Early Quotations
Moses/YHWH ca. 1500 B.C. |
Do you thus deal with the YAHWEH, O foolish and unwise people? Is HE not your Father?....... and then HE said... there is no God besides ME. |
Jesus of Nazareth ca. 30 A.D. |
The Father is greater than I. |
Jesus of Nazareth ca. 30 A.D. |
Father... that they many know You, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You sent. |
Jesus of Nazareth ca. 30 A.D. |
I ascend to my Father and your Father and my God and your God. |
The Sanhedrin ca. 32 A.D. |
We have a law, and by that law he ought to die, because he has made himself the Son of God. |
Paul ca. 50 A.D. |
There is no God but one.... for us there is one God: the Father. |
Paul ca. 60 A.D. |
For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ. |
Clement of Rome ca. 80 A.D. |
Have we not one God and one Christ? |
II Clement ca. 140 A.D. |
The Only God, invisible, Father of truth, who sent forth to us the Saviour and Author of immortality. |
Justin Martyr ca. 150 A.D. |
God begat before all creatures a Beginning, a certain Reasonable Power from Himself, who is called by the Holy Spirit, now the Glory of the Lord, now the Son... |
Justin Martyr ca. 150 A.D. |
Therefore, it is wrong to understand the Spirit and the power of God as anything else than the Word, who is also the first-born of God... |
Justin Martyr ca. 150 A.D. |
There is, and that there is said to be, another God and Lord subject to the Maker of all things who is also called an Angel.
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
The Church, though scattered throughout the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and their disciples this faith: one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven, and earth , and the sea, and all things that are in them; and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
There is One God Alone, the Creator, He who is above every principality, and power, and dominion, and virtue: He is the Father, He is God, He the Founder, He the Maker, He the Creator, who made those things by Himself, that is, through His Word and His Wisdom, heaven and earth, and the seas, and all things that are in them. He is just, He is good. He it is who formed man, who planted paradise, who made the world, who gave rise to the flood, who saved Noah. He is the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of the living. He it is whom the law proclaims, whom the prophets preach, whom Christ reveals, whom the apostles make known to us, and in whom the Church believes. He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
It is proper, then, that I should begin with the first and most important rule, that is, God the Creator, who made the heaven and the earth, and all things that are in it, whom these men blasphemously style the fruit of a defect, and to demonstrate that there is nothing either above Him or after Him, nor that, influenced by any one, but of His own free will, He created all things, since He is the Only God, the Only Lord, the Only Creator, the Only Father, Alone containing all things, and Himself commanding all things into existence. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
For consider, all you who invent such opinions, since the Father Himself is Alone called "God", who has a real existence, but whom you style the Demiurge, since, moreover, the Scriptures acknowledge Him Alone as "God. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
There is One God Alone, the Creator, He who is above every principality, and power, and dominion, and virtue: He IS the Father, He is God, He the Founder, He the Maker, He the Creator, who made those things by Himself, that is, through His Word and His Wisdom, heaven and earth, and the seas, and all things that are in them. He is just, He is good. He it is who formed man, who planted paradise, who made the world, who gave rise to the flood, who saved Noah. He is the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of the living. He it is whom the law proclaims, whom the prophets preach, whom Christ reveals, whom the apostles make known to us, and in whom the Church believes. He IS the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, through His Word, who is His Son, through him He is revealed and manifested to all to whom He is revealed. For those know Him to whom the Son has revealed Him. But the Son, eternally co-existing with the Father, from of old, yea, from the beginning, always reveals the Father to Angels, Archangels, Powers, Virtues, and all to whom he wills that God should be revealed. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
This, therefore, having been clearly demonstrated here, and it shall yet be so still more clearly, that neither the prophets, nor the apostles, nor the Lord Christ in His own person, did acknowledge any other Lord or God, but the God and Lord Supreme, the prophets and the apostles confessing the Father and the Son, but naming no other as "God", and confessing no other as "Lord," and the Lord himself handing down to His disciples, that He, the Father, is the Only God and Lord, who Alone is "God" and ruler of all. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
And that the whole spectrum of the teaching of the Apostles proclaimed the One and the same God, who moved Abraham, who made to him the promise of inheritance, who in due season gave to him the covenant of circumcision, who called his descendants out of Egypt, preserved outwardly by circumcision, for he gave it as a sign, that they might not be like the Egyptians, that He was the Maker of all things, that He was the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He was the God of glory. Those who desire so may learn from the very words and Acts of the Apostles, and may contemplate the fact that this God is One, above whom is no other. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
I have referred to the following book, to adduce the words of the Lord, if, by persuading some among them, through means of the very instruction of Christ, I may succeed in persuading them to abandon such error, and to cease from blaspheming their Creator, who is both God Alone, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
I have proved, in a variety of ways, that the Son of God accomplished the whole dispensation and have shown that there is none other called God by the Scriptures except the Father of all, and the Son, and those who possess the adoption.
