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The Trinity Delusion An examination of the doctrine of the Trinity

Incomprehensible Mystery?

One of the most ridiculous claims made by Trinitarians is the "incomprehensible mystery" claim. Very often one can find Trinitarians claiming the Trinity is "an incomprehensible mystery" or "an unfathomable mystery." Trinitarians usually don't bother with this claim until a certain problem occurs: when their line of reasoning fails. So they go on to claim this doctrine is a mystery which cannot be fully understood by human reason. They complement these claims by saying things like, "it is a great mystery how anything can be three yet one." Dear Reader, I want you to think very, very carefully when you read the following words and then you will realize why this claim is so absurd.

The doctrine of the Trinity is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible. It is not explicitly taught in the Scriptures. Everyone acknowledges this fact. If it had been stated in the Bible and if it was a statement we simply could not understand, then it would be quite fine to declare this teaching is a mystery. We could simply say that we believe this teaching of Scripture is inspired by God and is true and we must accept them even though we can't understand how it can be so. But this is not the situation.

Since the Bible does not teach such a doctrine, Trinitarians claim they have reasoned out the doctrine of the Trinity from the Scriptures. There is nothing wrong with reasoning out things from the Scriptures. Concepts do not need to be explicitly stated in the Bible to be true. So if a Trinitarian wants to reason out a doctrine from the Scriptures that is absolutely acceptable. But here is the problem. Having reasoned out his doctrine from the Scriptures, he then claims it cannot be understood by human reason because his concluding doctrine is an "incomprehensible mystery." Just stop and think how utterly preposterous it is to claim you have reasoned out a concept that you cannot understand with your own reason. They are claiming they have reasoned out this concept but cannot then comprehend their own reason because the conclusion of their own reasoning is "incomprehensible." How ridiculous. It is so ridiculous one wonders how they can say it with a straight face.

Now it gets even more amusing. When they are shouting this incomprehensible "how can God be three yet one" mystery from the rooftops, those with intelligent minds can see there is nothing mysterious at all about something being three yet one. All they do is place plural persons into a singular category or group which they call "God." How something can be three yet one is no mystery at all. We see this kind of thing every day. It is common to our everyday human experience.

How to make Three Equal One

One foot   One foot   One foot   Three feet   (Plural)
1 + 1 + 1 = 3  

There is no way these three can be one is there? Or is there? Let's try again.

One foot   One foot   One foot   One Yard   (Singular)
1 + 1 + 1 = 1  

It wasn't difficult. I simply redefined the terms in the middle of the process. I shifted classifications. I shifted the category of measuring units. Is this all that Trinitarians are doing? Is this the so-called unfathomable mystery? For the most part, yes it is. This is precisely what Trinitarians do. It is really quite simple. In fact, changing their definition of God from one situation to the next is an everyday experience for Trinitarians and those who actually are logical will see that changing their definition of the word "God" means they have a different God from one occasion to the next.

Let's do this again.

One line   One line   One line   Three lines   (Plural)
1 + 1 + 1 = 3  

One line   One line   One line   One Triangle   (Singular)
1 + 1 + 1 = 1  

Let's compare now and notice how the terms are redefined.

One foot + One foot + One foot = One yard   (Singular)
One line + One line + One line = One triangle   (Singular)
One person + One person + One person = One God   (Singular)

How something can be three yet one is no great mystery. All you need to do is create a singular group or category and put those three things into that one group. There are myriads of things in our unverse which are three yet one, or two yet one, or four hundred thousand yet one. It all depends how you choose to define these things, just as Adam named the animals, and just as how we label measuring units and three sided polygons. If we put plural things into ONE group or category they are many and one at the same time because they are in one group. A set of three distinct triplet children is one trio. Five people are one family. A group of three distinct musicians is one trio. Batman and Robin are one duo. A group of eleven football players is one team. Thus, it is no incomprehensible miracle to philosophically conjure up one group of three divine persons that we will categorically define as "one God." All you need to do is collect together plural entities and throw them all into one group. The name Trinitarians use to define or classify their one categorical group of three plural subjects is the word "God." How is the Trinitarian God three yet one? The Trinitarian one God is one group of three persons and this group, or category, is called "God." Yes this is their great unfathomable mystery - putting three items into one category.

Now whether Trinitarians have any right whatsoever to create a group or category called "God" is another question. We will leave that question for another time and place. After all, who among us thinks of their Creator as a category or group? The point here is that things being many yet one is no great mystery at all. In the end, the Trinitarian declares he cannot comprehend his own reasoning when what he has done is so simple a child can understand it.

This type of thing is nothing but playing the name game of redefining things by classification and categorization. A group, or category, is a singular entity with plural subjects which share common attributes that classifies them into the defining category of that group. Thus, the Trinity is simply a doctrine where one group of three persons has the one defining name "God." So, even though they have no reason to do so, they just go right ahead and label this singular group "God" and put three subjects into that category, which they say are three persons sharing the common attributes which necessitate belonging to the group. Great mystery? Please. It's so simple even a small child can comprehend it. They have simply categorized three things into one category, one classification, one group under one definition, one name, one word. This categorization game is all Trinitarians are really doing. It's not rocket science. This simple thing is the "incomprehensible mystery." Too bad they can't understand such a simple thing.

