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RPG Central

What's New...

June 30th - New Players!

We have a Cryos! Welcome Brandon! Both Cryos and Voltage, the new original character, are jump-starting the rpg again. Thanks guys!

By the way, if any one has sent the webmaster anything, the email has changed (don't worry, all the links have been updated :p)

JOIN The Alliance!

Character's Left: Zuma, Tekla

Character's On Hold But You May Still Ask For Them: Pyrus, Sternum, Jewelia

Contact the Council if there are any inquires or problems: Michelle (Webmaster) or Yasharei (Moderator). Please be patient for them to answer you as they may be busy.

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The Story...

The RPG is set a year after the Beast planet was teleported into a place unknown. The Alliance has settled into a tense peace around a new sun. The people of Planet Fire are now residing on a previously uninhabited lava-world similar to their last home. All seems well... Until cracks begin to form in the Alliance... Until the stirrings of evil begin once more...


The Rules...

Lurkers are fine, however it would be appreciated if you would tell the webmaster/moderators that you are going to be one. If you haven't replied within six months after you joined, you will be BOOTED!!!! (Sorry guys, we have to be tough but fair.)

You can only have three characters at one time.

You can create new species/planets, as long you are prepared to give a full description of their appearance, culture, etc... Please make it fit into the Shadow Raiders universe, especially if you decide to do the human thing.

Make sure you can play a character that fits into your knowledge... If you don't know much about, say, Planet Bone, please don't play someone from there!

Remember to stay in character (if playing main)! Maybe review some SR episodes and take notes.

You cannot control or kill someone else's character, unless they give you permission.

This is solely a Shadow Raider RPG - no crossovers from other Mainframe shows are allowed.

You can have relationships with other characters as long as they agree to. Anything too intimate should be done behind closed doors (lets keep it clean!)

Violence will be at a minimum... Of course there will be battles, but please don't be too gruesome and go into great detail!

If you're going to swear, make sure it suits the setting - Eg, "By the Inferno" or "Rock Hound!" (SR was G rated after all...)

People usually post in turns, but if someone hasn't posted for a few days, you can move on without them. They will have to catch up later.

Unlike some RPGs, there is no such thing as stats. That means no 'dice rolling', and other veteran RPG techniques.

Please don't disregard the current plotlines or characters. The best example would be the npc Beast character Bayon (ie you can't just shove him out the way, he's already been established as the main bad guy). However, you can create another Beast character who is equal to Bayon...

Expect to have bad luck sometimes! It adds to the excitement of the RPG!


If you wish to link to us, please use the banner below

This site is in no way connected to Mainframe! All pictures, etc, are the property of Mainframe. This is a non-profitable thingy - we're just having fun! And if pplz from Mainframe are reading this, we want Shadow Raiders back!!! Pleeeeeeease? "We love you Mainframe."