On this VENUS page: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/venus.html

for computers with normal speed (pictures on linked pages)  


or as mentioned on the  VENUS BW page for computers with Bandwidth (BW) high speed: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/venusBW.html (pictures directly on Sites and Pages)


and as mentioned on the PROGRAMME REFERENCES page:    https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/programref.html


and on the PAT design page: https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/patdesign.html


Prehistoric Venus


Many websites referring to what has been found about the first human art can be compared. In addition to the names mentioned in the programme references of the prehistoric tour, for the first representations of men and women, besides animals and objetcs, keywords as prehistoric art, artifacts, artefacts, figurine, statuette, venus, madonna, godess… and names as Les Eyzies, Le Moustier, Acheul, Lespugue, Laussel, Niaux, Chauvet, Abri Pataud, Laugerie, Sireuil, Tursac, La Ferrassie, La Madeleine, Angles sur l´Anglin, Lagrave, Pestillac, Gorge d´Enfer, Trou Magrite, Willendorf, Gönnersdorf, Menton, Mentone, Grimaldi, Balzi Rossi, Savignano, Parabita, Macomer, Dolni Vestonice, Petrkovice, Predmosti, Strelice, Hluboke Masuvky, Cernavoda, Pekarna, Gagarino, Jelisejevitsjij-Ukraine, as described in Dr Jelinek´s book (see:

https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/programref.html), and further names as

Avdjejevo, Kostjenkij, Metsin, Maininsk, Malta Siberia, “the dentist ?” of Hulbjerg, Grimes, Hagar Qim, Tell Halaf, Cogul, many other relevant name and keyword combinations searched on www.yahoo.com will give you much feeling about a prehistoric art that can often be recognized as of a same quality and universal artistic inspiration as in many other ancient and modern well-known masterpieces.


Keywords as “prehistoric figurine”, “prehistoric venus”… can show such examples:


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/brassempouy.html  Brassempouy - France


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/gorgedenfer.html  Gorge d´Enfer - France


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/ornament.html  Ornament - France



Logan Collections


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/madeleine.html  La Madeleine - France


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/tellhalaf.html Tell Halaf - Hassuna - Irak


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/cogul.html  Cogul - Spain


 https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/valltorta.html  Valltorta - Spain


http://witcombe.sbc.edu/willendorf/willendorfwoman.html  Willendorf - Austria



Dolni Vestonice - Czech Republic



Pataud - Laussel - Les Eyzies - France


http://members.tripod.com/~Ten_Ten/index-7.html Dolni Vestonice, Menton, Savignano, Lespugue, Laussel, Willendorf, Gagarino, Grimaldi


http://www.arthistory.sbc.edu/imageswomen/lespugue.html  Lespugue -France


http://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/d/engvorschau.html (Das Naturhistorische Museum Wien, Willendorf - Austria - Click on Archeological Finds and on the Venus



In French - Laugerie, Gorge d´Enfer - France - Excellent drawing



Gagarino - Ukraine, Kostenki - Russia - Excellent picture) 



Kostenky  Maininsk  Malta Siberia  at HERMITAGE St Petersburg 


http://www.hermitagemuseum.org  HERMITAGE MUSEUM  St Petersburg 


http://www.hominids.com/donsmaps/venus.html Willendorf, Neuchatel, Courbet, Pataud, Sireuil, Tursac, Galgenberg – Excellent pictures


http://www.ifrance.com/prehisto/venus.htm En Francais - Most complete picture web review of  Western and Eastern European Venuses


http://www.mundofree.com/origenes/creencias/creencias4.htm  (Diosas Madres - Espanol


http://pramatki.webpark.pl/pal-w.htm  Paleolityczne Wenus - This keyword in Polish will give you excellent results – Learn some language! – Excellent pictures


http://fr.encyclopedia.yahoo.com/articles/st/st_614_p0.html About “Carbone 14” - En Francais - Learn something more! Beware: on Yahoo, some Carbon 14 sites in English might be non-scientific ones!



En Francais – Easy, tutorial, pedagogical site about the place of

La Madeleine, Tursac, Dordogne, France  

For school pupils, click here for some about:

 “Potassium-Argon, Carbon 14, Thermoluminescence, Dendrochronologie” 

Then click on Retour (means Return in English if you doubted) to see more of this school site.



Ages tables - Figurines - Excellent drawings



http://cwx.prenhall.com/bookbind/pubbooks/stokstad3/chapter1/custom4/deluxe-content.html#B1 Ages tables - Prehistory and Prehistoric Art in Europe - Excellent pictures


http://www.terracotta.clara.net/histx101.html  Prehistoric origins of pottery - Tutorial




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