Numeric Value
of group name
Group NameNumeric Value
of subjects
Group SubjectsGroup

ONE Trio THREE Persons Playing musicians
ONE Team Eleven Persons Football players
ONE Flock 50 Birds Flying Geese
ONE Herd 100 Cows Farmer's cattle
ONE Church 1,000,000,000 Persons Christians
ONE Humanity 7,000,000,000 Persons Human beings
ONE Triumvirate THREE Persons Power sharers
ONE God THREE Persons Divine nature

We can take this one step further by playing the same game. So let's do that. We can make up our own God just like the Trinitarians did. The Father is a divine being; angels are divine beings. Indeed, the Father is spirit; angels are spirit. The Bible says the Father is the Father of all spirits. Yes, angels are indeed called "sons of God." Therefore, the Father and all his myriads of angels must then be "God." Therefore, the angels are all "true God of true God." So, God is not three in one. No, he is tens of thousands in one. This group is called "God." In fact, that is why God is referred to by the plural term "Elohim." The writer of Hebrews quotes an Old Testament passage that identifies the angels as "Elohim." And of course this is the reason why God is often manifested through angelic theophanies in the Old Testament under the name YAHWEH and Elohim and angels speak as if it is God himself speaking. Easy isn't it? This is all Trinitarians are doing. In fact, it is they themselves who have conveniently decided for themselves the criteria that qualifies any being to belong to their category called "God." Of course, the Trinitarian will object that angels only share some things in common with God and not all things. Unfortunately, it can be quite easily demonstrated that the same is also true of Jesus in several respects.

The Critical Trinitarian Dilemma

Usually Trinitarians can play safely in their "three persons in one God" zone where they mean these three persons are all one substance by nature. The category into which these three persons are put is a "WHAT" category where the word "God" means "divine nature." Hence, it is quite easy to pass off an idea which claims three persons have the same one substance, the same "What" and this "What" is called "God." Adam, Eve, and Cain were three persons but one human nature. This kind of thinking is not a difficult concept to accept. However, when Trinitarians are confronted with the simple Biblical fact that YAHWEH God refers to himself with the singular personal pronouns "I" and "Me" and His inspired prophets refer to God as "He," and "Him" things start to get a bit tricky for them since their three person God is now a singular "I" and single "WHO" and the word "God" no longer means "WHAT" but "WHO." And it gets worse when people notice that God is portrayed as a father figure in the Bible, and anthropomorphically pictured as a one person old King sitting on a throne with white hair who has eyes, and ears, a heart, hands and fingers, a back, and goes for walks in the garden, it is not so easy for Trinitarians to simply claim "one God in three persons" anymore. And so their God suddenly becomes three WHO's in one WHO. And that is a predicament that Trinitarians simply don't like talking about.

When this is pointed out to Trinitarians, they usually respond by saying God is three persons but "one being." And here is where things get messy for them. In this context, they necessarily refuse to define the word "being" which they have used in their response. Why? Because they are being deceptive. If I asked you, "Why is Adam referred to as HE and HIM," you could respond, "Because Adam is one human being." And your response would make perfect sense. The Trinitarian wants his response to sound good so that is why he uses these terms. He wants to use the word "being" as a synonym for the word "person" to explain why God is an "I" while at the same time denying God is one person and hope you don't notice what is happening. Here is another way to see that problem. The answer, "Because Adam is one being" means "Because Adam is one person." And this is precisely how Trinitarians want their answer to sound and wants you to understand it. In short, he wants to end the conversation with confusion. They don't want to admit that God is one person but they sure want their response to sound like it without actually using the word "person" in order to explain why God is one single "I." And this is why they refuse to define the term "being" in this context. If they did define it their game would be exposed. They cannot admit God is one person but they need their response to sound that way because how else do you justify calling God "I" and "ME" and "HE" and "HIM"?

In Trinitarianism, when they say God is one "being" it means God is one divine substance. Now is it going to make sense to say God is called "HE" and "HIM" because he is one substance? No, it doesn't make any sense and that is why they will not define the term "being" for you. They know very well it means "divine substance" in their doctrine and this would illustrate their response "God is one I because He is one being," makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. So Trinitarians resort to dishonesty by suggestively implying a completely different definition of the word "being" than the one they use in the definition of their own doctrine. They use the word "being" in the same sense as "person" since they want their response to sound that way while denying that God is one person out of the other side of their mouth. Put simply, it is pure dishonesty.

Yes, in the end, Trinitarians do need the mystery card. It becomes quite impossible for them to explain what they have reasoned out because in the end their reason really doesn't make any sense. After all, how do you explain that God is three WHO's in one WHO while denying that God is three persons in one person? He is caught in his own tangled web.

Last Updated: March 25, 2011