Web Maketing  and  Site Map


The URL address of this  Web Marketing and Site Map page is :




as mentioned on pages :


Home Page                  special4u.50megs.com


Dynamic                       More about this site


Basic  Tools   Free or Pay   Money  Info   Special  Europe   Women +


Low - Normal speed SPECIAL 4u               High Speed  SPECIAL 4u


PAT design    Collections    Fashion Links    Leather Links    Marketing    Worldwide Retail      






Web Marketing  and  Site Map for


SPECIAL4u   A  dynamic  site  for you  With selected Super Links



50 with 5 zero,  NOT the letter o,  megs = megabytes    ( compare bit  byte )


With or without http:// ,   with or without  www.


No computer  skill required.  For beginners, nerds or nurds.  More about this site





By Pierre Andre THIBAULT, in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004, 2005,


with Copyrights for the copied, printed, or reproduced texts, articles,


images,  icons,  pictures,  maps,  photos,  videos,


URL internet addresses, and links, as mentioned below. 





Low-Normal Speed   Internet Access or Satellite Internet Connection,  click here


High Speed   BROADBAND   BANDWIDTH   Internet Connection,  click here





Probably the best Files of the Web,  with the Past for a better Future,  now !

Young top web-designer wanted to make a 3d home page for this site, click here




специально для вас

Russian speaking female  webmaster wanted on own-business basis, click here


日本語  special in japanese

Japanese speaking female  webmaster wanted on own-business basis, click here



Chinese speaking female  webmaster wanted on own-business basis, click here




Basic  Tools,  for the best use of the web


Free  or  Pay,  choose the best stuff


Money  Info,  no money no honey


Special  Europe,  a multiple choice


Women +  girls and boys

Female webmaster wanted on own-business basis, click here






Enable  SimSun  or  MingLiu  Font in MS XP 


for  Traditional Chinese   Simplified Chinese


Facts about fonts       Fonts of the World       1900 Languages


For all  European,  Japanese,  Korean, or other Asian,  Oriental,


and  Semite,  Semitic,  Arabic,  Hebraic,  Hebrew,  fonts and text characters,  click here


Copy and paste for free online translation in

5 European languages with these Dictionaries,


or into 12 languages, or with Babelfish, or with  More Online Translation.


More language help





This site is built on a PC with Microsoft   Windows and Word from the


Microsoft Corporation, in Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA


This site is edited on the Internet  www with home page building on free web hosts at


50megs, a free 50 megabytes Web Hosting at http://www.50megs.com, in Orem, Utah, USA


and on the free  Angelfire  Web Host at http://www.angelfire.com 


a TRIPOD - LYCOS  registered trademark


at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA





With Internet EXPLORER, this site will appear on your browser as it is built.


With Netscape, Firefox Mozzila, Mosaic,  Lynx, or Opera,


this site will show correctly if you enable HTML reading of a Windows Operating system.


For Mac, UNIX, LINUX, or other platforms, software, script, or systems,


enable reading of any of the Windows versions.


For more support, ask a qualified computer guru in your neighbourhood.


A good guru who knows both about hardware and software is important,


especially after-hours and on weekends!





For a more sophisticated design of this site, programs as :


Frontpage,  Dreamweaver,  Shockwave,  Flash,  Macromedia products,  ACDsee,


QuarkXpress,  Photoshop,  Illustrator,  Adobe products,  Maya,  Alias products,


and other Multimedia and Graphics  programs… as found through



Computers - Internet “for computer stuff“



Audio Video and Visual Media “for audio & visual stuff”


Message   Communication    Animation


Images Icons Pictures Photo Video


3d   Artzend   Naskita   ECard   3 Dimensional stuff



Express Edition Beta Products

The Visual Studio Express editions expand the Visual Studio product line

to include lightweight, easy to use and easy to learn tools for hobbyist, novice, and

student developers who want to build dynamic Windows applications and Web sites


can be used by copying and pasting, or cutting and pasting, the portions

you need from this site.


Send in your own suggestion and contribution  here.




Anything from this site may be copied and used freely if for education, study, research,

public, or private information, or other non-commercial and non-political uses.


Stop unwanted pop-ups,  ads,  pornography,  gambling, and other disturbing messages,


by using Firewall,  Antivirus,  Pop-up Blocker,  Microsoft Security, and other


Protection  programs.




Copyright © PAT 2004, 2005.   


