduced articles, texts, pictures, 

and URL internet addresses as mentioned below. 



Start by eating the same as usual, but half of it. Then check the following sites and links:


Sleep, Eat & Drink     Green Food      Veg Links      Special selected ads 4u 


On the news: “Much less junk food, sweets, sugar, salt, margarine, ice cream, cakes, soft and alcoholic drinks, is much better for your life quality.”


Report from the WHO/FAO

Less saturated fats, sugar and salt, more fruit and vegetables and physical exercise, needed to counter cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and obesity 


“Smoking is good for your life style!” Said a cowboy during many years in cigarette ads and commercials. He died at age 51 in painful lung cancer.   


Food abuse, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are damageable to health.  Any other public bullshit about that is bought propaganda.


Weight Loss by Yahoo  (Choose right from wrong when selecting stuff 4u) 


Textruta:   Textruta:    Yahoo! Health 


Yahoo Health


Weight Loss Center 

Getting Started

Choosing a Program

Weight Loss for Life

More Weight Loss


Activities & Tools

Body Fat Calculator

Activity Finder

Target Heart Rate

More Tools



The URL address of this SLIM page is: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/slim.html


If you notice malfunctioning URL Internet addresses, or anything wrong in these sites, pages, and links, please send an email about it to:

pierretours@yahoo.com   or pierre.andre@www.com


Copyright for this page, Copyright © PAT 2004. All rights reserved,

with Copyrights for the copied, printed, or reproduced articles, texts, pictures, 

and URL internet addresses as mentioned above.


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