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
Since, therefore, this is sure and steadfast, that no other God or Lord was announced by the Spirit, except Him who, as God, rules over all, together with His Word, and those who receive the Spirit of adoption, that is, those who believe in the one and true God, and in Jesus Christ the Son of God; and likewise that the apostles did of themselves term no one else as God, or name [no other] as Lord; and, what is much more important, that our Lord who did also command us to confess no one as Father, except Him who is in the heavens, who is the one God and the one Father. |
Irenaeus ca. 180 A.D. |
The apostles, too, according to these men's showing, are proved to be transgressors of the commandment, since they confess the Creator as God, and Lord, and Father, as I have shown, if He is not Alone God and Father, Jesus, therefore, will be to them the author and teacher of such transgression, inasmuch as He commanded that One Being should be called Father, thus imposing upon them the necessity of confessing the Creator as their Father, as has been pointed out. |
Tertullian ca. 210 A.D. |
There was, however, a time when neither sin existed with [God], nor the Son. |
Tertullian ca. 210 A.D. |
For the Father is the entire substance, but the Son is a derivation and portion of the whole, as he himself confesses, "My Father is greater than I." In the Psalm his inferiority is described as being "a little lower than the angels." Thus the Father is distinct from the Son, being greater than the Son, inasmuch as He who begets is one, and he who is begotten is another. |
Origen ca. 230 A.D. |
[JOHN 1:1]: As God who is over all is theos with the article ["the"] not without it, so also "the" logos is the source of that logos (reason} which dwells in every reasonable creature; the logos which is in each creature is not, like the former called par excellence "the" logos. Now there are many who are sincerely concerned about religion, and who fall here into great perplexity. They are afraid that they may be proclaiming two gods, and their fear drives them into doctrines which are false and wicked. Either they deny that the Son has a distinct nature of His own besides that of the Father, and make Him whom they call the Son to be theos all but the name, or they deny the divinity of the Son, giving Him a separate existence of His own, and making His sphere of essence fall outside that of the Father, so that they are separable from each other. To such persons we have to say that God on the one hand is autotheos (God of Himself); and so the Saviour says in His prayer to the Father, "That they may know You, the only true God;" but all that beyond the autotheos (God) is made theos by participation in His divinity, and is not to be called simply "the" theos but rather [just] theos. |
Novatian ca. 250 A.D. |
Thus the mediator of God and men, Christ Jesus, having the power of every creature subjected to him by his own Father, inasmuch as he is God; with every creature subdued to him, found at one with his Father God, has, by abiding in that condition that he moreover "was heard," briefly proved God his Father to be one and only and true God. |
Lactantius ca. 305 A.D. |
For He cannot be produced from any one, who Himself produced all things. I have, as I think, sufficiently taught by arguments, and confirmed by witnesses, that which is sufficiently plain by itself, that there is one only King of the universe, one Father, one God. |
Nicene Creed 325 A.D. |
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty. |
Last Updated: February 20, 2011