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The Trinity Delusion An examination of the doctrine of the Trinity

The Bible vs. the Trinity

A Cursory Look

What does the Bible truly teach? Which of the following rings true?

  • The Bible teaches that God is three hypostases in one ousia, three persons in one substance. The Triune God has one will. Three persons, one will. However, the person Jesus has two wills. One person, two wills.

    The Bible teaches that God is one person, the Father of Jesus Christ. God has one will and Jesus has one will.

  • The Bible teaches us that Jesus is God the Son.

    The Bible teaches us that Jesus is the Son of God.

  • The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is a separate third person, God the Holy Spirit, in addition to God the Father and God the Son.

    The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is the divine nature, power, and presence, of God the Father.

  • The Bible teaches us that the God of Christians is the Triune God

    The Bible teaches us that the God of Christians is Jesus' God, His Father.

  • The Bible teaches us that the God of the Apostles was the Triune God.

    The Bible teaches us that the God of the Apostles was Jesus' God, His Father.

  • The Bible teaches us that Jesus was God who became a man.

    The Bible teaches us that Jesus was a man who was God's son.

  • The Bible teaches us that Jesus had two natures.

    The Bible teaches us that Jesus had one nature, humanity, and he was led by the Holy Spirit of God the Father.

  • The Bible teaches us that Jesus believed in the existence of a Triune God.

    The Bible teaches us that Jesus' only true God was His Father alone.

  • The Bible teaches us the Father is the only true God, Jesus is the only true God and the Holy Spirit is the only true God.

    The Bible teaches us that Jesus identified his Father alone as the only true God.

  • The Bible teaches us that "the Lord our God the Lord is one" means God is one divine substance.

    The Bible teaches us that "the Lord our God the Lord is one" means God is one person.

  • At Mark 12:28-34, Jesus and the Jewish scribe were discussing the Triune God.

    At Mark 12:28-34, Jesus and the Jewish scribe were discussing Jesus' Father.

  • Jesus had known all along that the one true God is a three person being.

    Jesus never conceived of such an idea since His Father alone was His one and only true God.

  • When Jesus said, "I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God," he didn't mean that our God is not a three person God.

    When Jesus said, "I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God," he meant His Father alone is His one God and His Father alone is to also be our one God.

  • While Jesus' one and only God was/is not a three person God, our one God is indeed a three person being.

    Because Jesus' one and only God was/is His Father alone, our one and only God is the Father alone.

  • The Bible says that our one God is the Triune God.

    The Bible says that our one God is the Father (1 Corinthians 8:6).

    Last Modified: February 17, 2011
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