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The Trinity Delusion An examination of the doctrine of the Trinity

The Irreverent Implications of the Trinity

Trinitarian Disrespect for God

The doctrine of the Trinity results in some very irreverent implications concerning God and/or Jesus.

To be Trinitarian is to believe that the baby in the manger was Almighty God from the moment he had been conceived in Mary's womb, the same Almighty God who came down from heaven into Mary's womb, the same Almighty God who delivered their forefathers out of Egypt. It is to believe this infant child is the same Almighty God who created the world.

If we are a Trinitarian who supposes Joseph and Mary were quite aware that their child Jesus was Almighty God we would then be compelled to believe Mary carried her God in her belly. We would then be compelled to believe Mary saw fit to potty train her God or we would have to fancifully suppose potty training God was not necessary. We would have to either suppose Mary instructed her God to keep his hands out of the cookie jar, or, fancifully suppose no such instruction would ever be necessary for this toddler. We must also believe they lost the Almighty when God was 12 years old. We must also believe God's parents were worried about the Almighty's whereabouts. We must also believe God grew in wisdom. We must also believe Mary would see fit to prostrate herself and pray to her toddler son. We must also believe that Joseph and Mary believed they had to save their God from the threat of human beings. We must also believe Almighty God was hiding out in Egypt from human beings who wanted to kill him. Irreverent madness.

Even if one supposes that Joseph and Mary were not aware their son was their God, the Almighty God, the situation is not improved. God still needed to be saved from the threat of human beings by his parents. God was still 12 years old and still lost. God still grew in wisdom.

And if we are a Trinitarian who supposes Joseph and Mary were completely unaware their child was Almighty God, the situation has a whole different set of profane implications. We must believe that Almighty God who was being held in Mary's arms knew ever language in the world, past, present, future, and we must believe this despite the fact we are told he did in fact grow in wisdom. We must claim on one day that Jesus of Nazareth was all-knowing and all-powerful but on another day, and just for the occasion, pretend he limited himself in his incarnation so that we can attempt to accomodate these problems. And then as soon as we feel we have addressed them, we can again forget them and insist he was all-knowing and all-powerful once again. We must talk out of both sides of our mouths. We must believe this two day old infant child had the inherent power to walk on water and to know everything on his mother's mind but he coyly never let her know. We must believe this infant child was the God to whom Mary was praying but never bothered to tell her. We must believe that this infant child could speak every language known to mankind, past, present, and future, but misled his mother to believe otherwise. Sacrilege.

Such are the implications of the Trinitarian madness. The Trinitarian mind must choose to simply temporarily forget his own beliefs when he considers the facts about baby Jesus. He must choose to forget he believes this was Almighty God just for the moment. But the fact remains that his doctrine insists that this infant child was indeed Almighty God. And the implications to his beliefs are exposed as utterly outrageous. And indeed, they cannot bear to even think about these implications to their own beliefs because to see it is to see their own blasphemy.

Created: March 13, 2013
Last Updated: March 13, 2013