On this “Top Location in Royan” page: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/toproy.html                          as mentioned on pages  MAPS    SPECIAL 4u 


On the French Atlantic Coast, halfway between the French Bretagne – Brittany and Spain,

near Bordeaux and La Rochelle, where the Gironde Estuary meets the Atlantic Ocean ( a courtesy of http://www.gracegalleries.com ),

on the Gironde Coast, 

on a Top Location

amidst the much tall oak, palm, and forest trees of the “Nid d´Aigle” (Eagle Nest), at the top of a hill,


well “hidden” amongst shadowing trees (photo),

deepest in a small dead-end street with no traffic, and no passers-by,


in the best woody and fashionable villa district Le Parc of ROYAN,


about 400 m from the clean broad secure sand beach,


exactly at: Pierre THIBAULT, “Villa Risque Tout”, 13 Avenue du Bocage, F-17400-Royan, France  


as it shows on these maps by MULTIMAP, and on this 1890’s map where the house is exactly located at this address,


all at a few minutes walk from everything you need


   as it tells on this SPECIAL 4u advertisment:


Textruta: On French Atlantic-Coast    Gironde Coast    Maps      Tourist Info in  Royan  near Bordeaux  La Rochelle  Cognac   Fort Boyard      Le Parc                          fish seafood   oysters   huitres   wines                                           photos    videos    3600     5 languages  Fine little villa 6 rooms for sale. Walk 4minutes to clean broad secure sand beach children beach-clubs spa fish-seafood fresh-food market shopping. Near schools languages culture-art harbour yacht-boat fishing sea-all-sports-bike-boule anglg huntg aero TGV-railway-coach-bus StPalais Casino nightlife events golf naturism. Highway to Paris Bretagne Pays Basque Spain. Islands Charente inland Poitou Vendee Landes Massif-Central Pyrenees snow-ice-mountain-sports. 1stfloor 3bedr livingr dinningr kitch 4bathr+3wc+1r+terrace cellar, garage+parkg, lawn-gardn 380m2 5oaks+trees, very low yearly cost, pleasant 80m2. Top Location direct sales Pierre Thibault owner, 265 000 € + 3% legal fee.                               Airports in: Bordeaux  LaRochelle  Ryanair  Bergerac  Poitiers  Limoges  Tours



Dictionaries in 5 languages


More info from the Royan Tourist Office







photos    3600 views    videos  


See where it is on these maps,

or search with your own zooming on MULTIMAP, France, Royan


More maps





          Much of this page is by courtesy of Bernezac.com


Royan, the beach La Grande Conche,  Le Parc with much trees, the centre of the city by the harbour, the much smaller but very pleasant beach of Foncillon on top left


Le Front de Mer - The Sea Front       Le Port -  Harbour       Le Marche       Eglise Notre Dame - Church      Pontaillac       Casino de Pontaillac






The “Villa Risque Tout” is well “hidden” deepest in the small dead-end street you see on this map, with no traffic and no passers-by, at 13 Avenue du Bocage, beside Avenue du Nid D’ Aigle, close to Avenue de Verdun, about 400m from the beach by Boulevard Frederic Garnier, and from “Le Petit Marche du Parc”, Avenue Des Semis, with 2 bakers for the fresh morning bred and warm croissants, fresh vegetables, fruits, cheese, fish, sea-food, meat… inside the “Petit Marche du Parc”, and about 30 shops around it with everything you use daily. No need to go to down-town Royan. 






 The “Villa Risque Tout” is located by Avenue de Verdun at about 1000 Metres from the centre of down-town Royan






From Royan, 10 to 40 Km to the oysters  huitres  region of Saujon, La Tremblade, Marennes,  Oyster-Farming   Brouage 6 km North of Marennes


Cordouan - La Coubre Light Houses       More Cordouan Light House                     The forest of La Coubre

La Palmyre

Saint Palais sur Mer

Vaux sur Mer 

Ronce les Bains 


Saint Georges de Didonne 

Probably one of the best sites of the web!!! by Ecard Webdesigner at ecard.imagineur@free.fr An excellent site for kids as well




37 Km to the Highway-Motorway in Saintes – Gaelic and Roman city Tourist and practical site in English,  Ville de Saintes  Official city site in French.






Ferryboat “Bac du Verdon”, Royan - Pointe de Grave - Le Verdon, and roads South to the Gironde Coast


and Medoc wine districts with the Ferryboat Blaye-Lamarque 


Birder Pointe De Grave One of the best spots for spring visible migration in France.

There is every spring a visible migration survey organised by the LPO Birding Pointe de Grave which is protesting against the slaughter of Turtle Doves.


Tide Pointe de Grave                Talmont built 1284       





Royan, about 90 Km to La Rochelle  La Rochelle Aquarium 


Royan and La Rochelle, in Poitou-Charentes        History of Poitou        Poitiers        Futuroscope


Ile d’Yeu            Ile de Re  Official site of Ile de Re           Ile de Re   an excellent site too            Ile d’Oleron  excellent site






Royan, about 140 Km to Bordeaux along the Gironde, through the Cotes de Blaye, Cotes de Bourg, Entre-Deux-Mers, and Bordeaux, wine districts   


Cognac    Angouleme   in Angouleme, aslo TGV  to Paris, Bordeaux, Spain,Toulouse, Marseille, Italy…








In the Yellow Pages of Royan  =  Pages Jaunes  free online at:    http://www.pagesjaunes.fr      in both French and English !  


Dictionaries in 5 languages 


you’ll find yourself the best convenient addresses you want, and phone numbers to many professionals, and rather many of them English speaking:


Office de Tourisme


travel agencies


Western Union Send & Payout Money Transfer at the Post Office:


LA POSTE  between the centre of the city and the railway station main office


and near “Villa Risque Tout” at LA POSTE 27 Avenue Emile Zola, in Le Parc near “Le Petit Marche” by the beach Boulevard Francis Garnier nearest office


French and International Bank offices        MPS, a bank established 1472 !      DnB 


Police Secours  Tel: 17    for emergency help


Pompiers            Tel: 18    fire brigade


medecins generalistes

medecins spécialistes,  specialités


cliniques chirugicales - medicales


hospitaux       Annuaire Sante Charente Maritime 


Centre Hospitalier de Royan (public )

20, avenue Saint-Sordelin

ROYAN         Tel : 05 46 39 52 52


Clinique Pasteur (privé)

1, rue Pasteur

ROYAN         Tel : 05 46 22 22 22


hopital psychiatrique

Centres medico psycho socio

Centres aide menagere , service a domicile

Centres aide handicapés

Centre de cure, readaptation, convalescence


11 pharmacies,

the 2 nearest at a few minutes walk, by  “Le Petit Marche du Parc” Avenue des Semis on the map, the other by the railway station






medecins diabetologie-nutrition


magasins dietetiques     adresses de restaurants poisson - vegetariens


gym - sport - sauna …




super marches






hotel reservation


compagnies taxi


car hire




private and public guarded parking places




all  within  minutes  of  walking   



For your money offshore: Monaco, Switzerland, Zug, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Andorra, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Swiss bank accounts, Campione d’Italia, San Marino and more  but ?


ask the  MPS, a bank established 1472 !  or the DnB




For more about this ad, or for any question about this villa sales,

call  Pierre A Thibault, the owner  at + 46739955208




or send an email to:   pierre.andre@www.com  or  pierretours@yahoo.com    at  www.com  or  Yahoo


Copyright for this page:  Copyright © PAT, 2004. All rights reserved.



The address of this “Top Location in Royan” page is: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/toproy.html 




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