Site Owners    PAT    PAT Hobby    Art by PAT     “Click me, I can design”


Dynamic           Sitemap                                            More about this site


Email:   pierretours@yahoo.com     





Management and Marketing Consultancy

http://special4u.50megs.com/favorite_links.html  PAT   The man behind the picture ” 


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/4msales.html  PAT  New Marketing Schemes”   


Magic Watch  by PAT



Law & Legal Advice


EJTN  European Judicial Training Network ”  Trier 



The Commercial Law Group in Europe  For Company, Business & Tax ”

Amsterdam   Antwerp   Athens   Dublin   Duisburg   Geneva   Glasgow   London   Milan   Paris 



Marketing & Sales


PAT   “Special Marketing and Sales Euro Tours 


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/worldwideretail.html  PAT  Worldwide Retail”  



Consumer Access   “ A leading specialist ”  in Germany,  Benelux,  France,  Spain,  UK 



Sales force Europe  For revenue generating sales ” in Spain, USA





http://www.mps.it/tuabanca/gruppo9.asp  MPS Banking   “ Since 1472 ! ”


http://www.dnb.com  D&B   “ Better Business Decision, faster ” 


http://www.equitable.co.uk  EQUITABLE Insurance  Since 1762 ”


eXchange rates     Currency Converter      Euro     Payments online  



Media, Advertising, Promotion 


PAT  new Talents, new Stuff, new Projects “for new Ads”   



Computers & Data


PAT  Computers - Internet “for computer stuff“ 



PAT  Audio Video and Visual Media “for audio & visual stuff”  


Images   Icons   Pictures   Photo  Video


3d     Artzend     Naskita     ECard   3 Dimensional “for Web Shows”






Magic  Watch



Information, Sources, & Resources


PAT  In each country as in Denmark as a Country Info scheme, model, or pattern



Travel and Touring


Country Maps

https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/maps.html   SPECIAL4u  MAPS 


MAPPOINT      MAPQUEST      MULTIMAP      MAPS       Western EU Regions


http://www.adiyamanli.org/MapofTurkey/turk_map.htm   Map of Turkey  





PAT  In each country as in Denmark as a Country Info scheme, model, or pattern    


http://www.padav.demon.co.uk/euregions.htm  EU Regions 



PAT  Euro Touring  For professional Tour Operators



PAT  Suggested Visits in Europe 



PAT  Special Euro Tours Eur  stuff,   your  choice !    For  life  quality ! ”



PAT  Lodging, Eating, Drinking  “ From  F1  to  3 Stars Cuisine ”



About Michelin 3 Stars  Critique des Etoiles Michelin”



Accommodation during Fairs


http://www.europcar.com  Europcar  You rent a lot more than a car ”


http://www.carsfort.com  Cars Fort  Since 1929 ”


http://www.cimber.dk  Cimber Air “ Since 1950 ”


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/lowfares.html  PAT   Low Cost Fares 


https://www.angelfire.com/space/special4u/visits.html  PAT  European Railways






Fashion  Shows,    Fashion  Runways,    Catwalks,    Fashion Performers



PAT  design



PAT  Collections



PAT  Fashion Links in many Countries



PAT  Selected Leather Links



Fashion and Design Reference in many Countries



Made in Italy 



Italian Fashion   “ For Wholesale Buyers ”



Fabrics and Fashion Technology 



“Replicas of ancient jewellery”

and info about Roman artefacts and coins found in Sollinge, Fyn, Denmark  



Show Management



PAT  Show Biz, Floor Shows, Stage Shows, Sales Shows 



Sales Forces  -  Sales Drives 



Style Counsel - Copenhagen



Michael Diehl - Esslingen - Stuttgart 



Hair & Style management - Stuttgart



Institute for socio-cultural trend research  Vienna  



Aniko - Wien



Cosmoworld - Amsterdam



Textile and Clothing Consultants -  Weerselo - Enschede



BG - Istanbul 



Chromatic - Teddington - London



4 Fashion  France 



Bonnot Event House - Küsnacht - Zurich



Voyage Show Milano



Modem on Line Europe



Speos Photographers Paris 



Kim Primeau Make-up  Montreal




The URL address of this  Web Marketing and Site Map  page is :





Back to :


Home Page                  special4u.50megs.com


Dynamic                       More about this site


Basic  Tools   Free or Pay   Money  Info   Special  Europe    Women +


Low - Normal speed SPECIAL 4u                    High Speed  SPECIAL 4u


PAT design    Collections    Fashion Links    Leather Links    Marketing    Worldwide Retail      

